Alissandra Houston, or Alice for short, is one of the very few childhood friends of mine. She, like me, was an orphan who grew up at this church. Me and her used to stick by each other 24/7 when we were little, wherever I go, she'd go and wherever she'd go, I go. We were so close that you could've mistaken us for brother and sister.
That's the same even now.
Despite not seeing each other for three years, we still kept in touch via letters. She was the one who notified me of the old man's death.
"Man, look at you. It's only been three years and you've gotten even more beautiful...Is your family treating you nice?"
After giving her a nice, strong hug, I released her and asked happily.
Not too long after I came back from over there and unfortunately got sent to prison, I found out that Alice got adopted by a middle-aged rich couple.
From her letters, she said that they were founders of a multi-million dollar company. She also told me that the reason as to why they wanted to adopt was because they simply wanted a daughter. She explained that they got a bit bored and lonely after their sons grew up and took over their company so they were looking for someone to keep them company. The couple wanted a girl this time since they had to raise five sons.
"Yes. Mom and dad are treating me well. They were the ones who helped pay for the funeral."
"Is that so? Then please, give them my thanks."
"Un. I will...What about you? Have you been doing well? You've grown a bit taller since you've been in there. Your hair is longer too."
Showing a face filled with concern, Alice examines me from head to toe. Sigh, this girl is an angel. Who other than her would care so much for a criminal like me?
"Me? I'm doing fine. Other than the nasty food they've been feeding me, I'm all hunky-dory. I've gotten sexier the whole time I have been in there!"
Not wanting to tell her about the numerous attempts at my life while I was in the prison, I say casually with a smile. If she found out about how I stay in a cell 23 hours a day, supposedly fearing for my life, I'm pretty sure she'd worry herself sick.
And I don't want that.
"Are you sure?"
She probes as her pretty blue eyes stare into mine...Shit, I might break!
"Yes, I'm sure. If you don't believe me, you can ask these two behind me. Haven't I been doing fine?"
Not able to take the stare of those beautiful blue eyes any longer, I tactfully toss the question to the guards. Who both, in turn, nod and agree.
"...I'll have to take your word for it then."
Although a little unconvinced, Alice lets it go. Seeing this, I stealthy give the two guards a thumbs up.
Good looking out boys!
"Well, it's almost time for the funeral to begin. Let's head inside."
Looking at the watch on her wrist Alice turns around and walks up the stairs. But midway through walking…
"Are you guys coming in too?"
She turns back and asks the two guards. Shaking his head, the veteran guard replied.
"No, we will not. This is a funeral and it wouldn't be appropriate if someone other than family and friends were to attend. So we'll be standing out here. However, if he does try and escape, we can track him down immediately via the ankle bracelet."
"Eh? Ankle bracelet?"
Not comprehending what he meant, Alice looks towards me, who in return, lifts my pants leg slightly, showing her the sleek ankle bracelet. When she saw it, a momentary look of sadness appeared on her face before disappearing. Giving the guards a nod of understanding, she said.
"...If you'd excuse us."
Alice then walks up the stairs with me following closely behind her.
Sigh, here goes nothing.
"Wow, there's a lot of people here."
After finding a place to sit that has a good view of the podium, I whispered to Alice a little shocked as I looked around the inside of the church. Standing around in their black suits and black dresses, were numerous people casually talking. They were either reminiscing about the old times they had with the old man or they were simply catching up with each other.
Glancing at the people around us, Alice said with a smile.
"I know right? I didn't even know that many people were related to Father Jefferson...sigh, this goes to show you how many people loved him and how good a person he was."
"Yeah, he was a good man. Albeit, a little crude and childish. But other than that, he was a good man."
"Let's not forget that he was a bit of a womanizer. You remember the times when he tried to flirt with women that came for services?"
"Haha, of course, I remember. He always went for the ones with big boobs."
Which in my opinion, was not a bad choice. I mean, what man wouldn't love to have their face squished between two big mountains? I know I would! However, that doesn't mean I'm hating on my flat chesters. I put them on an equal level as big breasts.
Big breasts are best and flat is justice!
"Oww! That hurts!"
Alice suddenly pinched my side. Showing an annoyed expression, she said unapologetically.
"It's supposed to hurt. Don't think I don't know what you're thinking of something perverted. Sigh, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You're just like Father Jefferson."
"Of course the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Father Jefferson was my grandpa."
The moment I said this…
"Hmph, you got the nerve to say he was your grandpa."
A cold and condescending voice was suddenly heard from beside us. I recognized this voice. Turning my head to the side, I saw a blacked haired bespectacled teen staring at me with eyes filled with contempt.
"Patrick. Nice to see you again."
I said with a bitter smile. Out of all the people I had to meet, I just had to run into this guy. Patrick is one of my few childhood friends. He's like a little brother to me.
"Alice it's great that you're here. Please tell your parents that I'm grateful for them helping us pay for this funeral service. It means a lot."
...Damn, just going to ignore me huh?
"I-I'll tell them that. It's also good to see you as well. How's the first year of college doing for you?"
Despite feeling awkward due to the situation, Alice asked. With a gentle smile, Patrick replied.
"The huge amount of studying takes getting used to but other than that, it's alright. I'm having a fun time there."
"That's good to hear. I don't want you to overwork yourself. What major were you going for?"
"A Juris Doctor."
"Oh, so you're wanting to become a lawyer?"
Upon recognizing what a Juris Doctor meant, Alice asked curiously.
"If I'm able to make it through these four years then yes. That is my goal."
"I'm so proud of you. I'm sure Father Jefferson would be proud as well."
I'm sure he would. I'm quite proud as well. But I won't say this out loud lest risking getting my feelings hurt again.
"You wanna come meet everyone else from the church's orphanage? I'm sure the younger kids will be glad to see you."
Patrick suddenly suggested as he turned to look towards a certain area of the church. Following his gaze, I saw a group of familiar kids ranging from six years old to seventeen years old. The younger kids were waving our way with happiness in their eyes.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that those kids' happiness was most likely aimed at Alice. In her letters, she told me she would visit the church every other week to play with the kids.
Seeing those kids wave at her, Alice couldn't help but look towards me with eyes that seemed to ask 'can I go over there?' It seems that she didn't want to just up and leave me.
Seeing her hesitate as she glanced back and forth between me and the group of kids, I said to her with a calm smile.
"What's that indecisive look for? Go over there and greet the kids. I'll be alright by myself."
"You heard the scum, Alice. He said he'll be okay sitting here alone. The kids wouldn't want to be near him anyway. I'm sure Keith and the other guys feel the same as well. After all…"
Glaring down at me, Patrick lifted his glasses slightly and continued.
"He is a murderer."
"Oof. Now that's a lot of damage."
I say with my hand over my heart in fake shock. Although this remark stung a little when it was coming from a family member, it didn't get to me. However, it did seem that my little act got to him because with eyes full of anger he said coldly.
"Do you have no shame about what you did? Coming here from prison and acting like you did nothing wrong. Do you realize how much trouble you caused after you went to prison? How much harassment from reporters we got? It was because of you Father Jefferson…"
"Patrick, that's enough. This isn't the time or place for this."
Alice suddenly interjected as she whispered to Patrick. Little did he know but as he kept speaking, he slowly got louder, drawing the attention of a few people.
Realizing this, Patrick took a deep breath and contained his emotions.
"...Let's go see the others shall we? I'm sorry Marcus."
Getting up from her seat, Alice said apologetically. Waving my hand from side to side, I said casually.
"Don't worry about it. He's not wrong anyway. He's got every right to be mad. Go over there and say hey to Keith and the others for me."
"Okay, I will. Come on Patrick."
And with that, those two walked over towards the group of kids, leaving me by my lonesome.
"Hey, did you hear? That guy came from prison."
"Yeah, I heard it. I know this person. I saw him on the news for murder and attempted murder a few years back. I think his name is Marcus Townley."
"Oh, I remember him! He's one of the kids Father Jefferson raised. I'm surprised they let him out to attend the funeral...Are we safe?"
These were the whispers I heard from the surrounding people.
...They do know I can hear them right?
"Man, it must suck to be you right now."
A voice suddenly said behind me. Craning my head towards the voice, I saw a tomboyish girl with short brown hair and brown eyes. She had a smirk on her face as she stared at me.
Shrugging my shoulders, I said to her.
"I can't be helped. I am a criminal after all. I'm surprised that the contempt isn't as bad as I thought it would be."
I was expecting a few punches to the face followed by a demeaning speech. Luckily, I only got part of the latter.
"Have you ever thought that the reason they're not grilling you to hell and back is because this is a funeral?"
"Of course I thought about it. If it wasn't for the fact that we're attending a funeral, I'm pretty sure Patrick would've punched me."
"Yeah, I can see that happening."
The somewhat familiar girl said as she nodded in agreement. With a questioning look, I asked.
"Who are you? I feel like I've seen you before."
"Well, that's because you did see me before. I was in a few of the pictures Alice sent to you during the summer."
"Pictures during the summer...Ah, you're Alice's best friend! Kari isn't it?"
"Correct. It's finally nice to meet you, Marcus."
Kari then stretches out her hand for a shake. Showing a smile, I grasp her hand and say happily.
"Nice to meet you too. Thank you for caring for Alice all these years."
If it wasn't for her, I'm pretty sure it'd be hard for Alice to fit in at her school. From what Alice told me, Kari was the first person to ever talk to her when she attended her new school. Which was private and all girls.
"It was no problem. In fact, it was her taking care of me. I have a bit of a temper tantrum you see, so I'm prone to get into fights. It was always her that'd help me stay out of them."
"I see...hey, I heard from Alice that you like anime? Got any suggestions?"
"Oh~ you watch them too?"
With a surprised expression on her face, Kari leaned in asked. The look in her eyes was like finding a long lost relative.
"I don't watch anime since I'm not allowed to have a TV in the cell, but I do read them. I have stacks of books dedicated to manga and light novels."
I started getting into anime as soon as I got back from that place. And with me being stuck in prison cells for three years, I had a lot of time on my hands. I'd usually have the old man buy me some used light novels from an online book store. They weren't in the best of shape sometimes but they worked.
I read light novel after light novel and manga after manga. Then before I knew it, I became a fan of all anime.
"Really? Cool. So what's your favorite one?"
"Highschool D*D. As for why? I think you know the answer."
"I do. The power of oppai and panty shots can take hold of a man."
"You are, my friend, a woman of culture."
"The same to you as well. You're a man of culture."
After that little exchange, we started having in-depth conversations about the anime we liked.
And before we knew it…
"Please take a seat. Funeral services will begin shortly."
The funeral was about to begin.