Brainwave Control

Being one of the "12 prodigy" is proof that these students have extraordinary abilities that very difficult to control. Anyone who gets that title is them who able to control, strengthen, and even have permission to use it outside the academy.

The thing Jae Ho did to Krei was called Brainwave control. Jae ho's gift called Native language: Technology. Born with a dystria that left him unable to speak clearly, only muttered and had a very small voice, but all he understood since childhood was technology. The ISA recruited him when he was 11 years old. The ISA made him understand himself and began learning to communicate like a normal person.

Jae ho manages to control Krei's movements and thoughts. Until finally, Jae Ho and Krei could talk in their subconscious minds.

Krei does have different abilities but is similar to Jae Ho.

"This is the first time I found someone who can understand this language well." Jae Ho said to Krei in her mind.

Because Krei can't completely control her body. She asks Jae Ho who is talking in her mind, "What are you doing?" asks Krei.

"This is called brainwave control. You won't be able to move as long as I controlled your brainwave." Jae Ho explains.

"What are you trying to do?" Ask Krei because she can't expect any good from Jae Ho because of his skills.

"No. I'm just participating and assist Alan with the recruitment. Besides, I found people who have similar powers and can even communicate. Well, even though I'm in control of this, usually it's just one-way communication. I think you can do it too, but you have to come with us to ISA." Jae Ho replied.

"Well, it turns out there's this kind of thing?" Krei begins to marvel at Jae Ho's abilities after hearing them firsthand.

"If you weren't there, would you meet us now?" Jae Ho said while staring at Krei with a cold stare.

"All right." Krei agreed to stay calm and listen to whatever they wanted to do.

Jae Ho takes off his brainwave control and Krei feels free. However, after Jae Ho takes off his brainwave control, Krei feels so nauseous that she runs away and spews her entrails in the toilet.

It is a side effect of brainwave control. The brain and body cannot move the way their owners want and that's a side effect for the one who's controlled. That ability is very dangerous and deadly for individuals who control it if it's done for too long.

Krei only felt it for less than 1 minute, therefore she only spewed out her entrails. But in Krei's case, it's not that she can't take it, but she's just not used to it.

In general, people will have a nosebleed or damaged another part or organs. Jae Ho sure enough that just a matter of time and proper training, Krei will be able to perform brainwave control like him.

"Ohok!" Krei still sounds nauseous. "How did you do it?" Ask Krei.

"It looks like you'll have to accept our offer if you want to know-how. But, I'll tell you a little bit about it. It's just one of those other masteries. There's a lot you can learn in the ISA and... You don't have to hide your abilities." Alan said.

After hearing what Alan said.

"You don't have to hide your abilities." It was perfectly recorded by Krei mind.

Krei is starting to get better, Alan and Jae Ho decide to come back and give Krei time to think about the answer.

Alan and Jae Ho greet her Dad shortly before they leave.

Krei thought about what she had to do. Her father was confused to see a tired-looking Krei coming out of the bathroom.

"Krei, what are you doing? What happen?" asked Krei's father.

"No, Dad. I'm okay! I should go upstairs now," Krei went upstairs to her room.

Krei's father put on a worried face when her only child didn't complain or tell him anything.

Krei rests due to the advanced effects of Jae Ho's brainwave control. She looked at the ceiling of her room and thought about the academy's offer. But when Krei tried to think of certain things, she could feel her head hurt as she had just been hit. Then she decided to go to sleep to get rid of the effect.