As we only continued being mad at each other for our view point being a little off from each other, it only gotten more awkward as Hunter only continued watching us the whole time without speaking.
"You can leave you know?" getting upset that he still here, "Leave him alone asshole." was all Liz said after our bout, "He can stay if he wants, and besides it'll keep me from going insane if it's the three of us instead of just me and you." she harshly stated her mind, "I guess so huh?" seeing she had a point in the matter of insanity, since I am the baine of her insanity every day since we've met. And thinking about our history together, it only gave me a somber smile at how far we came for 'not being actually friends'.
"What with the weird smile?" she only looked confused by me and mostly disgusted for some reason, "Nothing," waving it off, "Just remembering something from the past is all." as I said that, she only stopped her aggressive tone at me for overreacting as she only sat down in silence like me and Hunter.
"So is this how everybody been living like for the last week?" seriously asking a question from them, "Yeah.." was all Liz answered back, and Hunter only looked confused by my question as he didn't understand why I didn't know these stuff, "And you been living like this?" having a serious tone in my voice so she would answer my question back, "Not really," now hearing somebody I didn't want to hear from when asking this question, "I been helping where every I could while trying to stay off the battlefield-"
"That question wasn't pointed at you." not wanting to hear how cowardly he actually was, where it was at the point of avoiding the conflict entirely. And as Liz only stared at me angrily for cutting off Hunter, she only shaked her head, "No Grey," she only answered back, "I was bunking with Nix and his class for the majority of my stay here, and to answer your future question on why I am here instead of with Nix. Well.." she only looked down when thinking about it, "I was bored and wanted to see how everyone else was doing." she only gave us a smile when she answered.
"Are you serious?" I didn't have anything to retort with, "Yes." she only grinned back at me at this lackluster answer she gave.
"Well let's just leave and go to Nix then." getting ready as I started packing up everything I needed here, "Nix is still mad at you," she quickly turned my plan down, "And besides their busy Grey, so that why I left." hearing the actually reason why she's here instead of there, quickly getting the hint on not disturbing him or them in this hour.
Sighing out that we needed to stay here in the cold instead of somewhere else that had something to keep warm with instead of this poor excuse of a fire that was doing a pretty awful job at keeping us warm, 'but a blanket would hit the spot right about now'. Thinking about that, and looking around the place where everyone was camping together, most of the students fell asleep while others were up.
"Okay we should come up with a schedule on who'll watch the fire while the others sleep." for the first time I met Hunter, he actually said something intelligent instead of acting like a puppy for once, "Yeah I'll take first watch-"
"I'll take first watch Liz." cutting her off so I could voice out the real plan here, "Grey I don't entirely trust you right about now." she only coldly replied with my plan, "Understandable, I did tried to break down our society over a pity reason, but the reason why I am nominating myself to the role is because I slept the entire day." feeling proud of this, "Is that why you didn't even bother to come after us afterwards!?" she only sounded mad, "Well yeah." bluntly tell her she right, "But Nicole made me stay because she thought that be the best thing or whatever?" only tell her what Nicole made me do in that moment.
"*sigh* Well she was right." she only agreed?
"The both of us didn't want to see you for the rest of the day, but when you didn't even bother to come after us..." she only started to trail off from her sentence, "Nix was hurt okay?" she answered, "Look, I am kinda betraying Nix here but, he doesn't want you to keep babying him Grey." she only looked down, "..and somewhat me as well.." she tried to mumble that out, but luckily I heard it from here thanks to us not being that far from each other.
"Mhm," was all I could say when hearing that, "But you guys are my idoits-"
Grinning at how I seen them, but Liz didn't as well see this view on them as she instantly threw something soft at my face.
"You and Nix are my idoits." she corrected me.
"Aww," flaunting over her statement, "I didn't think I meant so much to you Lizzy." now gushing over this little fact about me.
"I...I.." as I said that, she only gotten flushed with embarrassment as she told me how she actually felt about me, "Idoit.." was all she could retort back with.
"Aww this is sweet," now remembering we had somebody else with us, "But Netflex originally shows has better actors so this didn't feel real." he only coldly said to our heartwarming moment, "What the hell?" Liz got offended as well, "Yeah what the hell," agreeing with Liz, "I'll say our moment is better than anything on Netflex originally." not wanting to be known as worser then Netflex originally, "What we had was real, and throughout that moment is wasn't faked, probably." now taking it personally that I was being compared to Netflex's original of all thing considered, "Grey I don't think that what matter more..." Liz sounded confused at my outburst, "Don't you feel awful being compared to Netflex's original?" now confused by this, "I think there okay," she dropped a huge bombshells on me, "Some weren't good, but there trying at least."
Overwhelmed that she stood up for those shows, "But anime is better!" giving them the true base choice on shows, but as I said that; both of them had eyes of disgusted when I preached about the good thing on Netflex, "I keep forgetting you're a 'weeb'," she only looked away from me in disgusted, "You don't look like it since you're a jerk everytime, but..." she didn't even bother to finish her sentence as she only sat back at the fire. "I thought you were cool for a second when seeing your chill side, but the 'weeb' thing really ruined your whole image.." he as well when back to the fire, but it felt much more worse coming from him then it did for Liz...
Seeing my preaching didn't help them see the true way of enjoying Netflex, we only sat around the fire. And the thing that Liz threw at me was a pillow while she had a blanket to go with it, it made sleeping look comfortable now instead of sleeping on a cold hard floor now. But as stubborn as Liz was, she insisted on staying up with me as I told her that she should take the first sleep since she sharing the blanket and pillow with us, and seeing I won't change her mind as she already put her mind to it for staying up; but Hunter didn't share this idea with Liz as he instantly grabbed both of her precious items quickly so he could take the first sleep if Liz didn't want it.
As we sit there in complete silence as the room as well went quiet so the people who were taking the first sleep could sleep peacefully, "Hmm," taking in this moment, "I didn't think they'll all go quite." surprised that they all shared a common goal in the importance of sleep, "Yeah, same." Liz only looked amazing that this as well, "I guess there so well adjusted to this place huh?" as I hear her wording that statement like something more, "You can just ask directly Liz, I know when you're kicking around the bush."
"How long do you think we'll go like this?" she decided to stop beating the bush now, "I'm not sure..." mumbling on that a little, and thinking I was playing her a fool like I usual do, she only looked mad at me, "Actually thought," quickly correcting my miss wording against her, "I know I may look like I know everything, and I do sometimes," trying to see if I can get anything out of her with that joke, but she didn't seem amused as she only waited to hear my answer, "Alright," coughing to shake that off, "If I am being honest, we already lost the war.." making sure nobody else heard my outlandish comment by whispering it to her, "The school is slowly coming down because of those attacks on the sides, and if they keep attacking us and we don't take extreme action against them, everyone here won't survive long without a building over their heads since they can't handle the coldness here.."
"Your really getting into huh?" she only smiled at me when I was listing everything that been going on and what to come, "I bet you didn't even bother listen to half of what I said huh?" now feeling silly at thinking she'll listen fully at my long explanation, "I'll just say that this war isn't just our only biggest threat we're facing." shortened the whole explanation part to a simple stance.
"And could I ask another question since we're here?" as she said that, I thought that somebody must have taken-
"Yes I am the real Elizabeth Gabriell Grey." she only sounded amused as she perfectly readed my mind.
"Am I a horrible friend?" as she said that, she couldn't bare to look at me in the eyes as she only looked down, "There were students who lived here, and they decided to take a chance and brave the cold and Sled. Just to go be with their family.." As she continued going on, she only started holding her hand for some reason, "I was prepared to leave with the rest Grey....Without you or Phoenix knowing," as she confessed this, I felt like I should be mad at her, but I didn't or couldn't since I see where she was coming from, "I love my dad Grey...He raised me all by himself since my mother passed away at birth...I just wanted to make sure he was okay...!" as she couldn't held back her feelings anymore as she threw something at the fire with the same hand she was holding back.
As the fire sparked out from being attacked, it only did the same thing back at Liz for provoking it. She tried to move away from it, but was stopped as the trash we piled up beside her made her tripped up from getting caught in it when she tried moving away.
Instinct only took over me as I blocked the fire's attack quickly as I jumped in front.
"A..are you!?" she quickly rushed over at me, "Let me see your arm!"
"Nah, it's okay" waving her worries off, but she didn't buy it as she tried to bought up my arm that I used to block with, "No, really." bring up my arm that I used to block it with to then shake off the bandage that got burned by the flames to show my hidden weapon on my wrist.
"See? No worries," seeing no point in keeping the bandage on my arm anymore as it gotten burned pretty bad so it didn't hold properly anyways, "But you wanna talk about it?" concerned that she been acting strangely when speaking about something serious or something saddened like this, then turned aggressive so quickly in just a short amount of time, "I am fine.." she only looked down in doubt.
"Elizabeth, I know there's something wrong, and I won't push onward if it'll make you uncomfortable." nodding at her, "But know you have a friend here to listen." giving her a hand up from the trash she was in, but she was hesitant when grabbing my hand, "Even if you don't consider me a friend, I'll still listen to you when those weight becomes too unbearable."
Once hearing my other offer, she was hesitant like before, but this time accepting my hand, "Gr..Grey, you know you're my fr-"
"It's okay Elizabeth," cutting her off, "You don't need to accept my forced friendship like that if you're that uncomfortable." as she was confused by my statement, I only pointed down to her hand which were trembling as she was talking, "Th..that doesn't mean nothing! You're really are my friend Grey!" I wanted to believe that so badly, but the way her hand shaked as she talked to me, this was her true feelings towards me...
'She'd terrified by me...'
After that whole thing was over, we didn't speak to each other afterwards as we both sat down in silence with each others, without a thing to talk with each others in this moment. At first I thought it was all a joke with how she looked terrified by my actions and that it was all an act at the end of the day, but the way she looked at me when I was holding her hand and the shaking she gave; it hurted me the most when seeing that face she gave me when I called her out for it.
"I..think I'll call it a night." she tried playing it off cool with a smile, but ultimately did horrible as you can tell it was a fake smile she gave out, and as she went to wake Hunter up and reclaimed her precious items from him to sleep peacefully, "I'll need those things back." she smiled at him with a real smile when she seen him awake, and expecting Hunter to complain about this, he only comply and thanked her for the blissful feeling of sleeping with something soft on him for hours while his head lays down in a actually pillow.
"Elizabeth..." halting her before she went to bed, and as she heard that, she only stopped without looking at me, "...You're not a bad friend for wanting to see if you're father was okay without use knowing, even if I don't know the concept of family..." as I said that, there were a pause that even I didn't know why I did it, but shaking it off to finish my sentence, "I do know that family is the most important thing in a person's life, so don't squander it; kay?"
"I...I won't Grey!" she agreed with my selfish desires, "..and're my friend okay? You've always been my friend...even if my past gets in the way of my thinking or actions when I'm with you. You'll still be my friend like Nix because I know you care for us...I just wished I would have seen it before I said all those harmful words.." and like that, she gave the best smile she could give me.
"Heh, yeah." only giving her a smile back, "Night Liz." waving her off the bed.
And like that, she only nodded at me, then fell onto her pillow with that warm comfortable looking blanket on her...
'Maybe we need more wood...' now looking at the pile of wood that everyone been using to keep their fire going was looking tempting to keep going instead of steali- borrowing the blanket....
Like that, the night wasn't so eventful as watching the fire didn't go out wasn't much fun as most people think it was and most people don't think about it like that. But the only thing that made me stay wake was playing with the fire as I started throwing our garbage in it that looked to be flammable or were okay to put them in the fire. And seeing it was going to be a long night since it only been a few minutes that passed since I started playing with the fire and taking care of our waste as well; only groaning at how boring this was and going to be. Till I heard laughing coming from the center of the room where we were in, and it wasn't just some small laughing going on that looked to be passing any minute as they continued laughing, no; they all sounded like they were having the best moment of their lives over there.
Wanting to check it out so badly, but stuck here with watching the fire and probably protecting Liz? I wasn't sure if anyone here was harming others students who were sleeping, but the guards that been watching us from a far while they also guards the building which came first for them instead of overlooking us made me hesitate to go check out those laughs, in fear of these problems a rising. But looking at another fireplace near us, I gotten the idea at accomplishing my goal here and checking what's going over there at the same time.
"Hey!" walking up to them while smiling at them and waving to show I was here, and once they seen me coming, they only looked scared at seeing me, "Mind looking after my friend while also watching the fire so it doesn't go out as well?" pointing at our place, "a..ah s-sure.." one of them agreed, "Pog," happy they agreed, "And if either of you touch my friend whatsoever or I felt like you did..." raising my hand up to show them my weapon, "I'll personality come after everyone one of you." showing them how my weapon actually works so they can get some kind of a idea if they go against me.
Once showing them how it worked, they didn't reply vocally but they did respond with a nod. "Great." seeing their wasn't any point in keeping my weapon up, I've showed them how I close it as well, "Your doing me a huge favor guys." waving them off as I went over to the center.
"So I went in and-"
"Heya." Joining in the frey as I stood by them, "Seem you're guys are having fun." when joining in, I only got mix reaction as some were confused at me, and some seem displeased at me joining in, while only a few looked concerned to see me as they looked away.
"Sorry. No person are allowed to join in since we started bud." spoke the one who was telling their story before I got here and cut him off, "Aww come on, I'm stuck with staying up while my other mates are sleeping." pointing where my camp were at, "I'll just sit and listen okay? So technically I'm not joining in if I'm just sitting out right?" pleading now at this point to join.
"Well I can see you're dying of boredom, so why don't we take a vote? Only seem fair since the rule isn't ironclad anyways." he nonchalantly said, and this simple gesture only made him look like a Chad in my eyes since I didn't need to result in using trickery or threats on them, "You guys okay with it?" he asked everyone who was here and everyone here didn't seem to disagree with him on a petty question.
As nobody really cared about me actually joining in or not, they simply raised their hand on letting me join; but only one didn't seem to share their idea.
"Ehh, well it's only one person, so don't feel that unwelcomed." he waved it off, "Just sit back, and enjoy." he only winked at me.
Confuse by that person; going to check whose that person and see what was up with him or her and see if it somebody I met if they hated me for some reason. Walking to that person to get a good look of him now, but the only thing he did was cover his identity by avoiding my glaze by looking down or sideways. But as I finally seen him all and a bit of his face, it was kinda hard to recognize him since he hid his face with his hands while trying desperately to not interact with me at all to such length as not wanting to make eye contact or any contact for that matter. And seeing there wasn't any point of using violence or intimidation since I am tired of using them now, and having no point in fighting him or forcing him to do anything; only complying to his wishes as I only sat down by him since there wasn't any other place to rest here.
"Wow, so I wasn't worth your time or care?" he only asked me, and wanting to ignore him to listen to our storyteller here, "Look I was just trying to give you what you wanted," once again trying to ignore him, "Just...can I listen to his story in peace please?" tired and just wanted to listen in peace, "You don't remember me." he tried to continue this conversation, but ignoring him by paying attention to our storyteller, "I am Lance! Remember!"
"Huh, nice seeing your doing fine Lance." giving him a thumb up for surviving this long, "No I'm not doing fine!" he only looked mad at me, "Have you've forgotten that you pummelled me so badly that you bruise my ribs!?" he only continued frowning at me, "Come on Lance, that was like five days ago." being realistic here on his anger was unneeded, "You!.." as he tried coming up with something, he only made himself look like a idoit by coming to a blank when he didn't retort.
"Hey," looking back to the storyteller to him only looking displeased with us, "Maybe one of you want to come up an tell a better story?" and once said, Lance instantly moved away from me and then started pushing me up towards them, "Really?" only looking at him in disappointment, "I'm kinda of bad at talking with others publicly..." only slightly annoyed by this and him for being pathetic right now, only complying on the storytelling part as I gotten up and went to the current storyteller.
And as I gotten up, the current one only sat down with the rest as they all looked eager on what I'll say or do now.
"Well, hey." waving my hand at them, "Name Grey, and I guess I am new here?" seeing if a introduction would help me thing of a story, "Ohh! Your Grey?!" hearing somebody in the crowd, "I didn't know I had a reputation going on if somebody recognize me so quickly." needed that for my ego as it been a while since I've been recognized by my sheer recognition-
"No, I know you from our politics debate class." was the only thing I heard from them, and like that. My poor ego only gotten hurt by this..."Right, well hello, nice to see that you're doing okay...minor background character..." 'muddling' that last part out so nobody would hear it, "Hey since you're here and the storyteller now, how about tell us the story about 'that event' from your speech last time? Because I had no clue what you and that Nicole person was talking about." about to answer him like a good storyteller would, "You don't know about 'that'!? Are you dumb or have you been living underneath a literal fucking rock if you haven't heard of the 'tragedy' of timmy's grave?" as somebody else answered him before I got the chance, they all groan at that name, and like that; all went into disarray as they all started naming 'that' event different names and weather or not if 'that' event actually happened.
"Calmed down," clapping my hand together to get their attention back on me, "Yes, 'that' event actually did happened, and the reason why I know it happened was because I was in that said event actually." smiling at that I was in that said event, "If you were in there then why are you calling it 'that' like the rest of us!?" seeing it'll be kinda hard to believe in a person if he doesn't show enough proof, "Because me and the rest of the survival were slapped with a order from all those high powered person that if we ever uttered a word that happened at Gladstone that we'll lose everything we ever loved in 'silence'."
As I uttered the word Gladstone, some of them listen while the rest still didn't believe me as they only rolled their eyes, "You could have just brought up any other school in Winnipeg, so that's not really saying a lot." hearing one voiced out with a complying agreement, "Yes, but why would I bring up a school that shut down over two years ago before the 'Helo' virus was a think? Hmm?" seeing some of them checking their phone, they managed to keep intact over this week somehow, "He's right..."
"Now are you going to believe me or do I need to go into more detail to gain your trust?" asking them if I can finally get started with this, and everyone only silently agreed as they only looked at me, "No not really.." hearing one undecisive person in the crowd, "Well too bad! We're going with major votes!" only telling that one person how it's run here in a funny way while simultaneously being serious with that comment.
"Well, it's all started like any normal day actually..."
"Grey! You'll be late then your usual lateness!" upon hearing that, Grey instantly come awake from his sleep, "Yeah I'm up!" As he fully woken up, to instantly ran to the kitchen to eat breakfast.
But as he quickly grabbed a toast that he'll have for his breakfast, he was only been stopped by one of the sisters that been like a caretaker for them every day, "Jeez, it's been five months now and you still haven't been able to fix that sleep schedule of yours." she only sounded amused, "Well I've been going to school on my own will before I came here, so I usually get there at lunch or at the end of the day back then. So it's kinda hard to actually keep this schedule up." as Grey only tried to end this conversation quickly as possible by answering questions from the sister quickly, "Heh, it's funny how far you came Greyson," she once again stopped him from leaving, "When I first met you Greyson. I was terrified of you and what you'll do in the future, and you still did made my fear a reality as you grown up. But you managed to stop yourself and stopped using violence as your first answer when conflict arise."
"Yes Grey." Upon trying to leave the kitchen once again, he only been stopped once again by a olden man, "You've truly grown up since we first met that day." the olden man only comment, but overall coming for his coffee as he moved toward it then talking to him, "Come on, you been there since day one Father Hub. So of course I would grown up since then." Grey only sounded amused at what Father Hub had to say about him, "Mhm, well you seem you still haven't been able to grow up enough to wake up early then needed." Father Hub only started pointing at the clock in the kitchen, "You know I can't tell time with a actually clock." Grey only laughed at his poor choices of not being able to read something simple, "Right well." he once again pointed at a clock, but this time it was a digital clock on the microwave this time to show it was actually getting really late for Grey.
"Crap!" was all Grey said as he only ran out from that kitchen like a bullet as he only continued running out from the church to then to his school on foot, "He's going to be late once a again." sighed out the sister, "Yes he well sadly," Father Hub only took a drink of his coffee, "He should really work on his stamina."
"Can't you just get to the actually part of the story we want to hear about," suggested a inpatient person in the crowd, "Instead of you being unable to read time for some reason?" hearing some snickering at that comment, "I will in 'time'," putting a lot of emphasis on the 'time' so they'll understand my joke, "Just need to give you some context so you'll understand okay?"
As Grey continues bolting through the streets, he was feeling the effects of fatigue after a full on sprint for five minutes straight. And about to slow down to regain his breath, but as he slown himself down something surprised him as somebody else passed him with incredible speed. Feeling challenged as that person only looked back at him with a smugly smile filled with knowledge of how he'll react to him. And running with him behind him for the entire run, it only felt horrible to him as they made it to their destination with him only threading with his opponent for the entire run without taking first at all.
"Nice try Greyson." he only spit that out as he was out of breath, "You have improve a lot since you first came here.."
"I..don't...know..why..." Grey only stopped as he had trouble with breathing, "..I keep taking you in a race every school day.." he only patted for air.
"Well? Hurry up Greyson, don't wanna be late since you finally managed to keep up with me." the stranger only smiled at him, "So it's celebration now huh?" he finally managed to get back his breath, "That I managed to keep up with the late and great Nick?" Grey only grinned at him, "Yup."
"Who the hell is Nick?" asking someone in confusion, "Let me finish!"
Both Grey and Nick started making there way into the school without any hitch, since no other students were out of their class and were probably were in class like they should be in, "Well see you later Greyson." Nick only waved me off as he head to class as well, "Yup."
As Grey parted way from Nick, he only quickly went to his class as well as being quiet to not disturb the other classes. Once he successfully sneaked across the school to get to his classroom, he was only met with the door being opened.
"Late once again Grey?" but to only be caught by the teacher himself, "So am I that special for you to be waiting?" he only asked the teacher sarcastically, "Funny Greyson. Now get to your seat."
Seeing he had no other choice, he took his teacher's order as he only walked to his seat silently, "Now class, since our second last student here-"
"Would all teachers please make their way to the gym? It's a short noticed, but we're having our meeting today."
As the teacher only been cocked from speaker, he only voiced his complaints as he breathed heavily, "Okay class, it's seem like I need to take my leave now for this urgent matter, but before I go," he only stopped midway of his sentence as he went outside the door for a second, to now be discussing with someone on the other side, "I would like to introduce Mr. Williams to our class." As he introduced a new student, everyone looked excited over this new person with how he looked and how he presented himself to the class.
"Whose the hell is this Ivory Williams if you were that terrified of him?" getting cut off once again, "I am seeing a trend here..." sighing out, "But Ivory doesn't terrifies me, he's just been annoying to me throughout my life. And this is the last person I'll talk about okay?"
"Oh ho?" he only looked satisfied when seeing Grey, "Are we just destiny to continue our fight Greyson?"
"Or you're just a 'stalker' who keeps following me everywhere I go when I leave." he bluntly told Ivory with eyes of disgusted and displeasement.
"Because I'll put a stop to your wicked actions and expose your true ugly form on how you'll just manipulate those who fell victim to your lies." he only came closer to Grey out of anger, "'Devil.'" With just one word, everyone in the class only reacted worse as they all moved away from Grey quickly as Ivory spoke that word.
"Enough with the dramatics!" only yelled the teacher, "I'll be taking my leave now, and I expect all of you to behave yourself and don't try killing each other okay?" he only glared at Grey when he said that last part, "Why only me? I didn't start this argument and besides that was years ago when I went by that name, I've changed since then; so it's kinda cringe of you all to be terrified of me now considering I been with you for 5 months now, in that time I could have done something by now but I didn't do anything at all-" "Enough," the teacher heard enough, "We'll talk about this later Greyson." he only glared hard at poor Grey for some reason as he only looked disappointed once left the classroom
As the teacher left, the entire class fell silent with everyone slowly moving far from Grey as humanly possible while staying calm, well most weren't calm while those other were panicking. As the news was out in the opened, Grey only sighed out with a audible sound for the whole classroom, and with a simple gesture, the entire students in the class only filched from it instead of Ivory.
"God," now he'd annoyed of them, "I won't do anything!" he yelled at them now, and with that; only a small few started crying from that outburst while the other were just terrified by it, "See?" he question everyone, "How can somebody like him say he'd 'changed' after showing us something so barbaric over some little thing?" now he only smiled at Grey with a wicked look in his eyes, "Greyson, are we going to continue our song and dance together till I put a stop to your malicious behavior?" he only continued walking towards Grey, "Please don't do this Ivory..." Grey only pleading at Ivory with a sincere tone toward him.
"So now you're using your infamous psychology skills on these poor students now? Trying to make them feel sorry for you now? That you so called change yourself while you're first move was manipulating people into thinking you're being peaceful." as he explained that while slowly moving towards Grey, the entire students in the class slowly as well started joining him in his frey, "..." Grey never did spoke back against him and only took his onslaught of retort while Ivory only slowly started gathered his small army of students.
And Grey only kept quiet the whole time while glaring at him, but that didn't change anything at all when Ivory slammed his hand on Grey's desk with enough force to fill this room with it sounds, "What you're next move Grey?" he whispered to him with a smile. And the class now filled with a lot of students gathering around Grey with a sizable number, "Because I feel like this is the last time that me and you well have this opportunity to do this before you're so called friends come and interrupter us." he only glared hard when he mentioned his friends part.
"Don't you ever bring up my friends with your putrid mouth ever again." was all he retorted back at him.
And not threaten at all from Grey's words, he only fired back with his own threat by throwing his desk from him and now stomping in front of him to threaten as well, "Make me."
After that comment, only silent came after. With the room now smothered with tension between both Grey and Ivory who only made the tension worse by them glaring dagger at each other. And as Ivory only grinned once he seen Grey started moving his mouth around while he started grinding his teeth, he only moved back from him to give him space to get up, "Never fails to work." was all Ivory whispered to himself.
In that moment, Grey only lowered his head at this. His fist only curled up when the silence became overbearing to him and the class. His legs only looses up as they were ready for this fight he'll be in. His head only coming up with plans for what they'll do or what Ivory will do next.
But all those preparations came to not.
Grey only stood up from his seat, to only walk towards the door without any care for the students being ready for a fight. One student grabbed his arm as he tried to leave, and like before, Grey simply didn't care for this as he only continued moving forward with the person still holding onto him like it was nothing. Enraged by Grey's lack of fear for him, the person only held him in place to throw a blow to his face as hard as he can, but Grey only seen this coming from him since he grabbed him, so he only ducked his head down so the person only hit the door's window.
And as that person's punch hit the door, he quickly let go of Grey to back away from him while holding onto his injured fist.
"Tell our so lovely teacher that I went to the washroom." was all he said as he grabbed the thing they used as a hall pass for this class, "Probably for entire class?" he only opened the door without a care for what they thought or would do.
After Grey left the classroom, the only thing he felt was anger at what all happened and how his social life is ruined once again from his past...
"Wait," once again getting cut off, "So you went by a stupid nickname like 'Devil' back then? When and how?" they only nodded in agreement on that part.
"Look that was way back then, and if you wanna hear that story then we need to stop this story now." only looking angry at them once again about them asking questions and to only cut me off from this story, "I'll just say that the 'Devil' nickname part is because it used to be 'the devil of the holy ghost school.' but then I kept on moving from school to school so they didn't bother putting the list of school I've been too so they just gave me the nickname of 'Devil' to shorten my name." giving them the explanation of how I got my nickname.
"Can I continue my story or do you want me to explain my history with Ivory now?" asking them before hand so I won't be interrupted once again by them, "We would have asked you when you mentioned Ivory before." they give out a pretty good reason why.