Sports Festival

(Ezra POV)

President Mic picked the microphone and spoke very loudly "U.A'S FIRST YEAR SPORTS FESTIVAL BEGINS NOW!!! THE FIRST COURSE IS THE OBSTACLE COURSE!!!" Before this we obviously moved to the area it was taking place.

We all get ready in our running stances waiting for the signal. I look sideways and saw that everyone was fired up for this, so I think it's fair if I give my all too right? Not everything I have of course so what limits should I put on myself? Maybe no flying and only body fortification? I think it will do the job.

"GO!" Mic yelled and we all ran simultaneously, I was ahead of everyone instantly generating anger and jealousy from a few people of class B. By my side I spot Shoto with a arrogant smirk that he's almost surpassing me, somehow that made me a bit angry "By this little smirk in your face you think you are almost beating me. Do you really think I'm using everything I got here?" I stop and curl my legs preparing for a big jump. He makes use of this second I stopped to increase his speed even more

"Here I go!"

*BOOOOOM* the ground underneath me cracked and bursted as my figure disappeared from sight. Almost everyone was staring at where I was with disbelief, except Aizawa of course since he already knows about some of my capacities


"I don't do anything, they do this by themselves" Aizawa replied coldly but under his bandages he had small smirk

(I accidentally deleted half of the chapter at this moment, literally crying lol)

While mid-air I destroyed all robots in my way with ease, but even wrecking most of them there were still a bunch for the others. Shoto instantly froze the robots and Kat simply blew them up. Apart from this two I see Momo with Grape Shorty hanging from her back "I'm going to kill that kid" I was angry but not furious until I saw his face, veins bulged in my forehead and the atmosphere around me became heavy "*Deep breath* I need to wait till the course is over, just need to wait" I control my thoughts and continue to run

Further away I see the new area, a pit with dozens of stone pillars connected to ropes "This should be easy enough" I quickly jump forward until I reach the other side "Use the ropes, pft easy peasy" I said as the other area got closer

"So this is a mine field? I think it's okay for me to fly just once" My body begins to float through the field and GG we got first place "GOJO EZRA ARRIVED FIRST PLACE!!!" Seconds later I heard multiple booms and Midoryia passes as second place, after him we had Shoto and Kat arriving at the same time which they ended up fighting about who came first.

But even if it is my girlfriend arguing with someone this is top priority, turn a certain grape into juice. I gaze around looking for them and arriving at 14th place they get here.

Menacingly walking towards them I mustered quite a bit of strength and gripped his head. Staring him deep into his soul I say "What do you think you are doing? Did you ask her if you could stick on her perfect back?" He didn't say neither moved a muscle but sweat build up in his forehead and dripped from his chin "If you dare to profane my sister's body with your filthy hands again I'm going to turn you from grape to grape juice"

People quickly gazed at us but quickly looked away and made a mental note "If you value your life don't mess with Momo"

I put Mineta down and he runs away hastily and put a smile in my face "Get ready Momo, the second phase is beginning soon" she stares at me deadpanned

'What in the world was that!? I never knew she cared so much for me, wonder how she'll react when I get a boyfriend' Momo giggled and hugged me "I have the best sister in the planet"

"Me too"


"Teams huh... Kat! Wanna form a team?"

Her eyes beamed with happiness "Yes!"

"Should we make a duo or a trio?"

"Let's go duo, I will be the rider and you will be the horse okay?"

"Okay Master!"

"Cut it" She looked down before laughing

(Todo POV)

"That's my sistah for you!!!" I said proudly before getting another bag of chips and eat it quickly

(Mei and Yuzu POV)

"Mei! Mei! Mei! Mei!" I called Mei until she came, a little annoyed

"What is it?" I point at the TV showing her Ezra "The girl that spilled a drink on me, speaking of which she still hasn't bought me a new one"

"Worry about that later! Watch it with me!" I spread my arms waiting for a Teddy Bear Mei to jump on my but nothing happened. I open my eyes and she suddenly jumped in my face so now we cuddle each other and watch the festival.

(Ezra POV)

A blonde boy with a disgustingly arrogant face stumbled on me, normally I would barely be bothered, but I don't even know him and already hate him "Aren't you going to say sorry?"

"Why should I?"

"If you do I won't kick your ass during the fighting, I will merely throw you out of the arena"

"Pft... you really think you can beat me? I can copy a Quirk for about 5 our 10 minutes" Is this guy an idiot? He just explained me his quirk

"I assume that you also need to touch someone to activate, so what if you don't touch anything?"