Journey to the Academy

After preparing everything for within a week, Krei began her journey to Ingeniosus Snilldech Academy. Krei has arrived at Manhattan airport with her belongings.

Penelope gave her a ticket to fly to Iceland and arrived at Reykjavik International Airport. The instructions from Penelope were very clear that upon landing she would meet a guide.

"Miss Kreisleriana?" asked one man. He's dressed very neatly in his suit. His brown curls and slightly greenish eyes left Krei stunned by his charming presence.

"Y-yes?" replied Krei.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mark. I'll be your guide for today." Mark gives his hand to greet Krei.

Krei without hesitation lit it up and stayed focused on Mark's face.

Mark guides Krei to a place not so far from the airport. The building is located above the sea named Harpa, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland. At first, Krei thought that it was the academy, but it was impossible because the location was too public, moreover its position was very close to international flight access.

Entering the building they immediately faced the receptionist of the building and they asked, "Welcome to Harpa. How can we help you?" asked the two receptionists at the same time.

Mark tells Krei to show her palm. When Krei showed it, the two receptionists replied, "Access granted. Please come in," Mark then invited Krei to go behind the reception desk. Then she saw the floor behind the receptionist opened and form a ladder to a lower floor. She passed the stairs and saw the room at the end of the stairs. Seeing the outline around the end of the room she entered, Krei felt the room was an elevator that would take her to the lower ground.

She guessed right, the room was an elevator and it took her to a room that looked like a bunker.

But something's not right. A bunker should have a density on every footing, but she felt a thin layer under the soles of her feet. Through her hearing, the room was not thick enough that it could be referred to as a bunker.

Suddenly the room was shaken as if everything was moving in one direction. Krei was surprised by it.

"You finally showed that expression," Mark said with a smile.

"What kind of expression?" asked Krei.

"Hm... A typical expression. Could be impressed or surprised, or scared, sometimes.." Mark explained.

"I was a little surprised," says Krei.

"Well, it's fine. Maybe an 'impressions' is what will happen in the further adventures," says Mark confidently.

Right after Mark said that the walls of the room changed. Krei realizes that the wall does not change, but it changes features to transparent.

Krei didn't think much of it because she forgot when Mark took her to Harpa. Harpa is a building floating above the sea. Down the stairs and taking the elevator is the way to go there.

And now she's in a Submarine?!