Sludge Guy

(Ezra POV)

I felt a presence behind me, I looking around I saw Mirko standing there "Ms.Gojo, would you mind talking with the reporters? The villains you took down robbed a big bank before they got caught, so the reporters want a quick interview"

"A interview? I want to accept since this might help getting popularity before being a hero, but... My mom will know I skipped class... Well! The pros completely outweigh the cons, so I accept!" It was for the greater good, I am sure she will understand...

After I got interviewed I went home with Kachan. When we arrived home, my mom and Katsuki's mom where there too 'Fuck...' I thought

"So, Gojo Ezra, I think you have some explaining to do" Mom said very seriously

"You too Katsuki Bakugo!" her mom yelled at her, making both of us look down

"I am sorry we skipped class, it was wrong and we will never do it again. It was my idea, Katsuki had no blame on this" I took all the blame, after all I was the one that dragged her into this, we could've been seriously hurt by those guys

"I am not angry by you skipping class, I was so worried when I saw that you fought with villains!" She got up and hugged me very rightly "You could've been hurt"

Her mother hit Katsuki's head once and whispered something in her ear "Are you insane!? Just because you like her you don't have to agree with everything she says!" Kachan blushed and told her mother "You read my diary!!!??? I wrote so many inappropriate things in there, God please kill me, I accept my punishment. You have no problem with me being... you know, gay?" she whispered even lower the word "gay"

"Of course I have no problem, you're my daughter and you will always be" Kachan felt like a mountain just left her shoulders

( 1 hour later)

Hearing Momo arriving I ran downstairs to tell her the new "Momo! Momo! Did you see the news?"

"You know I was at school right? Unlike a certain someone. So no, I didn't saw the news" she said nonchalantly

"Cold! Don't be so mean. Of you didn't saw it no problemo mon ami, I re-cor-ded the entire thing. Come one let's watch!" I got her arm and dragged her to the TV and played the recording

"You did that?" she said surprised

"Tehehe, I am amazing right?" I put my hand on my forehead and pull it to my hair, technically increasing my awesomeness

"It is impressive but it was very reckless" another cold reply, Sus...

"Momo, what happened to you? You're usually so cheerful, but you're being sooooo mean"

"Nothing happened" Again, very sus

"Nothing happened?" I said, getting closer to her "No-thing happened?" I came even closer, our faces almost touching "No-th-ing ha-ppe-ned?" (Is the separation right?)

"Okay! I will tell you" she sighed "Last week's test grades came out today, and I got an B+" I stared at her deadpanned

"Heh? Really? There are lots of people in our school that would do anything to get s B+! And it was only one test, it won't define you whole career" I tried to cheer her up, it worked a little, so I will need to use my secret weapon "Wanna watch a funny anime?"

"Sure" she quickly agreed and we watched 5 episodes of Hinamatsuri (Such a good and manga)

(Next weeks in school)

This weeks have been great, most students looked at me with admiration for my deeds, some praised me, probably with second intentions, ugh. But I noticed something weird, weird in a good way, Kachan is getting, uhhhh, how can I say this? She being very physical with me, hugging and making physical contact at almost every opportunity she has, that doesn't bother me at all.

(1 year later)

And another year has passed, I think this year was better than the other, Katsuki is being very clingy and possessive, not that I dislike that, I love that for some reason.

It was now April 16th, two days for my 14 years birthday, I am planning on doing a party with all my friends and family.

April 16th, a happy and sunny Thursday, wich means my birthday will be one a Saturday. Today I wanted to go to a convenience store so we took a different path, when we were passing through a dark tunnel I saw a very cool vending machine "Woah... Look at that machine, let's see it!" we ran towards the machine, Izuku was spacing out and didn't realized.

I feel a presence coming from the top of the tunnel, it was the sludge villain, I won't do anything for now because I know that All Might will be here and oddly I want a autograph, don't judge me, all my life hearing about how amazing he is and being best friends with a fangirl.

He was trying to scream but he couldn't, seconds later All Might spawned in there "DON'T WORRY YOUNG MAN, BECAUSE I AM HERE! TEXAS SMAAAASH" he punched the air and the villain got scattered, we ran to Izuku's direction and all gasped in surprise at the scene, green liquid on the ground, an unconscious boy and All Might standing there with his fist pointed at the same direction "Are you this young man's friends?" we all nodded I unison and ran to him, after seeing he was okay I turned to All Might

"Can you give me a autograph?" I didn't even introduced myself and already asking for a autograph

"Anything for a fan. I will be leaving for now!" when he was in mid-air he noticed something in his legs, he looked down and saw a green haired kid "HOW!?"

"IZUKU!!!!!!!!""" we were all screaming from down there.

(Izuku POV after his talk with All Might)

"Will I really never be a hero?" I begun to cry on the ground, even my favorite hero said that it is impossible. I heard someone knocking on the iron door, when it opened I saw Ezra "How did you find me?"

"I just followed a big ass flying man with a kid hanging from his leg. Tell me what happened?" I told her everything except All Might's secret

"Hmmm, I see.... Don't give up Izuku, you have the spirit of a true hero, and I have the feeling that something good wi-" Boom! Something exploded far away, without second thought I ran to the place...

(Ezra POV)

Is he a idiot of something? I know very well what will happen, but if I didn't knew it I would've stopped him before he even moved.

I obviously followed him until we got to the origin of the fire. As big sludge was holding Kachan, seeing his friend in danger he dashed towards the sludge, constantly trying to take it out of her. Seeing this scene I decided to interfere, I calmly walked to them, I got Katsuki's arm and pulled it with a lot of strength, her entire body came out of the villain, and now was my time to act "You dare mess with my cru-FRIEND, your punishment will be" I raised my finger "Reversal technique: Red" a enormous red beam came out of my finger completely obliterating the villain "*sigh* I think I went a bit overboard" the rest of the heroes came and lectured Izuku for being reckless, and for me and Katsuki he praised our quirks but told us that this was dangerous and we could've got hurt.

(Later the same day)

A poorly nourished man and a green haired boy were facing each other, the boy was on the ground crying again, and the skinny old man had his hand pointed at the boy "You can be a hero" was what the man said

(Short chapter because I really need to sleep, I will probably not update tomorrow night because I really need to sleep, or else I will ejected lol)