Erika (p.o.v)
While we were waiting for Mr.Stone in the parking lot Daniel took my bag not letting me carry it, "Daniel it's ok I can carry it, it's not that heavy" I said trying to take my bag but he didn't let me take it and said "I won't let you carry it stop fighting" he said and started walking.
Mr.King and Mr.Stone appeared a few minutes later. Mr.Stone was wearing cargo shorts and a black vest with a jean jacket on it showing off his well-built body, he was wearing his black Raybon glasses and tied his hair in a bun, he looked really handsome.
"Guys ... this is Mr.Stephen king my business partner and friend, he will join us today on our trip, he has also majored in plant science so if you have any doubts regarding our project you can ask him" Mr.Stone said and left.
"Hello everyone ..hope you guys don't mind me joining a little late on your project" he said and we shook our heads in a no and smiled in return, Mr. Stone appeared on his wrangler a few seconds later, I was about to get into his vehicle but Mr.King stopped me and said"Chris let me take the team to the sight. I can get to know them a little since I am new to the team, why don't you take Caroline with you"
Mr.Stone looked thoughtful for a few seconds and nodded his head in a yes and gestured for Caroline to get into his vehicle which she immediately did, she was wearing some neon pink hot shorts and a white T-shirt. I must admit that she was looking so hot and pretty in those shorts.
I felt a little sad when Mr.Stone left with Caroline but why?? it's obvious they both are a good match right!! huhh...I should focus on the project, not other things I thought and got into Mr.King's vehicle. Daniel sat in the front and I sat behind, I noticed that I was still carrying the bag with Mr.Stone's things, oh god I forgot to give this bag to Caroline, what should I do now?? I will give it to her after we reach the site I thought.
"so are Daniel right?? I saw your thesis paper on plant tissue culture, it was really interesting" Mr.King told Daniel at which he smiled instantly and said"Thank you Mr.King I didn't expect you to read the thesis of a small intern like me "
"In our research center, we get research papers every year from students all over the world. we have a special team to examine them and they will filter the best among those and send them to me and Christopher. we offer internships to those students in our company, we do not ignore anyone's hard work" Mr.King said smiling and looking ahead, then why didn't I get a reply even once?? I thought.
"Erika.. you look sad?? any problem??" he asked me observing me from the rearview mirror. I shook my head and said"umm..actually I have sent my thesis papers for 4 years but I never got a reply so I was just thinking ..."
Mr.King looked a little thoughtful and said "If you sent papers for four years continuously then definitely we would have replied to you..even if the papers were not good enough, at least we would have sent Chris's autograph card to acknowledge your effort ". whatever he said made me more confused, then why didn't I get anything for four years??
"Anyways once we go back to the research center I will check with my team ok??" he said with a sweet smile. Mr.King seems like a really kind person, there's a lot of difference between him and Caroline I thought and said "Thank you, Mr.King... I am sorry to trouble you, "
"No trouble at all and you guys can call me Stephen, I don't wanna feel like an old man " he said at which we both nodded and smiled in return. I sat back and put on my earphones listening to my favorite Beethoven moonlight sonata and closed my eyes. After a few minutes, I opened my eyes and saw Mr.King watching me from the rearview mirror.
When he saw me awake he immediately looked away "so... why did you guys join Project 042, is it because of Christopher or the attractive salary??" he asked both of us.
Daniel shook his head in a no and said "It's true that students from all over the world would die for this opportunity but I have joined project042 because I heard that this time Mr.stone is developing a seed that is immune to pests and can produce double the amount of crop than the normal seed. if he succeeds in this project so many farmers might live a good life and there won't be any hunger deaths in this world, so that's the reason I have joined this project"
As expected from Daniel, his reason is sweet and noble I thought and smiled, "That's really thoughtful of you Daniel . What about you Erika?? why did you join this project??" he asked me.
Both of them looked at me expectantly, ok..what should I say now, I will just be honest with them"Umm..Mr.Christopher has always been my Idol and I am a big fan of him like many science students, so I just wanted to work with him and learn from him during this project. I know that I am not capable enough to do the research yet but I will give my 100% to help my team" I said looking down, they will not laugh at my reason right??
"Did anyone tell you how cute you are Erika..don't ever think that you are incapable or non-deserving. I know that you are putting up with Chris's s temper and accepted to be his cook just to get a chance to work in his team. I admire you for your determination" he said smiling, is this guy made of sugar cane ?? how can a person be so sweet I thought and nodded my head with a smile.
" I heard that this project was started so many years ago but was canceled due to some accident, is it true Mr.King??" Daniel asked. I got surprised after listening to that because I have no idea about it so I too looked at Mr.King anxiously for the answer, he sighed sadly and thought for a few seconds.
" That's true...this project was started by the late Mrs.Stone 20 years before but it was canceled due to some unknown reasons, Chris has always wanted to complete this project and accomplish his mom's dream. This project is really important to him, so I advise you guys to be careful and not to make any mistakes" he said seriously and we both nodded.
so that's the reason why Mr.Stone is being extra careful this time and doing everything by himself .huhh..thank god I didn't mess up anything related to this project, otherwise, he would have fired me right away I thought.
"ok guys we are here, don't forget to get your equipment and materials " he said and got down, we both took our bags and got down too. when I looked around I saw that we were at the entrance of a thick forest, it looked like vehicles couldn't go any further from there.
I successfully got rid of that looser Erika and managed to get some alone time with Chris,while i was thinking to start a conversation with him Chris stopped the vehicle All of a sudden and waited, I didn't understand whom he is waiting "Are you waiting for someone Chris??" I asked him but he didn't say anything looking away.
Later Stephen's vehicle entered the forest road and passed by us. Chris started driving following their vehicle observing Erika who is sleeping. I don't understand what's so good about her, she is just a skinny monkey with pale skin color, she looks like she didn't have a decent haircut in a year with that long hair . I don't even wanna think about her dressing sense, it's worse than my maid back home, does Chris feels pity for her given her poor appearance??
Yes...I am sure that must be the reason. Chris must be feeling pity for her like he pities those poor tribals and donates money for them, maybe that's why he took her as his assistant??
Chris started driving following Stephen's vehicle, but why is he following them?? "Umm...Chris why don't you drive a little faster, it's not like my brother doesn't know his way around here" I asked him at which he shook his head leaving an irritated sigh.
"My team is in that vehicle, so I have to be careful and make sure that they reach their destination safely and not address me informally, I am your superior at work so you better keep that in your mind" he said irritatedly. what did I do to irritate him?? he has been looking irritated since that Looser got into my brother's vehicle, is it because of Erika?? no way... it's impossible for Chris to feel something for her.
"Fine...Mr.Stone but we know each other for so many years , is it necessary for such formalities?? and I know that you feel pity for Daniel and Erika but there's a limit to charity. you have to think about your status before you attach yourself to people like them, they might take advantage of your kind nature like Sophia did " I said knowing that he would definitely stay away from Erika if I mention Sophia's name.
Chris looked at the steering thoughtfully for a moment and drove silently. I felt bored and opened the dashboard to find something to eat where I found an empty chocolate wrapper I took it out and tried to throw it away but Chris took it from me immediately "hey..don't ..., do not touch my stuff " he said angrily shoving that wrapper in his pocket. Huhh... what's wrong with him?? why's a chocolate wrapper so important??
Anyways tonight I will make sure that he will be completely mine, I have made all the necessary arrangements. This time I will definitely be successful in winning Chris's attention I thought and sat in a way showing off my long legs. No man in this world can resist a woman's charm for so long I thought and looked at Chris who is staring at the vehicle in front without sparing a glance at me.
Christopher's (P.O.V)
Why am I feeling so irritated since Erika got into Stephen's vehicle, she is just my assistant right ?? why am I becoming a different person when it comes to her?? what's wrong with me?? am I concerned about my team or Erika?? am I really feeling pity for her like caroline said??
No matter how annoying Caroline is, she is right about one thing people are unpredictable and I can't let my guard down and give people a chance to get close to me. They might sell me out one day as Sophia did,huh..I should never have dated that gold digger I thought.
But Erika is different, she is so innocent that she even believed my fake ghost story, I laughed remembering her face when I told her that my cook disappeared.
"What's so funny ?? why are you laughing all of a sudden??" Caroline asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and returned to my usual mood, Caroline opened the dashboard and tried to throw away the chocolate wrapper which Erika and I shared. I immediately took that from her and shoved it in my pocket, this girl is really getting on my nerves I thought.
If not for Stephen I would have thrown her out the moment I came to know that she cheated in the Entrance Exam, but Stephen is someone I respect and care about like my own brother, he supported me and believed in my potential when my own father didn't, so for Stephen's sake I will tolerate her for now, after some time she will get bored and leave by herself I thought.
"I am missing partying a lot, why don't we invite my friends here and have a beach party, I am sure you would love some fun" she suggested irritating the hell out of me, do I look like I need a party now? I have been waiting to start this project all my life and she knows that because of Stephen. How can she think about partying now?? is her brain just for decoration?? how am I gonna tolerate her on my team??
"Caroline are you sure you remember why you are here?? if you have so much free time try to use it on the project instead of partying. If you can't do it you are free to leave, no one will stop you" I said, trying to put some sense in her brain.
while we were passing by a field I saw a few deers running in the field, it reminded me of Erika, if she were here she would have asked me to stop to watch them. she is like a kid who gets excited about small things, I smiled remembering her surprised face when she saw the deers this morning, those beautiful green eyes, long brown hair.
"Mr.Stone we have arrived" caroline said snapping me out of my thoughts and I immediately stopped the vehicle and looked around. I saw Stephen's vehicle parked at the entrance of the forest and Erika standing near the vehicle with a bag in her hands.
I felt happy and relieved seeing her after an irritating drive ,she was wearing some normal jeans and a t-shirt but she still looked beautiful, what am I thinking?? she is my student .. I should not think about her that way I thought.
When she saw us she smiled sweetly and ran towards me happily ,i must say my heart skipped a beat seeing her, I have seen so many pretty girls in my life but I have never got this feeling with any girl. Did she miss me so much that she is running to me the moment she saw me?? why do I feel so happy now??
when she approached me I thought she would say something to me but she turned towards Caroline "I forgot to give this bag to you, it has everything Mr.Stone needs, he didn't drink his juice in the morning so I have packed it please remind him to drink it after some time" she said and left without looking at me even once, I felt disappointed at that moment.
she went to that stupid Daniel and started talking, he took her bag and said something to her and she started laughing. why is she so happy and carefree when she is with him and looks like a scared cat when she's around me, am I that scary??
Anyways what's with Daniel?? Why is he always hanging around her like an annoying fly,huhh...what am I thinking ?? I am Christopher Stone... why should I think about a little assistant like her?? she can laugh with whoever she wants, why should I feel bad about it ?? maybe I am upset about them getting distracted from the project, yeah right..that's it.
Later we all entered the forest and gathered near a pond," ok guys I hope you brought everything you needed for the specimen collection, there's a special kind of fungus plant that grows at the bottom of this lake, today we will collect those plants and take them back to the lab for analysis " I told them, Erika looked active unlike earlier, I hope she will catch up with the theory today.
"So when do we collect them Chris?? I am sure I can help you with that because we both were the best swimmers in our college remember!!" Stephen said and I shook my head in a no and said" not now Stephen ..these plants will glow and produce a rare fluid once the moonlight touches them, we have to extract that fluid while they were glowing otherwise they are useless to us. so we have to wait until night to collect them" to which he nodded in understanding.
"Alright then, Erika and I will collect firewood for the cooking and campfire, Caroline will help you with equipment setting, Daniel will take care of cooking " he said and went to his vehicle without letting me respond, what the hell.. why do I feel like he is trying to set me up with Caroline??
After a few minutes I saw Erika and Stephen walking into the woods, Erika tripped on something and almost fell but Stephen caught her in time almost hugging her. My blood boiled seeing Erika that close to another guy, what's wrong with me today?? I really need a break from all this I thought and went to set up the tents.
"Mr.Stone you need my help, I can do the knots " Caroline said and bent down to pick the ropes deliberately showing her body, I immediately looked away not interested in her show. grhh...why's she so annoying, does she think she is seducing me?? for god's sake when would she realize that she is irritating me to death.
These king's siblings will annoy me to death I thought and started setting up the tents, after a few minutes I heard a big scream from the direction where Erika and Stephen went and I immediately left everything and ran towards them.
Oh god ... I just hope Erika is okay.