Once you find yourself trapped inside an out of control crazy train, all you can do is enjoy the ride. That was the sentiment that was carrying me throughout the day.

"Ahh, where is it? I swear I put it somewhere around…"

The small, porky vice-principal was rummaging through his messy officer desk in search of my application. He looked as unprepared to deal with me as I was to deal with my day… almost if my and my family's entire existence was suddenly inserted into this new reality, and now the innocent people just following their ordinary fates were getting confused as fuck every time I get too close.

Oh, and of course, just to crown things out, there were words floating above his balding head.

Ishiyama Daisuke

Furinkan High's overworked vice principal.

Level: 08

Gamer powers, because why not?

"Meehh, there it is, ah, Ōe-kun." He says, reading from some documents I'm sure didn't exist until today, "I'm so very sorry for the delay. You have come in an awfully busy time I'm afraid, haha." He tried to laugh it off.

By the state of his office, I reckon every day is an 'awfully busy day' for this guy…

I sighed, halting this thought process, no use taking it on a guy who was just trying to do his job.

"Yes, Ishiyama-vice principal, I understand and apologize for my family's unreasonable request," I say, letting the instinctual Japanese politeness that came packed in this new body slip through.

"No, no, it was no problem at all! In fact, everything seems to be in order." He places down the documents without more than a passing glance, but I was expecting something like this. It was for the same reason the vice principal himself was greeting me; the Ōes, this mysterious family I was now part of, were apparently filthy rich. "Now, now Ōe-kun, I'm happy to inform you your application has been accepted. Welcome to the Furinkan family!"

"Thank you very much, Ishiyama-vice principal."

He smiled at my politeness, probably thinking I would be no trouble at all. Boy, he could not be more wrong; I am a Gamer sponsored by a ROB and now a resident of Tokyo's Nerima ward of anime Japan in the early nineties. I dread to think about the amount of trouble I'll cause by merely existing.

Nevertheless, it doesn't hurt being polite. Vice-principal certainly seems to think so by the way he enthusiastically bounced up from his chair.

"Wonderful! Now, if you would follow me, I'll escort to your classroom."

And quietly explain my presence to the confused teacher, no doubt.

We were about a few steps into the corridor when he abruptly stops, the back of his neck suddenly dripping beads of sweat, body paralyzed mid-stride, and looking as tense as he could ever get. As if he has just remembered something horrible and has also just fucked something up.

And that was about the time the distant shouts started.




The shouts continued, but now they were accompanied by the sorrowful noise of flesh bruising, bone-breaking, and hearts shattering.

I lean into the window, watching the admittedly impressive sight of a short, blue-haired girl mowing down an entire crowd of fit guys like she was the star of a bad kung fu flick.

"… Ah." There is nothing to say. I was suspecting something like that would happen ever since I figure out where I was, but to see it first hand was… an experience. "She's good?" I commented, also catching the distant sight of the boy in a red chinese shirt gopnik squatting on the wall. Of course, he would be there too. "Does this happen often?"

"Ahhnn." He moaned nasally, Japanese bowing in my direction. "I'm so so very sorry."

Then Tatewaki Kuno appeared, the sky darkened, and the world became a little crazier.

I got a feeling I'll be saying that a lot.


There was something to be said about this reincarnation. I mean, I'm a squishy human now, but with the Gamer that could easily change, yet there is no… overall threat I would need the gamer to deal with. This might feel presumptuous, but I think being the Gamer in a universe that was basically a slapstick comedy was kind of a waste.

The students of Class 1-F stared at us, probably marveling at the oddity of not one but two transfer students getting in their class at the same time… or marveling at Ranma Saotome's muscles. Say what you will about the boy, but he was built like a lean warmachine, and it showed.

I wanted to sigh. My poor inferior muscles, I was so happy you were at least there this morning. Outclassed by the protagonist.

"It seems we have two new students today." The forgettable teacher stated in case there's still any doubt. "Their names are Saotome Ranma-kun and Ōe Hiroshi-kun, and it seems that Ranma has just returned from a trip to China, so let's all be sure to give him a big 'Nihao' now." He laughed at his own joke without even changing the tone of his voice.

Every single person in this room, including Ranma and me, engaged in the obligatory reaction to any and all teachers joke: staring blankly ahead until he finished laughing and making us sad.

"Hehehehehe…Ahn, well, maybe be not…" You think? "Be that as it may, it doesn't excuse the fact that he and Akane were late, so go stand in the hall you two. Ah, Ōe-kun, you may sit at the free seat near the window."

It was easy to see who Akane was, even among Anime Japan's more diverse hair colors blue still stand out a lot, that and the fact that she was one of the most attractive girls in the class. I could her features trembling in anger, but it quickly disappeared as she reins her feelings back in. Ranma just shrugged; in fact, he even seems happy for not having to stay in a classroom.

I sat on my protagonist chair and let my thoughts wander off from the protagonists for a bit, mostly because I had… other things to worry about.

My eyes slid to the right.

Fujimori Yuka

Yakuza Princess

Level: 05

Himiko Kenji

Vegan Werewolf

Level: 09

Tomo Sakura

Budding witch

Level: 08

Gosunkugi Hikaru

Voodoo enthusiast

Level: 02

My eyes slid forward.

Katagiri Sayuri

Closet Masochist

Level: 05

Kuroba Daisuke

Aspiring Superhero

Level: 07

Koba Satoru

Evil Genius

Level: 07

Koike Miiko

Murderous Yandere

Level: 10

Finally, I sneak a look at the chubby boy sitting behind me.

Onigiri Kouki


Level: 01

Dear god…

There isn't anyone in this class that isn't a freak in some way!

New Quest: Memories of youth.

Your class is full of new and interesting people. Get involved in their lives and make precious memories along the way.


100.000 exp.

Increase relationship with every member of class 1-F.


Become a social outcast.

Deadline: Until next the school year.


So there you are quest system, where were you when I was doing the dishes or cleaning the apartment, you know, easy shit to start the game with! But noooo, fuck tutorial! Let's give this fucker a year-long quest that requires him to dive headfirst into Nerima madness, and let's tempt him with a shit load of exp to his level 01 ass while at it.

Whatever, the exp is not that tempting.

… I'm in control, damn it!

Quest accepted!

Don't judge me!

"Ranma Saotome!" A strong, prideful voice could be heard from the corridor, hell, it could be heard from the other side of the school even. It was easily able to overtake the droning lecture from the teacher. "I won't allow it!"

"This engagement of your to Tendo Akane. I, TATEWAKI KUNO, SHALL NEVER, EVER ALLOW IT!!!"

There was a moment of silence so the appropriate pin could drop. Then a stampede of hormonal, drama-deprived, Japanese teenagers trampled their way to the classroom's windows and practically tore it open to wail, curse and generally shout at the new couple and the crazy samurai outside.

"Ahh! C-Calm down, Calm down, we're still in class!" The teacher tried to plead to the crowd, but his monotonous voice was lost in the screaming commotion.

The only ones not by the windows were me, who was still sitting on my chair, and Gosunkugi Hikaru, who was twitching on the ground after being trampled half to death.

I sighed.

Gosunkugi twitched.

Well, at least Ramna is doing a good job keeping the budding Nerima bullshit from spilling out on me.

… And of course, that was the time my body decided to shiver as a sensation I'd never felt before drew my attention to a specific direction.

Skill created: Spiritual Senses, level 01.

A skill shared by people sensitive to exoteric energy, allows you to detect supernatural creatures and phenomenon in your vicinity.

The fuck?

New Quest: Like, onmyoji and shit…

A mischievous Yokai has entered the premises, do something about it!


500 exp.


A wave of misfortune cast over Furinkan High's student population.

Possible injury or death.

Three girls traumatized for life.

Deadline: Until the end of the school day.


I slowly placed a hand over my face and groaned. Of course, even thinking like that would provoke the universe; this is goddamn Nerima after all.

Fine! Ok! I'm already ass deep in bullshit anyway, what a few more centimeters gonna do.


It was easy to sneak away while the whole school was distracted with Ranma ½ shenanigans, it was even easier to find the equipment shed and help myself in. Soon I was exiting it with a nice aluminum baseball bat, and a bulky nailgun.

The rest was simply following this new… sense. It was like a little bird chirping in the back of your head, or an annoying bee buzzing in your ear, I couldn't shut it down, and it was distracting as fuck, but at least I had a general feel of where to go.

Spiritual Senses leveled up!

Yeah yeah.

My new skill led me to a fire staircase discretely positioned beside the building, away from the front entrance and a short distance from where Ranma and Kuno were going at it if the giant pillar of water was any indication. There was a bubble of distorted reality in the middle.

Seriously, it was like a giant, man-sized glass ball that was distorting the light around it, the images of a continuing stairway contracting and expanding inside its transparent form. I poked it with my baseball bat, causing ripples of distortion to softly traverse the surface.

Alright then, here it goes nothing.

You have entered an Illusion Barrier.

The first thing that was apparent was the sound, or rather, the lack of it. People really take for granted the small sounds that make up the background noise of their life. The chirps of birds, buzzing of insects, breathing of other people, even the distant urban noises of a moving city were all components of what people would consider an average hearing experience. Pieces so familiar that they fell out of conscious thought in favor of more immediate noise.

But take that away, and it's impossible not to notice. It was unnatural, unbalancing, and just plain creepy.

I stood on the next step of the stair I would have taken in the 'real' world. Existing on a Furinkan high school of another, empty, reality. With my new annoying senses bearing down on me from every direction.

I had to grab the rails of the stair for support, trying to steady my unbalanced legs, my eyes closed as I pushed the wrongness of the lack of noise to the side while I tried to make sense of the new storm that was my supernatural senses.

It's twigging like mad because I'm inside a supernatural phenomenon, but it can't help me like this.

I spend a few minutes just focusing on breathing, calming the body and mind just enough so I could function.

Spiritual Senses leveled up!

Spiritual Senses leveled up!

That's better.

Pushing through the wave, I took my first steps and made my way through the empty school.

Not so empty school apparently, but not in any way that would lessen the creepy factor. There were… images? Impressions? Ghost of students walking through the corridors, talking animatedly in voices only they could hear, conglomerating on the windows to watch the fight, or make sense of the aftermath now.

It was on the first floor, the third years' floor for some reason, that I found the 'yokai'.

"Kiki! Ki ki KI!" The tiny creature cried enthusiastically as it knuckled it's way behind a female image and looked up her skirt.

Whatever I was expecting from the yokai, it wasn't this. Hell, it looked more like an ugly pokemon than it did a monster of Japanese legend, and it also wore a white buddhist monk uniform for some reason.

Infant Satori

Vagrant Yokai

Level 05

You got to be kidding me, right? The thing's the size of a rat. It's a hairy monkey the size of a rat! Fuck, I thought it would be a tiger monster or something.

The creature, a Satori apparently, followed behind the class as they got into their seats, for a moment I was creeped out by the vision of a ghostly classroom before focusing back on the little creature.

I followed behind the Satori as it flipped beneath the desks and made a few ghostly images flinch.

That makes me raise an eyebrow. It can interact with the ghost? I can't do that.

"Fuck." I cursed as I lost sight of the thing in one of its dashes, now I have to crouch and look beneath each desk.

I did that… and frankly, I don't understand what the monkey's excitement was all about, it just looked like a blue-ish outline between the girl's legs for me, like the kind you'd find in a naked Barbie doll or something. But then again, I don't understand the japaneses' obsession with panties in general. I was always much more interested in what they hid.

Thankfully, it didn't take long to find the…

The ghost of the girl was slowly curling over herself, her notebook raised to hide the expression she was making, and by the hand on her mouth, the sounds she was letting out. Her other hand was crunching her skirt, trying to set it down while the monkey creature lodged it's head deep between her legs.

Ok, that's just not right.

"Hey! Cut that out!" I said harshly, maneuvering my baseball bat through the girl's ghostly hips and peeled the thing out of her.

"KiKI! KikikiKIIII!!" It screeched loudly as it fell to the floor and started to throw a tantrum. I was about to kick it in annoyance when it suddenly snapped a murderous glare in my direction.

Hoh, it wants a go?

I tightened my grip and readied my bat, let's do this!




I ran/hopped away from the little devil. Reaching and throwing my body hard against a window, it promptly shattered all over me and left fun little wounds as I made a bad landing on the other side, I didn't care about that as I force myself to my feet and continued to run.

Humans can ignore an amazing amount of pain when they are trying to stay alive, but I've got to say the wound in my inner thigh, where a piece of me has been bitten off was really starting to bug me.

I have Gamer body, why the fuck I'm getting all bloody-UFF!

"KIKI!" Screeched the hairy cannonball as it threw us to the floor and sank its fangs in my shoulder

"AH!" I screamed as I practically hear the flesh tearing more than I felt, probably shock and adrenaline working its magic. I twisted, trying to pin the monster with my weight only to cry out as it crawled away, making me brush my new wound on the dirt.

I moved, thrashing about was the creature roamed all over me like a squirrel hooked on caffeine, biting and scratching and making me bleed.

Like with the baseball bat, it managed to slip around every single one of my strikes like it was reading my damn mind, my every attempt to get rid of it was met only with blood and pain.

Only my quick thinking kept me alive, and by that, I mean I blocked its access to my neck with my arm and hand, but it left practically everything else the open.



I can't. I couldn't.

We rolled around like crazy, each moment the monkey causing more painful injuries sinking its fangs a bit deeper.


It wasn't supposed to be this way. I was the goddamn gamer! I'm a Gamer in a possible self-insert story! I can't-


I can die like this-ITS IN MY FACE GODDAMN IT'S IN MY FACE!!

I shook my head madly, the monkey screamed and thrashed with me. Overwhelming pain exploded from my left side; I could feel the blood dripping down madly over my cheek and ear, it's metallic scent mixing with the monkey's reek.

I screamed.

It was hurting me. It was killing me. It was freaking eating me!


Skill created: Illusion barrier escape lvl 01.

Allow you to escape from Illusion Barriers that are empty or only have low-level monsters.

And suddenly, it was no more. I lay there, on Furikan high's grass field, catching my breaths and looking at the blue sky with a single eye, my ears blasting with the wonderful noise of the world in full movement.

It felt like an eternity before I moved again, slowly raising my arm towards my mangled face and over my eye.

… I didn't cry, I just… gather my bearing for a while…

Skill created: Meditation lvl 01.

Raises your mental focus and increase your Hp and Mp regeneration as long as you don't move.


Turn out I did have the fucking Gamer Body. I mean, I knew that as I had read it before, but only now it decided to appear.

In all seriousness, it seems I have a more 'realistic' version of the Gamer body; my health is regulated by my HP, but my 'apparent damage' is also tied to it, meaning I would really experience every wound as it dipped my HP down, and feel every pain that it entails.

It was not all gloom and doom; it was still The Gamer Body, so it was still bullshit: All my fatigue utterly vanished after a short rest, and my HP regenerated from red to full health in about twenty minutes. And because my 'apparent damage' is tied to my HP, I was now good as new, complete with a brand new eye and everything.

So, slightly less bullshit than the usual Gamer, but still Bullshit.

I used my baseball bat to prop me up, how I managed to keep a hold of the thing only god knew. I had dropped the nailgun though, but it was bulky and heavy and practically useless when your target is a tiny monkey that could move like a pinball.

My uniform was bloody and in tatters, even if the body beneath was clean and pristine. I looked over the gaps in the fabric and the bloody scratch holes and trembled.

Something tried to eat me. There was a sort of primordial fear in that.

It's time to… retreat.

No way I'm fighting that thing again. No, I shouldn't have been fighting it in the first place. I mean, I just got into a fight with a genuine monster with a baseball bat and no training, just… what the fuck was I thinking!? The difference in levels alone should have been enough to tell me how much of a bad idea it was… Yeah, No, just no, I'll search for something to kill that is more around my level, get stronger first before throwing myself into crazy shit like that again.

With this resolve in mind, I start walking, no use going back to class with my uniform in this state, I'll just have to bear with the teachers' disappointment for now.

As I walked, I started to… recall the 'fight', I was doing good really, just with one or two fearful shudders, nothing to write home about, but yeah, not putting myself in a situation like that ever again.

But then I remember… the text about the consequences of failure… and what the monkey was doing with the girl.

I stopped — the wind rustling like a dramatic scene from an overacted Japanese soap opera.

Fuck… I… I don't really have a choice, do I?

"CHE! 'Go find water on your own!' Why!? All I did was give her some pointers! Tsk, that… uncute tomboy!"

And just like that, a raspy but not at all unpleasant to hear female voice echoed in the distance, getting closer.

I sighed, surrendering to this destiny with the corner of my mouth curling just a tiny bit. I should have known…

I looked up and saw the very attractive red-hair walking and grumbling on the path opposite to mine. Her red Chinese shirt was damp and molding over an impressive bust that looked even bigger due to her short stature. She had her pants draped over her shoulder for some reason, leaving her gleaming, sculptured legs free to all leering eyes. Bits of male underwear showed itself from under the hem of her shirt in each step.

Saotome Ranma

Cursed martial artist

Level: 25

She, He?... fuck it, she paused when our ways inevitably crossed, her eyebrows raising at the state of my uniform. "The hell happened to you?" Were her first words to me.

"I'm having a really, really shitty day." I explained slowly, and that earned me a sympathetic snort; "You're Saotome Ranma, right?"

"Yeah-I mean!" The martial artist suddenly twisted her body into an innocent stance, her big blue eyes blinking in adorable confusion. "Saotome Ranma? I don't know who that is, mister~."

I shook my head. "I'm familiar with magic, kinda. And I saw what happened after you fell in that pool earlier." Well, not personally, but I had seen this very event on my tv about seventeen years ago.

She held on to the façade for a few more seconds before she clicked her tongue annoyingly. "Agh! If I'd know I was already busted to the whole school I'd have kicked that damn samurai way harder."

"To be fair, I don't think people made the connection yet." I shifted my weight between my feet, resting my baseball bat on my shoulder. "Say… are you up to hunting a yokai that's haunting the school?"

Because if siccing the highest-level person in the region on the monkey's ass didn't work, I don't know what would.

"Eh? Yokai?" She blinked.

"You know, like the legends-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know what a Yokai is. Just never fought one before." Then she smiled and whoa, I could see why so many characters became smitten by this form. "Tell you what! You get me some warm water, and I'll help you out."


"This is fun!" Saotome Ranma, now a handsome teenage boy wearing pants, punched the thick wall of concrete, drilling his entire arm into it. Then, with an additional effort, he purposefully yanked his arm to the side, increasing the gap of destruction even more before pulling out.

I couldn't do anything but gawk at the martial artist's propensity for destruction, in a way it was a fascinating thing to see; the way a solid, unmoving object just crumbled away under the power of pure human strength, and how deep and fast the cracks could spread out across a construction. In another, it was really worrying that Ranma's first instinct after realizing he was in a pocket dimension was to 'test it out' by trying to bring down the school.

"Hey, Hiroshi!" The Japanese part of my brain frowned by the free use of first names. The rest didn't give a fuck. "You're sure nothing that happens to this school is going to happen to the real one, right!?" He asked for the third time.

"Pretty sure, I broke a few chairs and windows last time I was here, nothing was translated to the orther side."

All and all, Ranma was taking this whole 'whisk away to a pocket dimension' remarkably well… maybe a little too much to be honest.

I sighed.

"Hey Ranma, I don't want like a stick in the mud here, but we really need to get going, the yokai monster still around!"

"Right! Sorry sorry." He twisted and delivered one last kick at some of the still-standing debris, completing the structural damage he has caused on the main school building. It looked like what would happen if a truck invaded the school and isekai'ed an entire classroom, or if a wrecking ball decided to visit, or both.

"So, how we're gonna do this." He says, loosening his shoulders.

I closed my eyes, focusing on activating my new senses to discern between-


"ABOVE!" I shouted suddenly, fear gripping my heart as I threw myself to the side and out of the trajectory of that damn Satori.


Not gonna lie, that sound almost made me lose control of my bowels.

But suddenly, the monkey noise from hell ended in a gurgling gasp and a meaty smack. I snapped my head from my new position on the ground, watching the tiny yokai bounce on the concrete floor in the distance and crash against the school's front gate.

"Is that the thing that was giving you so much trouble?" Ranma had his right leg casually raised in a 180-degree angle. "Man, you're kind of a wimp, you know that?"

I don't want to hear this from you, mister level 25.

"K…i…Ki…KIKI!" The tiny monkey yokai jumped back to its feet with a cry, spat a glob of blood to the side, and entered in an honest-to-god kung fu stance. "Kiki." It declared with a deep resolute-sounding tone.

"Ooh, it still wants to fight," Ranma answered by entering a stance of his own.

For the second time today, I bore witness to a scene right out of a kung-fu movie, only this time it was closer, faster, and a whole lot more impressive.

Seriously, I had always thought that those Chinese wuxia flicks where the actors hang by a rope to 'fly' around and fight looked silly as hell. But Ranma and the monkey yokai taught me what true aerial combat looked like; I had no other word to describe it other than awesome.



Still, even for me, it was clear who was winning; the Satori has received a direct hit from Ranma early and has apparently decided it wants nothing to do with that again; it was weaving and dodging his attacks while desperately trying to land one of its own. To its credit, it was doing an impressive job at that, especially against someone 20 levels above it. But it was clear it couldn't handle another hit.

"Stay still you freaking chimp!"


However, I could see how it was using Ranma's impatience against him.

The battle moved close to the school building, now the combatants weren't even touching the ground, preferring to meet in the air and somehow hop on the side of the building to keep altitude, concrete was cracking and glass was shattering everywhere.

I continued to watch all of that and progressively felt more and more useless.

I mean, is that what I wanted to do with myself? Watch by the sideline? It was a silly thought I know, and part of me wanted to blame on my new teenage brain but I knew better. I was doing the logical thing, hell the right thing even, but… Fuck, I didn't think my gamer adventure would start by me cheering on the sideline while the hero saved the day.

It… pissed me off a little.

So much so that I didn't even realize when my legs started to move and only came back to myself when I crossed the last steps of the school stairs, getting closer to the fight form inside the building.

What was I doing!? Fuck, I don't know, I don't know but…

"Ranma!" I stick my head out of the window and shouted. The really close, really dangerous fight continued, of course- no it changed slightly, I don't know how but I can kinda follow…

Skill created: Battle eye lvl:01.

Lets you seen the pattern of a fight and increase your field awareness.

I see it! Ranma was leading it here!

My bat rose horizontally, I kept it in a 90-degree angle, both of my hands tightened around the handle and my back muscles tensed in preparation. My eyes never left the fighters; their movements were a blur, but the direction they were moving…

Battle eye leveled up!

Five seconds!



My bat trembled by the tension.



"ARGHHH!" I shouted as I swung the bat with all my strength. It's aluminum length flew past the window frame in the apex of its arch, perfectly meeting the back of the furry form that happened to be leaping back on that exact moment. The yokai let out a yelp of pain that was so damn satisfying to hear and was launched forwards like a furry ball, only to have its ugly mug squashed by Ranma's knee.

That brought it down.

I stood that breathing hard as Ranma finally stop edging gravity and let it do its work. Now alone in the corridor, I couldn't help but grin at the trembling waves that were assaulting my arms and the drops of blood that now painted my baseball bat.

Hot damn, that was a rush!

Remembering where I was, I wiped down some sweat over my brow and proceeded to rush back down the stairs.

Ranma was gopnik squatting in the middle of the courtyard when I emerged from the school building.

"Did you finish it?" I asked, rushing over… and finding the thing.

The Satori was… thrashing on the ground screeching and screaming madly, like it was having an epileptic attack. I could see droplets of blood spilling from the wound of its head, and for a moment I wondered if I knocked something important there.

"What's happening?" I asked out loud, Ranma shrugged on the side.

Then the noise it was making started to quiet down, and I don't mean it was stopping, I meant the volume of the screams was literally lowering. And then its body started fading away until it was gone.

It… left something behind.

"The hell?" Ranma comment as I walked closer to see what it was.

A sharp little fang with a cord tied to it, meant to be used as a necklace, and 2.500 yen.

Heh, my monsters leave loot.

"Is that cash!?" Exclaimed the martial artist, seeing the notes in my hand, "Do yokais leave cash!?"

"Don't know, this was the first yokai I've seen."

"Wait, seriously?"

I looked at the loot, easily reaching a decision.

I pocketed the amulet and handed Ranma the money. Wasn't really scraping for money right now and knowing the bullshit that Ranma goes through, or will go through, he needs it more than me.



He didn't even question… I guess his father raised him well?

"Thanks for the help," I say.

"Hum?" He looked up from money and blinked. It took a few seconds for him to process what I had said. "Oh! Sure man, you're welcome." He beamed. "It was fun!"

Chuckling at the guy's simple joy, I directed my attention to the pop-ups that were clogging my vision.

Quest completed: +500 exp.

Level up!

You damn right I did.

Unable to contain my curiosity, I pulled up another mental command and thanked the gods my version of the Gamer could be interacted mentally; otherwise, I would look like a crazy person.

Ōe Hiroshi

The Gamer

Level 02

Hp: 110/110.

Mp: 360/360

Str: 07

End: 09

Dex: 13

Agi: 09

Int: 05 (+30)

Wis: 05 (+30)

Cha: 19 (+20)

Points available: 10

Core Trait: Reincarnated soul.

Hum, ok, so leveling up worked on base 10. I get 10 new points to spend and 10 more points on HP and MP, that's… actually sounds pretty good escalation-wise. I could, for example, suddenly increase a particular stat 10 points if I'm in a pinch. But I'd prefer if I had a point of reference for the stats before I declare anything.

"Hey, Hiroshi."

"Hum?" I looked at the martial artist.

"Do you know how we get out of this place?" He grinned and waved the money he earned. "I'm up for some Takoyaki, what do you say?"

Was he inviting me? I smiled. "We still have classes, you know?"

"Ugh! Then let's stay here. Hey, wanna bet how quickly I can bring this building down?"

I chuckled, fumbling around with the feeling of my Illusion barrier escape skill.

Skill created: Illusion Barrier Erase.

Lets you erase Illusion Barriers that are empty or have monsters that have lower levels than you.


Thankfully, the rest of my fragmented school day went pretty normally. I even managed to dick around with some game system like Inventory and Equipment, and managed to figure out that I could mentally use the two to change clothes in a flash. Now I was walking back across the darkening streets of Nerima on the way to my new apartment.

The apartment I'd woken up in and had the biggest freak out of my life. At the start of the day, I was dreading doing just about anything, but now I only wanted to go back there, marinate in the small tub for a while, and go to fucking sleep. Funny how things change in a single day.

It was nothing to write home about, definitely not a big ten plus stories building with large apartments or anything, just a well put together two stories building with exposed metal staircases, run by a kind, near deaf old woman who lived in the number one. Not at all where people would imagine the direct heir of a wealthy family would live.

Well, the Ōes, which I still know nothing about, apparently had a 'rite of passage' of sort: An Ōe child is to spend their high school years fending for themselves, with only tangential support from the family wealth and connections. It's supposed to be a rite of manhood or something I wasn't paying attention to the call I got from the head of the family lawyer team. I got to admit this is not a bad custom to have, putting a kid against the world young to make him grow up faster and tougher, but still, I would like some more parental involvement rather than a mother shopping in Paris and an eccentric father doing god know what in god knows where.

It works for me. In fact, it's ingenious; I get a place to stay, some support but not too much, parents too rich to bother with their child, and a family tradition that put some distance between me and the Japanese elites' social tango for a couple of years. Perfect place to be inserted into, eh ROB?

I sighed, climbing the metal stair to the second floor.

Gamer powers, Ranma 1/2, freaking Nerima, it still feels unreal, and not without reason. But what I've experienced today was terrible�� and awesome.

I'm… kinda glad this is happening, I wanna see how far can I go with this, and this is a fun universe to live in, even if I don't remember much about the show.

But all that rumination wouldn't fill my stomach or take care of my tired bones, so warm bath and food here I goooo…

Of course Nerima wouldn't let my day end peacefully.

There was something- no, someone lying on the ground right in front of the door to my apartment. They were a tangle of limbs awkwardly sprawling out in uncomfortable directions hidden under layers of thick, puffy clothes that made them look like a homeless person. Their extremely long, straight black hair was tangled all over their prone body like a horror movie, and their face was lying in a puddle of vomit.

To complete the picture there was a discarded bottle of hard sake close by, because the universe thought I've never seen a drunk person before and wanted to make sure.

I sighed, getting close… and deciding that the figure was either a woman or a trap because her hips were comically stuck high in the air and the thick fabric of the long skirt was molding over an ass so magnificent I refuse to believe it was attached to a man.

Now, the gamer power gives me another form of identification…


Uehara Rin

The Sparkling Taimanin

Level: ??

Tai… Taimanin!?


New quest: Taking care of the depressed Taimanin.

A smoking hot woman is at your door, drunk, miserable, unconscious, and all-around vulnerable; you know what to do.... Be a captain save a hoe a gentleman and take care of her for the night.


200 exp.

Vastly increase closeness with Uehara Rin




Uehara Rin becomes suicidal


