The mecha involved.

Arron McGee-Einharnjarn G-Shinryu-XXX-GD01 Gundam Deathscythe- RX-0 Unicorn-Gundam kusunagi invasion of orb arc.

archangel crew

Kira Yamato GAT-X105 Strike gundam -ZGMF-X10A freedom gundam-MBF-02 Strike Rouge-ZGMF-X20A Strike freedom Gundam.

Athran Zala- GAT-X 303 Aegis Gundam-ZGMF-X09A Justice gundam-ZGMF-1000 Zaku warrior-ZGMF-X23S savior gundam ZGMF-X19A ♾ justice gundam

Mwu la-flaga -OZ01 gundam talgeese- GAT-X105 Strike gundam-GAT-04 Windam-ORB-01 in Akatsuki. In part two.

FX-550 sky grasper

Harem members mobile weapons .

Cagalli yula Atha- F91 gundam F91- MBF-02 Strike Rouge- ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam inpart two

Ayeka misaki jurai- RX-93 nu gundam-RX-93II hi-nu gundam.

Boa Hancock-great mazinger Mazin emperor G.

Rei Ayame- evangelion unit 00-RX-0unicorn unit 02 banshee- RX-02 unicorn unit02 banshee norn.

cutie honey 13GF-NF009 Rose gundam-GF13-009II gundam versailles.

Orb union

MBF-M1 M1 astray.

MBF-02 Strike rouge ( Cagalli.)

RX-78-2 gundam.(asagi Caldwell, juri wu nein,mayuru labatt.)

lidonir Kisaka-F-77 G Canon MSN-0100 hyaku shiki Kai.


part two seed destiny orb.

MBF-M1+EF-24R M1astray shrike.

MVF-M11C Marusame.

MVF-M11C Marusame reconnaissance type.

Orb-01 Akatsuki gundam.

XXXGD-01 Gundam Deathscythe.

OZ-010 Gundam epyon.

including MS-V.

GAT-001 Strike Dagger. Part one and two.

GAT-A1 dagger also called 105 Dagger.


part two gundam seed destiny.

GAT-01A1+AQM/E-A4E1 jet Dagger.

GAT-01A1+AQM/E-X03 launch dagger.

GAT-01D Long Dagger.

GAT-01D1 Duel dagger.

GAT-02L2 Dagger L part two

GAT-02L2+AQM/E-A4E1 jet dagger L part two

GAT-02L2+AQM/E-M11 Dopplehorn Dagger L part two

GAT-04 Windam. Part two

GAT-04+AQM/E-A4E1 jet windam. Part two

GAT-04+AQM/E-M11 Dopplehorn Windam part two

GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam.

GAT-X252 Forbidden gundam.

GAT-X370 Raider Gundam.

GFAS-X1 destroy gundam.part two

ZGMF-X24S (RGX-01)Chaos gundam.part two

ZGMF-X31S(RGX-02 )Abyss Gundam.part two

ZGMF-X88S(RGX-03 )Gaia gundam. Part two

ZAFT forces.

AMF-101 Dinn.

AMRF-101 C AWACS Dinn.


TMF/A-802 BEcue.



UMF-04A GHooN.

UMF-05 ZnO

ZGMF-1017 Ginn.

ZGMF/LRR704B Ginn long range reconnaissance type


YFX-200 CGUE DEEP* ( Directional Energy Emission exPeramentation) Arms.


ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam

GAT-X102 Duel gundam.

GAT-x 103 Buster gundam.

GAT-X207 Blitz gundam.

GAT-X303 aegis gundam.


part two gundam seed destiny.

ZGMF-1000 Zaku warrior

ZGMF-1000/A Gunner Zaku warrior.

ZGMF-1000/K Slash Zaku warrior

ZGMF-1000/M Blaze Zaku warrior.

ZGMF-1001 Zaku phantom.


ZGMF-1017 ginn.

ZGMF-1017 Ginn ceremonial decorations type.

ZGMF-2000 GOUF Ignited.

ZGMF-X56S Impulse gundam

ZGMF-X42S destiny gundam.

ZGMF-X666S legend gundam.

three ships alliance.

13GF-NJ017IIc Kusunagi gundam.

13GF-NF009II Gundam varsailles

GAT-X 105 Strike gundam.

GAT-X103 buster gundam.

Mazin emperor G.

MBF-M1 M1 astray.

MBF-02 Strike rouge gundam

MSN0100 hyaku shiki.

RX-0-2N unicorn gundam bashee norn.

RX-79-02 Gundam.

FA-RX-93 Full armor nu gundam gundam.

ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.

ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam.


part two seed destiny.

MVF-M11C Murasume.

ORB-1 Akatsuki gundam.

ZGMF-X10A Freedom gundam.

ZGMF-X19A ♾ justice gundam.

ZGMF-X20A Strike freedom gundam.

ZGMF-X88S RX03 Gaia gundam

ZGMF-XX09 T Dom Trooper.

RX-03 unicorn gundam phenex (rei)

FA-RX-93II Hi-Nu HWS gundam heavy weapons type. Ayeka.

Shin mazin emperor G.(Hancock)

MSZ-06 Zeta gundam.(asagi Campbell juri wu nein and mayuru labatt.)

MSZ-06A1 Zeta plus A1 (ledonir kisaka.)

FA-RX-0-K HWS Full Armor shin ryu heavy weapons System Arron McGee