Chapter 4

I was in a magazine shoot with Marco when he first told me about his best friend. Truth be told, I am not into serious relationships. Not yet, at least. He said that we can just be friends because as for him, commitment is the last thing on Ashley's mind at this time.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll just end up screwing this whole thing with her?" I asked.

"What I am really afraid of is HER screwing up your already messed up THINGS," he teased.

"She's your best friend, in case you forgot."

"I know her too well. Give it a shot. She's a great friend."

I don't know what runs in Marco's mind. He knows that I don't take things seriously. Maybe he's just thinking that I'll get along with his bestfriend too. But the fact that he's bugging me to get to know her means something. He's too persistent so I gave in.

A lot of ideas came into my mind. I want something simple yet remarkable; spontaneous but not unplanned. I want her to be comfortable with me in person like she is over the phone. Through our conversations, and some stalking on her Instagram profile, I somehow have a glimpse on things she might appreciate and enjoy. I'll play it cool and won't go overboard. Besides, we're just going out so there's no need to over think.

I have this unexplainable feeling. I usually get along well with girls but this one's wracking my head. I convinced myself that all these worrying is because of the fact that she is Marco's best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

It took months before I finally met her. The way she responded to my messages made me want to see her and imagine how is it like to talk to her in person. She makes me smile even in the simplest of things. I tried, a couple of times, to set dates with her but I felt like she's always making excuses. Once, it occurred to me that she doesn't want to meet me; that maybe the reason why she returns my calls and messages is out of boredom.

I called her for the fifth time and still, she doesn't answer. This girl sure loves sleeping. She always falls asleep, whenever. We talked about meeting on this day and I'm not gonna let her make an excuse again.

I get myself ready for our date. Wait, she said that she doesn't use the term "date" so how should I call it then? Meet up? Going out? I smiled at the thought. I decided that I'll bring her to Tagaytay since it is not too far from Manila and I find that place relaxing. And for the girl who loves scenery and coffee, I think it will do just fine.

I took a deep breath and called her again. My heart skipped a beat when I heard her voice on the other line. And as expected, she sounded like she just woke up. Play it cool, Chris. I told her that I'm on my way when in fact, I am here for about thirty minutes already. Geez, I might creep her out because of this. I honestly don't know what and how to tell her so I let my guts take over.

I waited. And waited.

I pretended to be fixing my sleeve to somehow conceal my nervousness and excitement. As I saw her come out from the door, I can't help but notice how effortlessly beautiful she is-- wearing plain black shirt, ripped jeans, and a pair of sneakers. The loose strands of hair from her messy bun falls everywhere on her angelic face. She awkwardly smiled upon seeing me and as I look into her brown eyes, I felt my heart beat a little faster. Damn those sweet brown eyes.

It's amazing how we continuously talked about random things; we did not run out of topics while enjoying our coffee in Bag of Beans. The warmth exuded in the place, I think, contributed to the easy atmosphere between us. I don't want to sound cliché but I have never given much attention to a girl before, I mean, unlike this detailed observation I am currently guilty of doing. I notice how she so naturally carries herself. The way she talks reflects her confident yet reserved nature. God, I can't help but stare at those beautiful brown eyes. I am unsure if she even felt those moments when I got lost just by looking in her eyes.

Our date, yes, I'd love to refer to it as a date despite her protests, went a whole lot better than I expected.

And I'm looking forward to our next.

As I drop her off to her house, I told her that I had a great time and I would love to see her again. She have never given me a straight answer ever since and that gives me an impression that she's fond of making fun of me. But annoyingly, I find it fucking adorable. I tried convincing her but instead of giving me an answer, she kissed me on the cheek. And that left me awestruck.

Fuck. I mentally banged my head in order to remain composed. That was unexpected. I looked at her and when I saw that her cheeks turned to bright red, I wanted to laugh so hard. I stopped myself so as not to be rude and smiled at her mischievously instead. She was about to say something but was halted when I ruffled the top of her head. Naughty girl, I slowly said, mocking her.

Days passed and I haven't heard from her. I'm wondering what happened. Maybe she still can't get over on what she did. Well, she should not. Because I honestly liked it. Besides, it's just a kiss on the cheek. Damn my favorite girl.

I am on a meeting for a new project for my upcoming shoot for a print ad. I can't stop myself from smiling while the concept is being described. It's for a clothing brand's summer collection. A lady kissing his guy on the cheek wearing their summer outfits at the beach. Both were grinning. Playful and carefree. I pictured myself and Ashley on that ad. What the hell is happening with me?

After the meeting is done, I find myself driving to Ashley's place.

I waited for her and when she arrived from work, I can sense her surprise and excitement. Am I sensing it right? I felt a small lump form on my throat. I have no idea why she did not return my calls and messages-- and here I am, showing up on her front door? Was the kiss really a big deal? I tried to smile, acting like there's nothing bothering me to avoid the cloud of awkwardness. As expected, we engaged in a playful argument first, making fun of each other. God, will this girl ever take me seriously? The thought made me smirk.

We end up watching a movie and I am grateful that we had a chance to bond again. Laughter crowded the room as we made up stories for the movie, Gone Girl. Marco was right. It is great to have Ashley around.

But this girl really has her own way of surprising me. We talked about the movie we just watched-- sharing crazy ideas and having a playful argument. And then my world is almost shaken when she kissed me, on the lips this time, leaving me amazed and unable to finish whatever I was saying. Two points for my favorite girl. I gave her a meaningful smile.

I know that she isn't used to doing that, and I'm dying to know why in the world would she act towards me that way. Her actions betray the innocence that is reflected in her eyes.

"...nothing is ever expected with you around, Ash." I smiled at her, making a mess on her hair.

I am interested. In her. In everything about her. But I have to play it cool because I don't wanna speed things up between us.

Yeah. I'm screwed.

I wonder what will be her reaction when she sees what I left on her side table. It's something that I personally made and set.

I know that she will be up for it. Trusting my Instagram-stalking-skills, I keep my fingers crossed.

An amazing adventure as a surprise to my favorite girl who seems to keep on doing things that never fail to surprise and amaze me.