Ghostbur hands me a compass. It had netherite and iron engraved into its base and glass. It was a beautiful piece that I have ever received.
"Tommy, I know how much you miss Tubbo, and you are always down, keep repeating his name under your breath, and I got you this compass. This compass points you to where he is located, more specifically, his home. You will always know which way he is and where he goes. Tommy, take care of this compass"
Ghostbur has been telling me to keep it together, it's been some difficult times to keep my head together. Everything has been going so underground since I've been exiled. This compass is the only thing that will keep me together, hopefully.
Never have I understood why no one came to visit me, other than Dream. Our daily bonding, or in other words, him destroying my armor and weapons.
"Thank you, Wilbur. This means so much to me. Thank you"
He gives me a warm smile. Then, he vanishes. He's just my imagination, even thought the items he gives me is real, actual items, that humans can touch and feel.
I walk over to the broken mirror near the L'manburg photography. It's shattered, but it something. I look at myself. And all I see in the mirror is a corpse, dehydrated and weak. The lack of sleep shows, under my eyes are dark bags. My eyes were turning grey, my blue has been fading into the distance. My clothing has been getting torn, either every labor I do for Logsted, my clothing rips which causes me to scar. My image is one unpleasant sight, and I walk away.
I place the compass on my now-necklace. It's pointing North. I sigh and smile.
What are you doing, Tubbo.
I walk to my home, Tnret. My bed, my ender chest, and the Queen image. Home sweet Home.
I start gathering logs. Time to start building my Log tower.
The process goes by slow. Ghostbur appears.
"Tommy, what is it that you are doing?"
"I'm just building a log tower. Nothing more"
My voice sounds raspy, uncertain. I've been losing my voice as well. One of the causes of exile I guess. Ive been crying and yelling, so, that's probably why.
"Don't you think this will remind you of L'manburg? You have towers over there."
"I have to. Or else that won't be me. Also, have you've seen Dream?"
"Dream? Why would you like to see Dream? I thought you despised him."
"I did, but he's the only friend I have, he visits me and we bond."
It was true. Dream had been visiting me more than anyone else. I never understood why, but he did. He was my comfort now. Wilbur is also here, but in spirit, which isn't the same.
I see in the distance a green shadow. It carried a trident of spirit. I get down from the Log tower, and start walking towards the shore. My feet sink into the sand.
Oh how shoes would be of need right now
The figure gets closer, I could make out his face, or mask. It was Dream. My friend. My companion. I quickly start dressing into my armor. This is the only reason why he visits me, to take away my armor, but that didn't matter. He was here, and we would be able to chat.
"Tommy, time for-"
"No worries, Dream. I'm already two steps ahead of you."
Dream was caught of guard. I got so accustomed of him destroying my armor, showing my loyalty is the best I could show.
My armor and weapons were in the hole. I set the TNT and lit it. I just stood there, seeing my armor get destroyed.
"Tommy, why'd you do that?"
"Well, of course, you taught me that."
His face had shame and guilt. I tilted my head a bit. Something was wrong with my friend. He taught me to do it whenever he arrived, so why did he make that face.
I could see he eyed my compass.
"I can see you have received a compass, like Tubbo has."
Tubbo got one?
"He did?"
"Yes! Ghostbur gave him a "Your Tommy" compass. It points to you as yours points to him."
I hold my compass, and a smile starts to form. I could also see my vision blur. I felt tears form. The hot tears run down my face. It hurted, dehydration with crying does not mix well. It would only just take away my eye color pigment.
"So, Tommy, would you like to build something?"
"No, Dream. What would you like to do?"
He got startled. He blinked a bit quicker than usual.
"Dream? Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm not used to this version of you, Tommy."
My mind went blank. Memories erased. What was he talking about?
Version of me? I couldn't remember anything. My memories just vanished with a snap.
"What version, Dream?"
"The old you. Rebellious, leadership, only cares about Discs, funny. The old you"
The old me? What was he talking about.
"Dream, I would never do that. I think you are talking about someone else."
"Tommy, that was you. What are you talking about. You don't remember?"
"Dream, have you slept well? Ive lived here my entire life"
His sword fell to the ground. I notice he was shaking. I didn't understand what he was feeling? I never remembered being a rebellious kid. Ive lived in Logsted since I was born, with my father. Or. Did I not have a father?