After dad told me about my new job, I didn't understand how to take the news, I felt sad because I won't be able to join Project042 but at the same time I felt happy for dad because he can finally take a rest once I start earning money.

I felt really grateful for what Edward has done for me, I can never thank him enough for his favor and repay his kindness, he's always been like that.. a silent protector and a big brother figure in my life.

Jenny called me and told me that she's going to coffee-day and literally forced me to join her, I didn't understand what's with her sudden coffee plan but jenny has always been like that ..unpredictable.

so without much of a choice, I started getting ready. I wore a black off-shoulder top and skin-tight jeans.

while I was brushing my hair the comb slipped out of my hands and fell on the always happens to me no matter how much conditioner I put in my hair it's always hard to brush my long hair, I picked the comb from the floor and started brushing my hair.

Edward suddenly asked me "going somewhere champ?? ", he's like this overprotective big brother who always inquires about his little sister's whereabouts. he always asks me to call him whenever I want to go somewhere so that he can take me there.

" what the hell...Ed, you really scared me. u must be a cat in your previous life, how can you always walk without making any sound?? anyways.. jenny asked me out to, so getting ready for that "I said and started brushing my hair, then I suddenly felt a presence behind me and I turned quickly.

I got scared looking at Edward because his nose was bleeding." oh my god Ed your nose is bleeding .." I grabbed some tissues from the drawer and started wiping his blood and told him to tilt his head back.

I told him to sit on my bed and went to grab some cold water for him, "He must be overworking himself and under a lot of stress," I muttered to myself while handing him the glass.

He looked at me like I am from another planet without blinking so I snapped my fingers at his face gaining his attention and said "back to earth many times do I have to tell you not to overwork yourself huhh.. next time I will tie you to the bed to stop you from overworking ."

His nose started bleeding again and he held his nose tightly and ran downstairs like I am some ghost "Maybe he thought I would really tie him "I laughed at his weird antics and grabbed my purse heading downstairs.

"Hey dad did you see ed?? " I have asked dad after not seeing ed anywhere.

"Ahh...I don't understand what's with young people these days always running and rushing, he ran away holding his nose saying that he got an important call to attend " dad said looking annoyed.

"oh come on dad... the poor guy had a nose bleed, maybe he didn't want to worry you so he rushed out before you could see his face," I said defending my best friend "anyways I am going out, jenny is waiting for me I gotta go ..bye dad," I said giving him a side hug and left.

when I reached coffee day there's a big crowd outside the bookstore nearby, what's with the big crowd? I thought to myself and started walking towards the restaurant. when I was crossing the road I heard loud yelling and screams from the crowd near the bookstore and turned to see what's wrong but didn't notice the truck coming towards me.

It was too late until I noticed it because it was already too close for me to step aside, my body froze without moving and I closed my eyes with fear. suddenly someone grabbed me to the side almost crashing both of us onto the footpath.

I went blank for a second and later noticed that someone was under me holding me in a protective manner. I opened my eyes to see a pair of deep brown eyes staring at me, I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a face mask and a baseball cap.

But those eyes..they looked so deep that I couldn't look away and i continued to stare into his eyes, the intoxicating fragrance of his cologne is not helping either. we both stayed like that for some time and snapped out of our trance hearing the loud horns of vehicles and murmuring of people surrounding us.

The masked guy who saved me from the accident stood up immediately and held out his hand for me to take. He was wearing jeans and a loose grey T-shirt, a black rechargeable waterproof watch with a small led light. I stared at his face and then at his hand my eyes widening seeing his bleeding hand "oh my god your hand's's bleeding "i said panicking.

He looked at his hand once.. but didn't react still holding out his hand gesturing me to take it. Hesitantly I took his hand which was pretty big for my small hands and stood up with shaky legs.

But before I could stand properly I felt dizzy and lost my consciousness . All I remembered was the mysterious guy catching me before I fell to the ground and his deep brown eyes.

I woke up to someone caressing my face softly. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that I was in a hospital bed and an IV DRIP was attached to my hand, I saw Edward sitting beside me with a worried expression.

I weekly smiled at him "hey Ed..don't tell me you have been crying, you know how ugly u look when you cry"I said repeating his own phrase which he always uses on me whenever I cry.

He ignored my dry humor and held my hand "Thank god Eri..u finally woke up, I almost called your dad out of fear" he said with relief "Please don't do this to me again, you have no idea how I have reached here after getting the call from the hospital, I broke almost every traffic rule and rushed here to see you laying on this bed with that awful iv needle stuck to your wrist," he said worriedly.

I felt really bad for putting him in this situation so I held his hand " I promise... I will be careful next time ok!! now stop crying like a baby "I told him at which he smiled a little "alright.. now that you are feeling OK, I will go out and make an important call, there's someone I need to talk to urgently" he said taking his phone out of his pocket and went out with a serious look on his face which almost scared me.

All of a sudden he looked like a different person, normally Edward behaves politely with everyone but sometimes he could scare the shit out of a person with his intimidating tall personality.

Then I noticed a few drops of blood on my hand and remembered that mysterious guy who saved my life, his eyes looked so familiar like I have seen them somewhere. Even though I didn't get to see his face, by the looks of his personality he looked like a pretty big guy with muscular body but judging by his clothes and rough hands he might be some soldier.

yes ..that's right, his watch and clothes are suitable for someone who lives in harsh conditions, definitely, he must be a soldier, while I was thinking about the mysterious guy a nurse came inside "Ms. Erika how are you feeling ?? do you feel any pain dear" she asked checking my pulse.

"I am feeling fine sister if everything is OK with me, can I leave??" I asked her hoping she would say yes because I never liked the hospital atmosphere " you are good to go dear but wait until this iv drip finishes and don't do any physical activities for a week and take good rest" she said checking my file, I felt relieved after hearing that and waited for the iv drip to finish.

Edward came inside after some time when I was collecting my things, "why are you leaving ?? you should stay here for one more day" he argued but I didn't hear any of his words and started tying my shoelace but he stopped me from doing it and started tying them himself despite my protests.

we went to the reception area to pay my bill and waited for our turn" Ms. Erika your bill has already been paid by the guy who brought you here.." the receptionist informed us handing me the receipt.

I was shocked at that information "umm..did he leave his name or his phone number?? "i asked her at which she shook her head in a no "Sorry, mam he looked like he was in a hurry so after inquiring about your condition and paying your bill he left immediately" she said typing something on the computer.

"Ohh.. okay, thank you," I said and turned to see Edward looking angry, I didn't understand why he was angry at someone who saved my life but didn't think much about it.

on our way home, "so who's that guy know him??." ed asked me curiously at which I sighed "you pretty much heard everything ed.. I don't know his name or number so I have no idea who he is" I said closing my eyes and leaning back in my seat.

"oh..can you recognize him if you see him again??"

oh my god, what's with this interrogation.

"calm down Sherlock... I didn't get to see his face as he was wearing a face mask and a cap so no.. I guess I can't" I said feeling irritated with his interrogation.

Edward left a breath of relief and said "it's just that I thought you might want to meet him and thank him, after all.. he is your life savior".

"you know what ed...if I didn't know you well enough I would have thought you were jealous of him" I said teasing him. He didn't say anything but kept driving gripping the steering wheel tightly like he was trying to choke the life out of it, what's wrong with Ed today I thought.

" who knows I might have fallen in love with him if I saw his face and got to talk to him, after all, he is my savior," I said trying to get him out of his sour mood but instead he became worse.

He applied breaks all of a sudden making me jerk forward almost hitting my head to the dashboard, if I was not wearing a seat belt. I looked around and noticed that we have reached home but he stopped a little far away from my house unlike how he used to park right in front of my house but I didn't want to stress on that matter since he's a little moody today, I tried to speak to him but he turned his face to the other side.

I understood that he is angry but I didn't understand why?? he didn't say anything for a few seconds and looked outside, I took the hint and stepped out of his car and started walking towards my house.

what's wrong with him today I thought but remembered what he has gone through today because of me, I mean getting a call from the hospital about my accident is not easy for him to take, I felt really guilty for what he has experienced today.

when I reached the front door, I turned around and waved at him smiling, though I felt little pain in my hand because of my iv drip plaster, I didn't want him to leave thinking I am angry with him.

I just wanted him to be happy and forget about the events today, at that moment he stared at me like he never did.But I ignored that thought and went inside as I have bigger things to worry about, like what excuse should I give to dad for coming so late.

with that thought in my mind, I went inside and saw dad pacing around the living room impatiently.