Gray Skies

Jr looked at Fiala in utter silence now, this silence became lesser the moment that Fiala took notice of how Jr looked.

"Hey, are you okay?", asked Fiala as she looked at him with a worried expression.

Jr looked down, this only made her feel more uneasy.

"Jr, you can't feel bad about this! I mean we are about to be married!", spoke Fiala as she smiled lightly. "I wanna marry you and make our clans become one!"

Jr looked at her as he shifted his head to the side, away from curious eyes did he lead her into the very corner of the massive camp. Once he made sure they weren't followed did he finally speak. "Do you know about this war?"

Fiala blinked a few times, she smiled softly as she replied. "Yes, dad told me about it. But he doesn't want us to worry!"

Jr snorted a bit in disbelief. "We have to worry! This is a serious problem!"

Fiala looked at him strangely, she looked down as she listened to him.

"A war is a serious thing! We have to deal with the blind, but now your dad wants to lead some kind of foolish war! Think about it! Many of us will die!"

Fiala looked at Jr quite surprised, she slowly began to speak. "I know...but my dad knows what he is doing."

Jr looked dumbfounded by her response, did Dreadtooth make her believe that this was for the best. This wasn't for the best! This was suicide!

"Fiala you have to listen to me! Nothing good comes out of war!", spoke a serious Jr. His fathers wisdom was definitely beginning to show up from him.

Fiala flinched as she looked at him, her eyes looked from one side to the other in a uncomfortable manner. She looked really confused and lost about her options.

Jr took notice of her expression, she looked so oddly vulnerable. Just what on earth did her father tell her. Dreadtooth had the gall to say things to her, things that were bad and trying to make her think that they were good.

What kind of parent does that?

Jr looked down as he thought about his next choice of words. "Look, I need you to understand that this is not a good idea."

Fiala looked at him as she softly said, "I-I know, it is not but I want to trust my dad. He has done so much for me and I..."

Jr frowned as he said, "He is making you think that. This is not what you want. It isn't right?"

Fiala stared at him for a long time, her eyes shook as she whimpered. "I....don't...know...."

Jr looked at her in a way of feeling bad for her, after all this time being with Fiala and this clan. He had seen so many different things, things that he never would of thought that he would ever see.

Fiala was trying so desperately to please her father, that she didn't care about the consequences of what would happen to others. That was apparent the more he talked to her.

Dreadtooth even told her to pick him, when he knew full well that Fiala liked Lesion. That was a fact.

Jr held no animosity toward his father or brother, though when he was younger he actually thought about hating them. As he grew up and learned more about Dreadtooth, did he come to terms that Dreadtooth was the villain and not his father.

Dreadtooth only cared about himself, and he would go so low as to sell his children off just to obtain some kind of power. Even brainwash his own daughter to think that war was good.

It was completely sickening that he would do that to his own flesh and blood.

Jr didn't want to marry, he didn't support the idea of a war. "I need to go see my father, but Dreadtooth won't let me unless you are there with me. So, please come with me."

Fiala looked at him with wide eyes, she shivered some probably feeling scared about her father finding out about this. "Okay."

Jr smiled at her in gratitude, he began to walk with her to the front of the camp. However, he blinked as a colossal figure stood before him. It was Dreadtooth.

"Where do you think you are going? The wedding is not until the morning.", spoke Dreadtooth with a good sized grin.

Jr looked at him as he said, "I need to see my father, let him know about the wedding."

Dreadtooth smirked as he replied, "I will do that for you, besides you need to give my daughter all of your attention."

Fiala looked at him in silence, her eyes looked uneasy. "What wife would I be if I don't properly speak to my in laws."

Jr looked at her before looking at Dreadtooth who looked like he had swallowed something foul. He some what glared as he said, "Fine."

Jr walked by Dreadtooth as he said, "We won't be long."

Fiala followed close behind Jr, not at all looking back.

Dreadtooth watched them go with a sinister glare, he kept his eyes on them until they disappeared into the tree line.

The warm air was a pleasant feeling upon the backs of many individuals who spend so much time in the cold water. It even felt better upon the backs of those working hard to survive.

Bloodmaw looked over, the moment he saw Jr and Fiala coming from the trees did he quickly move to them. "Jr...!"

Jr smiled to his father, Fiala who was at his side smiled.

In a instant, the whole clan of Bloodmaw came running the moment they noticed Jr and Fiala. The aura around everyone was definitely like that of a family.

"You have grown!",exclaimed an excited Swiftscale who was holding two little rexes who were giggling.

Gambit looked up at Jr with a smirk, "You ain't tiny, that is for sure!"

Ebony grinned at him, "Already a teen and about to be married!"

Dingo laughed loudly, "He going to get hitched!"

Helm smiled at Dingo, "Once your married that is it!"

Grim smirked at Jr, as he approached him. Out of everyone, Lesion was not there. Lesion was standing behind everyone else with a uninterested look upon his features.

Belle smiled happily as she looked at Devastate who smirked.

Bloodmaw looked Jr over, before his very eyes he could see Jr becoming a incredible leader one day. Or rather he did look like a leader, and that was what made him extremely happy.

Scarface smiled at Jr and Fiala while Ruby stood beside him with a sweet smile. "Are you looking forward to the new chapter in your life?"

Jr laughed at Scarface and his choice of words, "New chapter?"

Scarface looked at Ruby as he said, "Once you have a lady, they won't let you go. EVER."

Ruby giggled loudly as she pulled Scarface in for a death grip of a hug. "You know it, sugar~!"

Jr laughed at their little exchange while Fiala tilted her head at them.

"What brings you here?", asked Bloodmaw who smiled.

Jr looked at his father with a smile before looking serious, "I have something I need to tell you."

Bloodmaw blinked and he nodded strongly, "Alright."

Harmony and Lockjaw looked at Jr and Fiala before taking notice of Swiftscale who was chasing after their daughters. Harmony giggled while Lockjaw smirked, "Rambunctious little ones."

Adder looked at Lesion in silence before approaching him, Nina looked after him curiously before looking at Bloodmaw and Jr.

"Father, I believe a war is going to happen after the wedding.", spoke Jr seriously.

Bloodmaw blinked and frowned, "Are you sure?"

Jr nodded making Bloodmaw frown seriously. Fiala looked down feeling yet again helpless. Why must these things happen?

"Lesion?", asked Adder.

Lesion looked at him a little surprised, "Yeah..?"

Adder gave him a kind smile, "Look, I need you to hear me. Okay?"

Lesion blinked a few times, he looked curious as he nodded. "Sure..?"

Adder looked down before continuing, "You only have one brother and father. It may seem like they don't care but they do. I don't want you to have to go through the same thing that I went through. I lost my father and didn't get a chance to say goodbye. So, I want you to spend as much time with your family as much as you possibly can. Believe me, once they are gone, they are genuinely gone."

Lesion blinked a few times to Adders words, he slowly looked at his father and brother in silence. "..."

Adder looked at him as he said, "Everyone makes mistakes, and I think that some mistakes can be forgiven. Don't you?"

Lesion looked to be seriously thinking about it, before to long he nodded. "Yeah."

Adder smiled, "Don't hold a grudge on your family, they want what is best for you."

Lesion gave him a smile back, he looked to his father and brother before walking over to them. Adder smiled watching him walk over to his father and brother.

Bloodmaw looked at Jr but blinked seeing Lesion walk over, he looked at him curiously much like Jr. Lesion gave them both a apologetic smile, "I'm sorry for being a major ass."

Bloodmaw blinked a few times before chuckling, "It's okay."

Jr smiled big as he said, "Hey, it is okay! We love you no matter what you are!"

Fiala looked at Lesion quite surprised, he was some what taller than her. She shifted her eyes away shyly not knowing what to say. Her heart raced at the sight of him.

Nina smiled at Adder once he returned to her side, the both of them watched as everyone looked happy.

This happiness would not last however, it never does for long.

Jr blinked when he heard sounds, he was not the only one as Bloodmaw looked over. Lesion blinked as things that look like spikes flew out in the air, they looked to have the same appearance as thagomizers that one would see from a stegosaurus.

These quills came flying from the trees, and one of them stabbed Bloodmaw in the side of his chest.

"DAD!?!", screamed both Lesion and Jr as their father plummets to the ground.

Grim glared as he charged into the trees, Devastate and Lockjaw were not to far behind him.

Fiala looked at Bloodmaw in surprise, she whimpered loudly as Gambit and Belle came running to aid their leader.

"Belle go get me some herbs! Fast!", ordered Gambit as he went to work on removing the quill from Bloodmaw's chest.

Belle quickly nodded as she rushed over to grab the herbs.

Scarface was looking at the trees, while Ruby ran over to help Belle. The moment that Grim, Devastate, and Lockjaw entered the trees did the quills stop.

In a split moment the clan went from being completely happy to going into a massive panic.

Blood began to fall from Bloodmaw's chest, the quill was slowly being removed thanks to Gambit.

Swiftscale held the youngsters close to him, as Helm and Dingo ran out to find the attackers. Whoever they were and where they were going. Ebony and Harmony quickly moved over to Swiftscale, very much concerned about the two little girls that were with him.

Lesion looked at Bloodmaw who was still breathing, but was unconscious. Jr looked behind himself as he looked at the trees as he stood at his fathers side. He had a very strong feeling about what had happened.

Dreadtooth was no doubt behind this, after all he was against Jr and Fiala going to Bloodmaw.

Adder walked over concerned much like Nina, everyone was visibly worried about Bloodmaw. Without a leader, there was not much that they could do.

Gambit was skillfully working on the wound with Belle and Ruby assisting him.

Gambit was serious at work trying to save Bloodmaw, his expression looked very intense.

Grim slowly returned, he snorted loudly in frustration. "We were attacked by some kind of creature!"

Devastate who was behind Grim looked back as he said, "It went toward the direction of Dreadtooth's camp."

Lockjaw frowned with narrowed eyes as he moved some trees out of his way once he returned. "I don't think a wedding should be our priority at the moment."

As the air quickly becomes tense, Fiala took a deep breath as she said. "My father has these creatures who do his bidding."

At her words, everyone looked at her in shock. "What!?!"