
Amberhide continued in taking the votes, he was completely focused on getting them all and telling who would win. Ripper and Bloodmaw remained in the center of attention, as they watched everything unfold. Scarface looked at Ruby who had been by his side the entire time, he then looked at Amberhide as he walked around getting the votes. Jaeger was also beside him, he looked at Bloodmaw and Ripper in silence.

The two diplodocus had said their votes, they were for Bloodmaw which made many talk. To have such large herbivores vote for a carnivore was a interesting thing.

"Bloodmaw." "Bloodmaw. "Bloodmaw." "Bloodmaw."

For a good while it looked like Bloodmaw had won this voting, but then many others had begun picking Ripper which was quite shocking to say the least. Amberhide was visibly surprised by this, for his eyes went wide in pure interest. Bloodmaw didn't show anything, he was calmly standing there. Ripper on the other hand was visibly happy, and the smile on his lips proved that.

It would seem that Ripper's crew had spoken to others and telling them who they honestly thought should lead. Like always there were those who lead and those who follow, in this case there was a lot of those who wanted to follow instead of lead.

Lockjaw had voted for Bloodmaw, much like Grim and Adder. Rigor and Clade of course voted for Bloodmaw, as well as Titan. Though, there was those who were hurt they were here to see the voting for it was a grand event and they wanted to witness it much like the others who lived in the community.

So many were for Bloodmaw, and so many were for Ripper.

As the voting began to slow down and come to a end, the outcome surprised every individual.

"It's a tie!", exclaimed Amberhide as he looked at Bloodmaw and Ripper.

The voices of excitement were in the air, though there were some who looked upset about the outcome. What were they going to do since it was a tie, do a revote?

Amberhide tapped his lower jaw in thought, he was clearly thinking about what should happen. Once he had a idea did he lift up his head and spoke up loudly for all to hear. "Since it is a tie?, I suggest they fight it out? What do you all think?"

Cripple looked at Ahnyx in surprise, she looked at Bloodmaw afterwards. Fights were a normality when it came to picking a clan leader, and so quite a few thought that they would do a revote. It was a surprise that many didn't expect, that and they thought that they would change it up a notch. After all things were changing.

Bloodmaw looked calm about it, "I don't see why not?"

Ripper smirked, "That works."

Amberhide smiled, he looked to the many eyes that were on him. They all appeared to be in agreement with the idea. "Then that settles it!"

Jr looked at his father with great respect, he was glad to see his father working his hardest and he wanted to be like that once he reaches adulthood. Without a doubt he was going to be like his father, in every way.

"Alright you two! Get ready! Fight fairly and please don't try to kill each other!", was what Amberhide was saying as he tried to move many out of the way.

If they were to fight, they needed room.

Bloodmaw walked to the left, while Ripper walked to the right. They were facing each other, two individuals who were vastly different in size and strength. Though, Bloodmaw was much larger than Ripper he had a lot of strength on his side. Ripper on the other hand had speed and agility, he was also pretty strong as well for his frame had muscle.

Amberhide watched the two with great excitement, a fight of the century will begin. "Are you ready?"

Bloodmaw nodded strongly, Ripper smirked as he nodded also.

Amberhide nodded as he said, "Fight!"

Ripper literally ran forward, his speed was quite captivating. He was the first to move and Bloodmaw stood his ground, his posture was stiff and intimidating. Once he was close, Ripper lunged at Bloodmaw fast with his claws ready to sink into his target. He was confident in his speed, and he expected that Bloodmaw could not keep up with him. This was when he underestimated the rex.

Bloodmaw opened his mouth, his massive head moved quite fast for a large predator of his size. Ripper found himself in his jaws, his hands and feet were keeping Bloodmaw's mouth open.

The sounds of the crowd were loud as they all watched what was taking place.

Ripper looked up as he felt the strength in the jaws of the rex, his hands and feet shook as they strained to keep his mouth open. Clear signs of blood began to form on his hands and feet, for the teeth from Bloodmaw were sharp and lethal. Bloodmaw let up which caught Ripper off guard, he gasped loudly before quickly moving to capture the top of the mouth again as it quickly went to close on him again.

The pain that came from the fangs made Ripper wince and later he clicked his teeth.

Bloodmaw let up again as he quickly moved his head to the side, Ripper fell out of his mouth before quickly moving. Both of his clawed hands moved to capture Bloodmaw's mouth again.

Ripper showed his surprise before smirking, this rex had many tricks up his sleeve.

"Not bad!", smiled Ripper.

Bloodmaw's eyes narrowed in response but he didn't say anything or make a sound.

Ripper's smile became a smirk as he quickly used his strength to push the massive jaws away. Bloodmaw's head moved back before quickly coming at him again, Ripper predicting this jumped out of the way. A loud chomp and the sound of dirt was being disturbed.

Bloodmaw shook the dirt out of his mouth, his head turned quickly yet again shocking Ripper again. However, Bloodmaw was a inch of a second to late and Ripper was able to land on him. His mouth latched on to the back of Bloodmaw's throat which made the clan leader shake his massive frame.

It looked like Bloodmaw couldn't get him off, that was until he shifted around. Ripper was to busy biting and clawing at his neck that he didn't notice what Bloodmaw was doing. It happened to fast. Quickly, Bloodmaw moved his frame in a smooth way as he was on his side and then he did a roll. Ripper let out a sharp cry of surprise, he tried moving out of the way but his tail was caught under the massive weight.

Bloodmaw's speed was to be admired, not many rexes could move fast with such precision.

It was impressive really, Bloodmaw was missing his right eye and yet he could move so quickly and see things coming. It was obvious that after a while his left eye grew stronger after losing his right eye. Not to mention that his senses were also better.

Bloodmaw quickly shifted to his massive feet, he let out a strong sounding huff as he looked at Ripper who stood up, his tail was slowly showing signs of the damage done. That roll along with his weight and size probably hurt it, and it was hard to tell if it was broken or not. Ripper looked at Bloodmaw, he didn't look pleased about his tail being hurt.

Evident scratches were upon Bloodmaw's nape along with a few bite marks that oozed fresh blood.

So many eyes watched the battle commence, no one dared to say word for they wanted to see the fight until the end.

Ripper slanted his neck as it made a loud popping sound, after doing so did he run forward again. His talons were directed toward Bloodmaw. However, the brute saw this coming and turned himself around. His massive tail slammed into Ripper's side, the sound of the impact was a loud smack. After such a attack was given did it send Ripper tumbling powerfully to the side, the strength behind his tail really shook the ground. There was also no doubt that it did some heavy damage to Ripper.

The loud gasps were loud as the whole community continued to watch.

Those who voted for Bloodmaw showed great amazement as well as respect. They could clearly see why he was a clan leader, a good one at that. While those who voted for Ripper began to think about their decision, would Ripper be able to handle another blow like that?

The more they watched the more they could see the experience of the two. Ripper was without a doubt a good fighter, his speed and strength made him a deadly individual. While Bloodmaw showed that he shouldn't be underestimated. He was clearly older than Ripper and had a bit more fighting experience on his side. Speed was good, but so was strength.

Ripper stood up after rolling around on the ground, his body shivered violently as he shook his head. His vision was shaking as he shook his head. He then looked at Bloodmaw and let out a loud sound of surprise as a massive jaw quickly came at him. Shakily he moved, as he tried to dodge it. He did, though he was not quick enough for he was still shaken after the blow to his side. A powerful jaw clamped down upon his left leg as he was pulled back toward Bloodmaw. Glaring, he quickly turned and swiped at the rex a few times. A few long gashes appeared up on top of Bloodmaw's nose and face, blood quickly began to fall from the wounds.

Even though he delivered a few deep wounds upon the rex, he did not let go but instead chomped down onto the leg hard which made Ripper hiss out loudly in pain. Now he understood the power that a rex had.

Bloodmaw chomped down again before throwing his head to the side slinging Ripper to the side. After tossing him did Bloodmaw move toward him again, a look of determination was within his right eye. He was going to keep his promise, if he was to win this fight he will do anything within his power to make the community flourish. For the good of the inhabitants who lived here, he would try his hardest to win.

To better the community or to better ones life. Which would prevail?

That and who would win, one with strength or one with speed?

Ripper got up and ran at Bloodmaw, his body slid as soon as he was close and that was when his muscles tightened. He watched his opponent slow his movements down, the fact that he could control his speed was such a feat. Bloodmaw must of trained himself hard to do so, how else could he do all of this without breaking a sweat.

Scarface watched with wide eyes, much like Gambit and Swiftscale.

Ripper lunged in the air, his jaws open revealing his teeth. His form was quite fierce yet intimidating, he put his all into the jump. Some could also see that his balance was a little off, and that was probably cause it had taken damage after that roll earlier. Bloodmaw literally took a step back, before slinging his massive cranium down like a club. Ripper's head collided with the side of Bloodmaw's face, the hit was a low yet loud sound.

Ripper hit the ground in a loud thud, and right when he went to get up was he pinned down by a massive foot. Bloodmaw had him pinned.

Blood poured from the side of Bloodmaw's face, when Ripper met the side of his face did he scramble to claw him thus leaving many cuts. Now here Ripper lay before him for he had him pinned. The rage was evident in Ripper's eyes. It was clear who had won.

"I guess we have our winner!", exclaimed Amberhide as he walked over toward Bloodmaw who now lifted his foot letting Ripper up.

Ripper's rage however vanished and now showed surprise for the great rex help nudged him up, he was showing him respect even though he had lost. "That was a good fight.", nodded Bloodmaw who was giving Ripper a smile. A respectful kind of smile.

Ripper looked at him in his surprise before he nodded, he silently looked over at Ahnyx who was now walking over.

Amberhide smiled, "Ripper don't go anywhere! We will rightfully give you something in return? After all you both were amazing!"

Ripper looked at Amberhide in silence before smirking some. "Okay."

Ahnyx looked at Bloodmaw's wounds, he got his herbs ready as he smiled at the leader of the community.

"Let's hear it for our leader!", smiled Amberhide.

There was cheering and there were looks of uncertainty.

Hawkeye looked at the corythosaurus, they still had to tell Amberhide something and they waited until things were to settle down.

Malice looked angered about the outcome as she stormed off, and Juggernaut and Razer walked away for they were not interested in what had transpired. Thrash scoffed out a smile as he walked away, and Fiend followed after Thrash as he left.

Scarecrow looked at Wraith silently before walking away also in a different direction.

Wraith watched Scarecrow leave before looking at Gambit who was smiling at Bloodmaw quite impressed. Though that smile vanished once Wraith took a hold of his arm and began pulling him back to the herbalist area.

Devastate smirked at Bloodmaw, those who had followed Bloodmaw were now approaching him and were now congratulating him. Belle was happy just like Adder and Grim.

Since the fight was over, and the leader was chosen did the many individuals go back to work. That also meant that Lockjaw was returning to guard the wall, and Clade was with him being followed by Rigor. Ripper on the other hand looked at Amberhide as he asked him to follow him.

"That was incredible!", smiled Cripple.

"My dad is really something!", grinned Jr.

Scalpmuzzle laughed as he smiled, the clan of Bloodmaw was gathered before Bloodmaw for they were proud. That and their new friends were a part of it as well.

Bloodmaw chuckled with his eyes closed as Ahnyx sees to his wounds, "I just wanted to make you all proud."

"You don't need to impress us!", laughed Ebony. Swiftscale nodded as he looked at Eden and Enyo who were right by his feet.

Dingo laughed, "Aye! You do that on the daily!"

Helm chuckled as he looked at his friends who were considered his family. They were a family, without a doubt.

The laughter from every single individual was a heart warming thing, and it just meant that things were only going to get better from here. With Bloodmaw winning the fight, he would be able to put his all into making the place better.

However, things were beginning to look dark for a certain brute. The sounds of life was all around him, his eyes were full of his need for revenge. Cripple had wanted him to stay with her in the community but he declined. He had things to do, he had a score to settle. Just the thought of the giant who took his pride, and his face infuriated him.

He had lost his land to a massive creature who could make the ground quake with just a single roar. That monster killed his mate and was like a bloody curse to him. His formidable size made him angry, yet it fueled him onward. The Evil One walked a good ways away from the community as he made his way back to the place which use to be his a long time ago.

The land was dark and gloomy, the ground was still wet due to the rain that had just now passed. The sound of his feet upon the wet ground made distinct sounds as he walked. Stopping suddenly his expression became deathly serious, he looked underneath the dark tree line for he heard deep breathing. The kind that would pass through your body and soul. Ominous eyes of red slowly opened to look at him, they were full of animosity.

"Finally, we meet again.", growled the brute known as 'The Evil One."

Finally. He can get redemption, and put a end to this so called nightmare. End it a finally find peace by defeating him, and probably even killing him.