Zeïneb- did you pump your milk?
- I forgot !!
Zeïneb- it's okay don't worry
- thank you very much for keeping it
Zeïneb- don't worry
I give him a kiss and join Liam in the car.
- thank you for staying with me last night ...
Liam- don't worry it's normal
- Liam I'm asking you a question and you tell me if it's inappropriate okay?
Liam- go
- you can sleep with me this week ...
Liam- and Aaron ...
I'm so scared I told him.
- if I tell you that ... that I'm afraid you accept?
Liam- afraid of Aaron?
Liam- Taleisha?
- let's say ... when he's upset it's not the same
Liam- I'll sleep with you this week
- thank you !!!
Liam- You want to leave Maleisha at Zeïneb's this week? To be sure she's not in danger?
- could I come and see her?
Liam- laugh, it's your daughter
- I don't mind ... it won't bother your sister?
Liam- jaamaaais, since her divorce she's bored, she adores your daughter
- okay so thank you
Mike- I'll explain, we're not sure it's suicide, end 'we're even sure, he shot himself in the head, the entrance is on the right temple out of the gun was in the left hand . The body was moved, blood squirted to the left of the victim but the body is placed so that the blood is on the right.
Liam- he left a letter nothing?
Mike- a letter was on his desk but we can see it was written with his right hand except Mathis is left-handed and the pen was in his right hand
- okay so he really got killed
Does Liam have siblings?
Mike- two brothers, a half brother and a sister
- okay, we're going to question them, minors or adults?
Mike- major
Liam- I question the parents and you the children?
- go ahead
Mike- why?
- two years ago we had a case on a false suicide, the murderers were the brothers of the victim and their mother did nothing
Mike- ouuuh okay I understand.
- we go to the hotel I'm going to change before going to see my brothers
Liam- we go to the hotel you change, then we go to my place I will take a shower etc and I come with you
- meeeerciiii
We arrive at the hotel, Liam has gone to buy something while I go to shower and get dressed.
Simple and comfortable outfit.
I get out and get in the car.
Liam - beautiful kid
- I know I know thank you very much
Liam- I'm going to slap you
I laugh and it starts.
We picked up Maleisha and then went to his place.
He goes to shower and I change my daughter's diaper.
- no no we don't put that in your mouth!
She puts anything in her mouth, it's serious.
- no no it's not good
I tear off the wipe and put it back on.
- you're in rooose like mom
?? - and like his uncle
I turn around and I dress you Liam in jeans and a white top.
- copier !! Tell him it's a copier !!
She looks at him and she smiles.
- traitor
Liam- come in uncle's arms
He wears it and kisses her forehead.
Liam- she knows how to recognize beauty that's why
- but yes go go let's go
Liam takes the little one in his arms and we enter.
Melvin- maiiiis naaaan
Liam- pololololo what are these muscles
Keenan- aaaaah fat there prison eh
They laugh and they hug each other tightly.
Melvin- sit down Vasy
- laugh, in mode it's hot you, you invite him to sit and everything
Melvin- make yourself at home
Liam and I- laugh, thank you so much
Keenan- what is this? You are all 3 in roses
- it's him there always he copies me
Liam- I took the first thing from my closet why are you lying?
- your wardrobe is sorted by color why you lie, the first corridor that comes to hand is blue
Liam- anyway, are you okay?
I laugh and lay my head on Liam's arm, stroking my daughter's head.
Keenan- quiet eh, we hold and you?
Liam- nothing has changed, I'm waiting for your release, we're having sick holidays
Melvin- crazy, I'm leaving serious loooiim
Keenan- France?
Liam- it's not interesting, we go even further
Keenan- we'll see that when we're out
I close my eyes and listen to them talk.
??? - Taleisha?
- Yes excuse me
I open my eyes and look at Keenan.
Keenan- didn't you sleep or what?
- Yes Yes
Melvin- did you sleep well?
- very well don't worry, it's the work that tires me
They keep talking and I get up because I'm starting to have hot flashes.
Each pregnancy I have.
Keenan- are you okay?
- yes yes ... I always have hot flashes when I'm pregnant .... oops
I still haven't told Liam ...
Liam- are you pregnant?
- smile, yes
He gets up very happy and he hugs me.
Liam- pouaaah I'm happy for you !!!
- laugh, meeerciii
Liam- girl or boy?
- I don't know yet it's too early to know
Liam- laugh, ouaaa the crazy, it's dead at work, don't start running and everything
- Yes do not worry
Keenan- it feels good to see that she can count on you
Liam- always it's my little sister she
He hugs me again and kisses my forehead.
- I sit down I am tired
Liam- on the other hand I tell you hide eh ... I don't like her husband, Aaron I don't feel it
I look at the boys and motion for them to say nothing.
Keenan- I'm waiting to get out of jail and he will see
Melvin- the meme
Liam- nobody loves your husband and you stay with
- we're not talking about that okay?
Liam- okay ...
Keenan- watches the beauty of my niece
Melvin- I swear to you that every night I sleep in stress for fear of losing you
- but naaaan I have Liam watching over me
Keenan- Liam do you have the fish?
- Fish ?
Melvin- hush!
Liam- yes a crustacean put it in the Stone
Melvin- and you got to go to the ice cream parlor?
Liam- yes yes I had the time and I finished the ice cream
- I understand nothing, what are you talking about
Melvin- did you throw it away or your ice cream?
Liam- deep in my house, in my trash
Keenan- quiet thank you
- can you explain it to me?
Keenan- Nan not now
- I live-
The guard opens the door and tells us that the visits are over.
- it's weird not having Maleisha with me
Liam- you can sleep all night there
- laugh, yes
I put on a long sweater with shorts, Liam he puts on wide shorts and bare-chested.
- I am tired
Liam- we're going to sleep
He kisses my hair and we sleep.