Izuku, the worst ninja

Before the chapter starts, I just created the template for the Naruto fanfic, I am going to get a better and probably a better title, I was going with "The Lost Senju" but apparently there's another fanfic with this name, so I made "The Last Senju" so much difference. It isn't appearing for me when I search for it so please search and see if it shows. Hope you can enjoy this 1500~ chapter (Night Chapters are always smaller, and today I had a fucking terrible night so it might be even shorter)

(Ezra POV)

"We are going to be late! Hurry up and get dressed!" To our surprise we woke up late and now rushing to get ready, I was hurriedly putting on my clothes and Kat was getting out of bed so slowly that I had to drag her out "HURRY!"

"Ugh... Let me sleep"

"No! Just. Wake. Up! Water Style: Glass of Water jutsu!" I threw water from my water bottle, she opened her eyes instantly


"Because you weren't waking up!!! Now hurry up go take a shower, I already took mine"

"You showered without me! How dare you" she runs to the bathroom and in less than 5 minutes she leaves "It's so lonely to take a shower alone" few minutes later we are both ready to leave

"I will fly us there, climb up" she jumps in my back and I fly us to school.

When we arrive there was more press, I already know what this is about, USJ. As a very honored person Aizawa probably gave me all credit, but they shouldn't know my face right? As long as no one says who I am it will be alright.

I float down and gently put her in the ground. We try to sneak past them but one of them notices us "Excuse me! Good morning, can you answer a few of our questions?"

"*sigh* Sure"

"How was your experience fighting villains?" Thank God they don't recognize me

"We didn't fight them, only Teacher Aizawa and the student Gojo Ezra"

"We already know about that, do you know where she is?" It's time to put on my act

"Nope, I have no idea, she's such a great student that she might be in school already, so I think it's better for you to le-" I get interrupted by Izuku

"What's going on Ezra?" The moment he said my name I could hear the sad flute in my mind. Why Izuku, WHYYY!!!??? The reporters look at me

"He he he" I chuckled nervously, they stared at me dumbfounded, probably by my great acting skills

"How did you beat all those villains by yourself!? Is it true that you even killed one?" a reporter from the back pushed himself through the other, I feel like I've seen this guy before but I can't remember

"YES!" Did I just replied "Yes" for two questions in wich only one could be answered with "Yes"? YES YES YES!

I used their confusion to escape and get inside the school. When I stopped I felt that something was missing "KAT!" I turn back and get her too, further away I realize that Izuku was also left behind "Sorry my friend... you must be left behind" I said dramatically and headed to class.

"You're late, again" Aizawa scolded me the second I entered the class

"Sorry Teacher, the press was trying to talk with me, I am famous you know." I walk to my seat and patiently waited for him to talk.

"Good Morning everyone. Before your classes start I have one announcement to make, next week we are having our Sports Festival" All the class cheered loudly, even me. Fighting one of my fellow classmates won't be as fun but if I hold back a lot it can be fun.

A small time after he announced the festival Izuku entered the class and got scolded for being late.

(At lunch break)

I was sitting with my usual group when almost half of the class came and sat with us. Most of them were the girls wanting to befriend us wich we gladly accept, new friends are always good, the other 3 were Ida, Kirishima and Grape Shorty, I never liked this Grape, he gives me weird looks and vibes, he's in my "Avoid" list.

On the corner I notice a short girl that seems rather... familiar you could say 'It's the girl from the movie! When I asked Kat out, that explains why she's so shy around us, because she saw us make out... this is very embarrassing. But I need to befriend everyone in this class! Expect Grape Shorty of course' As the social person I am, the need to befriend my classmates is big, big enough that nothing will stop me when I begin.

"Hey, what's your name?" She looked at me nervously

"K-Kyoka Jiro... I-It's nice to meet you" Her stuttering is very cute, if I didn't have Katsuki with me I would definitely hit on her.

I chatted with everyone until the break ended and we went back to class...

(When class ended)

"It's over! We can go home" I get up and quickly hold Kat's hand

"Why are you so excited?"

"I tried to block it out of my mind all day but now I let it out. A package will arrive today and we will both enjoy it!" I see a bit of lust in her eyes, she must think it's a sex toy... fufu... this doesn't have anything to do with sex.

We arrive at my house and sit on the sofa waiting excitingly for the package to arrive. Minutes later the doorbell rings, I run to the door and get the package "Let's go upstairs!" When we get into my room Kat locks the door and begins to undress "Huh? What are you doing?"

"Didn't you say that we would enjoy together? Isn't this a sex toy?" I shake my head disappointed

"Kat, Kat, Kat... You're wrong dear. Inside this package we have...." I open that packed and her face goes red from embarrassment "A PS5!!!!!!!!" I go to my TV and install the console with a big smile in my face.

Kat shyly put her clothes back on 'This is so embarrassing!' she thought as her face got more red, after I installed it I approach her and jump on top of her "I know you are bit disappointed but I will compensate for you on a date tomorrow. We will do whatever you want, except sex we already did it yesterday"

Her eyes shined with so much happiness that it got to me and we begun to laugh at nothing.

When we stopped I gave her a quick kiss for no reason "Want to eat something? I'm hungry" I asked her

"Will you cook it?"

"I don't think you call making a sandwich cooking, but yes, I will make you a sandwich"

"Yay! Let's go!" We get up from bed and went to the kitchen. I look through the shelves and find some fresh bread, in the fridge I get cheese I small beefs of meat and fry them all and combined they make a.... MEAT SANDWICH!!! Simple but yet wonderful, the medium rare perfectly soft and tender meat, the melted double cheese and the bread fried so the inside gets crispy, absolutely delicious.

She stared at me with admiration and then took a bite "HMMMMMMMMM This is delicious!!!" I sit by her side and eat mine

"If you like it this much I can cook for you everytime I can" she smiles with her mouth full and we proceed to devour our sandwiches.

"Ha... I'm full, wanna watch a movie?" She said was we sat on the sofa and she laid her head on my shoulder

"What movie do you want?"

"I'm in the mood to watch a movie that will make us cry" I give her a weird look

"Why? We just had a wonderful time"

"It's not exactly my mood, I just really want to watch this movie and this opportunity is perfect!" she takes the controller and opens AniFlix "I heard that this anime is really good too" she passes through one called "To you the immortal" (Maaaaaaaaan this anime is amazing, I still haven't watched the anime but I read the manga years ago, highly recommend, last time I checked it had like 140 chapters, when I heard it was going to be a anime I got ultra hyped, just like for Record of Ragnarok, a manga for those who like a fuck ton of battle, blood, badass moments that turns you into a porcupine after every single page)

(After the movie ended)

"*sniff* This was so good" Kat sobbed making my shoulder wet

"I didn't like it" She stares at me dumbfounded

"HOW!?" (Random insect flies into my head)

"I just don't like it, just like the author"


"I've spoken too much..."