I took out my phone after everyone got inside the plane and called boss's father Mr.Bernard Stone" Hello...Mr.Stone, Ms.king has boarded the plane just now, yes sir..i have made all the arrangements, you just wait for the good news..ok sir I will inform you once I get confirmation from Ms.King" I have told Senior Mr.Stone and hung up the call.

I hope I won't get caught by my boss for what I am doing now, what he would do to me if he comes to know that Ms.king never excelled at the entrance test and I have passed the answer to her during the personal interview exam.

I entered inside the flight and followed boss to his cabin and saw him searching for something, he looked like he is thinking something serious. What's wrong with our boss today?? I was too scared to ask him but I still did "boss do you want something.."

"where the fuck are my cigarettes .." he snapped, he always smokes when he is under stress but why does he want to smoke now ?? nothing important has happened in the last 6 hours, as far as I know, except for the arrival of the new team members.

I got boss his cigars and said"boss I think we should familiarize the team members about the project, I will call them inside if you want" I asked but he shook his head "no need, just give them the project files and tell them to study properly" he said taking a puff of his cigar.

I was about to leave but he called me back "And tell that long-haired girl to come to my cabin during lunch, I will tell her about her position in the team" he said exhaling the smoke.

He could have asked me to inform her but why does he want to tell her personally?? ohh.. he might have felt pity for her since she will only be cooking for the boss instead of doing research with the team, so he might want to inform her personally to make her feel better, I guess.

Later boss and I sat in the adjacent cubicle to the team discussing our project, I noticed boss taking a few glances at the team occasionally, is he checking on ms. king?? meanwhile we saw daniel holding Erika's hand while she was shivering visibly during the takeoff, I saw boss gripping the pen tightly looking at them.

"Boss you are holding the pen a little too tight, come on boss stop burning them with your stare, they are still young and you know hormones n all..I am sure they won't drag our project down, don't worry" I said trying to assure him, he gave me a murderous look and said, "I don't care about some nobody dating another nobody, you better concentrate on completing your work unless you want to reach the ground before the plane lands".

" boss..ok boss " I said resuming my work, more than anything my life is more precious to me and I can't risk it by playing with a lion, this father and son will eat me alive someday I thought..

After I have informed our team members about their work and handed them their files, I went back to the boss's cabin, he was sitting in his chair and thinking seriously, I really didn't understand what's wrong with him today. he always stays in his cabin reading some weird old books whenever we board the flight, but why he's walking to and forth while taking glances at our team members today?? then I saw Erika sleeping on daniel's shoulder, these kids..boss never likes these stupid office romances but still, these kids irritate him.

"Ask that girl to come to my cabin" he said taking neatly sorted papers out of the file while clumsily studying them and throwing them here and there on the table but he already read that file why he's studying it again "boss it's not lunchtime yet" I said remembering him asking that girl to come during lunch.

"seems like you really want to reach the ground before the plane lands huh.." he said still studying the papers and throwing them on the table, I understood my mistake and came outside his cabin silently and told daniel to wake that girl and tell her to go to boss's cabin, I saw Ms. king glaring at me but I smiled apologetically at her and went back to my seat, these rich people will take my innocent soul someday I thought.

After an hour I had lunch and started working, I noticed an important paper was missing so I went to the boss's cabin and saw Erika sitting and sleeping on boss's chair, I thought to wake her before boss sees her but I saw boss coming out of the bathroom and ran away, I didn't want to lose my life in the process of saving other's, I have closed my ears expecting the outcome as soon as boss entered his cabin but I didn't hear any yelling or shouting for another half an hour.

Did he kill her in her sleep and threw her body outside or what?? I was really getting nervous and then I heard what I have been expecting for half an hour, his booming voice like the roar of a lion, I saw her running out of the cabin like a scared lamb, poor girl I thought to myself and started doing my work.

After a few minutes, I went inside the boss's cabin and saw him pacing around"boss I am sorry for not explaining to her the rules properly, I will strictly warn her not to repeat what she did today or should I fire her and find another cook" I asked nervously.

"NO.." boss said immediately and cleared his throat "I mean that's not necessary and we don't have enough time to find a cook again" he said looking away, what the hell is wrong with him today??

"ok boss as you wish," I said but he looked like he was trying to say something but hesitating, since when did he start hesitating before talking ?? I thought to myself.

" ..that girl crying??" he asked looking here and there, what girl?? was he asking about Erika?? since when did he start caring about human feelings?? I thought and asked him carefully" which girl boss?? u mean Erika??"

"yeah...I mean I don't wanna scare away another cook, she ok??" huh..the last cook really taught our boss a good lesson by running away.

"No boss...I didn't see her crying or anything, daniel seems to be taking good care of her, so don't worry she won't run away like your previous cook" I said expecting him to become normal again but he looked angrier.

He gestured me to get out which I gladly did, we will land in a few minutes so I have to make sure that Ms. king and boss sit together during the car ride to Mr.stone's apartment, so I took a project related topic paper and went near the cockpit signaling her to come without anyone noticing.

"Ms. king this is a very important topic related to our project, you just go to Mr.stone and ask if you can discuss it with him" I told her giving the paper.

"But what if he says he's tired.. after all, it's been a long journey," she said flipping the paper like some tissue, oh god I have to teach this girl everything it seems.

"when it comes to topics related to his project he never says no so don't worry, just make sure that you ask him before he reaches his car, I have underlined the topics, you just have to ask him confidently ok!! I am sure you will ace it since you are also a biotechnology student right.." I asked nervously because if she screws this up I will be dead.

"oh please.. you are acting like I am going to some war, I might not be as sharp as Chris but I can still manage a few questions" she said rolling her eyes, this girl has no idea who she's dealing with, anyways once boss accepts for the marriage with Miss caroline, I can be at peace, he might change his temper after he gets married and ofcourse I will be rewarded handsomely by his dad for matchmaking I thought dreamily with dollar signs in my eyes.

soon after we landed, Ms. king reached boss holding the paper I gave her asking some questions regarding the topics related to the project, and managed to sit beside him in his car, I immediately made the other two candidates sit with me in another car giving those two some privacy, once boss gets married I can happily go on some vacation away from my angry boss I thought happily, imagining myself sitting on some beach with a hot girl beside me.

In my reverie of thoughts I looked at the rearview mirror and saw Erika pouting her lips at something and thinking, is she really human?? I mean she really looks like she came from another dimension with such divine beauty and it seems like this girl doesn't even know what kind of effect she has on people around her, every man in this car taking glances at her including our 50-year-old driver,grhhh...Ewww.

Thank god boss is like a robot who only cares about his research and doesn't care about pretty girls otherwise he would have been attracted by this girl easily but every beautiful rose must have some thorns I just hope this innocent girl is not having any such thorn.


A rose should definitely have thorns otherwise every idiot will try to pluck it, my angel is all alone there without me protecting her, what if some idiot tries to take her away from me, I will rip his guts out if I have to, I have to get my Eri back ASAP.

For that..I have to do something which I have never thought I would do, anyways I would do anything and everything to get my angel back but I have to be calm for now and find out all the information about that mad scientist and his weird island.

"umm..excuse me sir here's the information about Mr.stone's island" I took the Pendrive from the hacker guy and gave him 1000 $.

"Thanks brother.. but how can I reach there if I want to go there " I asked him and he looked down scratching his head and said"I guess you can only go there by Mr.stone's helicopters or you can ask for any fisherman boat to take you there, but those boats also belong to his company and they don't allow outsiders "

"Okay..that's all I wanted to know, thanks," i said and the kid ran away and disappeared into the street, who says that Stone's security is high... if you can find a good hacker it's dead easy to break into their security system, Stone industries my ass... i thought looking at the Pendrive.

so it's really hard for me to reach that Island but not impossible, I will definitely find a way and bring her back to the house which I had built for her, and I will never allow her to leave me, she will be in my arms in a few days, she will be with me every second and every minute of her life after a month.

I have to be patient for now and do everything carefully, I can't take the risk of losing her again with my stupidity like last time.

I have entered the house I built for her in a place far away from the city hidden in the woods, the rooms in that house are interlinked and only I know which key opens which door, I have built a big rose garden for her because I know how much she loves them. and I have built a swing in that garden so that we both can always spend time here like we used to when we were in high school.

I have entered the room filled with 100's of pictures of her, I always come to this room and sit in the middle staring at her beautiful pictures whenever I miss her, I stood before a picture of her pouting like a cute cat "don't worry my angel, soon you will be with me in this this room this bed my arms, safe from the outside world" I said tracing her lips.