The problem with power

The minute we arrived at Josh-A the MP's at the base were swarming into the archangel what why are there civilian children aboard where is the coordinator pilot and the strike whose mobile suits and whose mobile suits are those.

the head of the military police approached me and asked me if I was the one supporting the orb union with the new mobile suit I answered honestly yes I am.

he pulled a gun on me and said give me the device that allows you to do so you want it well then take it I said I handed him the device suddenly he was hit with the force of ten suns exploding at once spiritually.

the man lay shriveled in a heap.

"Oh yeah about that unless the goddesses give you the system you will die if you touch the controller." I Said

Then I went to the bridge where I heard the debriefing of the archangels newest assignment.

Was to the frontline of Josh-A but I knew that was really a death sentence since muruta azrael had developed the new archangel class destroyer dominion along with the GAT-x131 x252 and x370*. ( calamity forbidden and raider in that order)

but I knew that Kira was alive and coming back with the ZGMF-X10A freedom Gundam while we waited for that I listened in Maui was to be stationed aboard the dominion along with ensign natarle badgural.

at the same time the archangel was to be deployed into the front where we would be used as a sacrificial lamb for the glory of azreal's pure and blue world.

And what the hell is a pure and blue world besides that the guys a god forsaken hypocrite he doesn't like coordinators witch are just genetically modified humans but at the same time he creates the extended switch ar scientifically enhanced humans what the hells different besides he talks about a pure world but uses drugs on his pilots .

he should slap a big sign on his head says I'm a liar a cheater a hypocrite and a racist ass-wad

That guy was probably his own agent well I know how to fix this problem.

we arrived at the base and I left the MP who is now a vegetable on his senders doorstep.

He arrived a minute afterward and found him on his doorstep taped to the MPs forehead was a message, I wrote tried to take the system failed PS you're an asshole ciao.

He seriously got so angry I thought he might suffer an Ulcer.

four days passed and we got word that commander laflaga and ensign badgural were to be recomissioned.

meanwhile I had to make Mwu promise to leave the tallgesse at the archangel since I didn't want the earth alliance to get their hands on it.

Finally we were sent to the archangel but not before three of the alliances MP agents came to try to arrest me.

They were stopped however when I used the wind currents to blow up their car using my flash of radiance to hit the vehicle with a solar shockwave.

"Didn't your mother tell you not to stare at the sun."I said to myself.

when we arrived at the battlefield I decided to launch in the Gundam kusunagi since I would need some real power to hold the line of the archangel besides it's a great day to kick somebody's ass.

The forces in total of the Eurasian forces about 2000 in total while their were at least 80% ZAFT forces witch summed up 1520 mobile suits those assholes were going to wipe out this many people with that cyclops system.

Most of them would target my Kusunagi but I would give them hell before they could take me or die trying to at least.

The amongst the ZAFT Forces the duel Gundam was the only G unit available so it was commissioned to this battle I decided to face it.

"howdy dipshit!" I said.

he tried to fire his beam rifle at me but i kicked it out of his hand with a snap kick then i grabbed his assualt shrouds cannon and turned it towards his head. carful now you don't want to hurt yourself do you buddy i chopped his cannon off using an energy palm then i focused my mind clearing it then i went hyper mode.

my gundam kusunagi went hyper-mode it's chest opened up revealing an infinity symbol it's wing flaps spread out as a rainbow colored hoop lit up it's back and it's arm guards covered jts hands then it imited electric flames and i went in for the kill nova smasher i roared and attacked using a flying smash punch to his head punching straight through it.

though i didn't really aim to kill him it told him to back off.

soon i noticed a certain FX-77 skygrasper coming in hot and landing aboard the archangel. then mwu informed everybody about the cyclops system dammit i swore as two dinns came at me i drew forth my GN sword and attacked the two units firing off two beam lances at them.

then the tallgeese launched from the catapult and i smiled let's do this our two mobile suit took out the four incoming mobile suits i cut down a dinn using my god slash beam sword and unched through a ginn while mwu shot down two BeCUE's then one lucky dinn came close to the archangle and raised his assault rifle to the bridge but as it tried to pull the rifles trigger a beam lanced through it and I looked up to see the ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam.

Kira's voice spoke over the radio.

This is Kira Yamato aboard the X10A Freedom.

Kira kuzzey said

It is Kira Sia said ecstatically.

Kira we've got to get out of here the feds have a cyclops system and they plan on setting it off within less than a minute.

kira opened a frequency to the other ZAFT Mobile weapons

Attention all Units there is a cyclops system and it will be fired off within less than a minute I repeat less than a minute evacuate at once.

Oh I'm not falling for that. Yzack said.

But I smacked him flying with the flat-side of My GN Sword.


on the way out Kira rescued a dinn

and we began evacuating for Kira Mwu And myself this wasn't a problem even without using his Talgeese booster he was able to cover fifty kilometers easy and my Gundam kusunagi was able to scour the earths orbit within a mater of two minutes we managed to escape with the nuke licking our heels but I managed to stay ahead of the rest.

we arrived Santa Monica in about an hour Kira lay down the dinn he saved but to no avail as the pilot died from nuclear poisoning.

Damn it. Kira said as he began sulking.

We decided to return to the nation of orb since now we were branded as deserters and traitors.

I swore I would make azriel pay if it was the last thing I'd do.

I called cagalli and reported to them the scenario that had transpired.

the tole of the battle was that 1080 Eurasian forces died do to the cowardice of the United Atlantic federal forces.

she cursed I also informed her that the forces were heading towards orb so I wanted her to prepare the mobilization of the mobile suits and to tell the girls I had gifts for them when I came back.