
part 2

I woke up to the faint smell of blood and the tingling of my supernatural senses.

Truly, when it rains in Nerima, it pours. After a night of fighting cow monsters to almost death, saving innocent himes, meeting sexy mikos only to suddenly realize that this world had not one, not two, but three anime settings running simultaneously when I got home. I only wanted a good night of sleep to prepare myself for whatever craziness this city would throw at me in the morning, but Nah, let's interrupt his precious sleep with another pile of bullshit for him to deal with.

Discreetly peeling my eyes open didn't reveal much, only that the invader had entered by the balcony and left the slide glass door half-open, so the cold night air was ruffling the partially drawn curtains and letting some of the silvery moonshine in. There isn't much space in my apartment, so it must mean that the invader had sneaked over my sleeping form in the middle and made their way to my kitchenette. However, my way-more-sensitive-then-before spiritual senses disagreed with that ascertainment and told me that the invader was right at my side.

Nerve-wracking... if I didn't have the ability to escape via pocket dimension, or if I wasn't riding in the high of having flattened a literal monster through the floor.

I stayed lying on my side with my back towards them, keeping my breath on a steady rhythm and my body relaxed, yet ready to bolt at the slightest hint of suspicious movement, or killing intent. But what I felt instead was a gust of warm breath close to my face, and a feeble touch on my cheek.

Yeah, no, enough with this shit. I decided as I snapped my eye open.

Uehara Rin's face froze on top of mine. She didn't squeak timidly, or drew back, nor did she turn into a stuttering mess. She just stopped her movements on a level so deep that it made her seem like a statue.

… I almost forgot how absurdly gorgeous she looked up close. This was the second time I managed to catch a glimpse of her face directly, and it was by far the most memorable one; she was so close she literally overtook most of my vision.

My thoughts about intruders come to an utter halt, instead came relief and frustration.

What was she doing coming back like that? What's she doing here?

I shifted to my back slowly. Some part of my mind had remembered I was dealing with a slippery ninja who had no qualms on disappearing on me, so I moved slowly to fully face her unmoving form and tried to keep my voice even as I spoke.

"Uehara-san, what are you doing?"

A soft gust of cold wind from the side dragged some of her lightning-shaped bangs over my skin. Light gleamed in her hazel eyes, and her fingers retreated gingerly. This was not the Uehara I've grown accustomed to; this was the Uehara from when I first met her, the cool, collected one.

"This one humbly apologizes for disturbing your sleep, Ōe-sama." She spoke in a low tone. "As for my reasons; this one was going to erase the tracking spell placed on that region."

Her warm breath draped across my skin. I could see the captivating way light danced over her lips… wait what!?

I jerked upward, Uehara neatly sliding out of the way as I suddenly sat on my futon, a hand going to my cheek.

"Tracking spell!? What tranking spell!?" My thoughts raced. Someone had put a spell on me!? When!? I was petty sure that— Wait the Miko!? I snapped my head to the Taimanin kneeling at my side. "Are you sure? How do you kn…know?..."

Now, I'd known since the beginning that Uehara Rin was a Taimanin, and I also know that Taimanins are basically hentai ninjas, so their uniform usually… always consisted of some variation of a skintight bodysuit, presumably to allow for fast movements and help with stealth, but in actuality to give the viewers a good look of their curves. This knowledge didn't help me at all to deal with the sight of Uehara Rin in her taimanin uniform.

It wasn't a bodysuit; it was if the designer had a look at her body and declared that it's a crime to hide such thing for more than the necessary, so they gave her a freaking leotard. No, worse than a leotard, a leotard would at least attempt to cover her sides, this one didn't, it was just a vertical strip of seemly latex rising up her abdomen while leaving her wide hips, narrow waist, and the sides of her trim belly completely naked. And when it got to her chest, where the leotard actually tried to do the job it had neglected until now, someone had designed an honest to god boob window, one that leaves her enormous bust more bare than covered.

It was, frankly, a genius outfit for eroticism, given that I can personally attest that it made her look better than she would naked, a challenging task. But it was a complete disaster for a ninja that's supposed to fulfill dangerous missions in rape demon-infested territories. I mean, that's just tempting fate!

The teenager part of my brain promptly forced all available mental power to focus on this wondrous visage, derailing everything else.

"Ōe-sama, this one had been trained in the basics of the arcane arts, a spell of this level is within this one's capabilities to erase." She explained dutifully.

By that point, the adult part of my brain was winning against the more hormonal one— I was getting better at this— when I noticed something else on her…

Her outfit, as tiny as it was, was ragged.

The metal protection on her arms and legs held deep scars in the metal and dry blood over them, the latex of her outfit was torn and worn out to the point that some parts were barely holding on, and all over the many naked parts of her body were cuts and purple bruises. They were shallow, many not deep enough to draw blood, but there were so many it added on to make a grim picture.

The faint smell of blood...

"What happened to you, Rin?"

There was a short, quiet hiccup in her breath, but few changed in her neutral expression.

She only spoke after a few seconds. "…Ōe-sama… This one was repenting for her gross mistake that had threatened your health. No enemy shall bother you again."

My shoulders sagged a bit. I'm relieved to know she wasn't captured. But about what she'd said.



I clicked my mouth close in surprise, yet she just stared ahead that like she wasn't just interrupted me. It was the very first breach of politeness she'd made in my presence.

"Rin… You…"

What was to say? You didn't need to do that? They were rape demons, of course she had. Even though I don't know what she'd faced that required her to disappear for five days and come back bruised and bloodied…

Then, a line of inquiry came to me. "You're a ninja."

It might sound dumb, but it was important, we actually didn't reveal anything substantial about each other when we last talked, so for her to be here now in full taimanin gear was quite odd, and definitely threaten the secrets she tried to hide.

She didn't answer, but I'd expected that.

… I decided to continue to 'deduce' things.

"Your clothes and your weapons." I dropped my eyes to the weapons she had on her belt-like straps. There were two sword guards without blades that I'm sure worked for her, some kunais, unknown pouches, and the shurikens were unmistakable. She didn't react to my gaze or tried to hide them from it. "Are similar to the ninjas of old."

I shifted myself to better stare into her unmoving eyes.

"That thing we met, I couldn't see much of it, but I had time to look up a few things. It looked like an Orc, like some video games. You had a mission to hunt them down, maybe given by a contractor or someone you swore loyalty to." I licked my lips. "But you failed, or one escaped your notice, leading to the ambush of a few days ago, which clearly failed. And now you finally finished the job."

The room became darker, likely a cloud passing over the moon. The Taimanin's eyes gleamed like two tiny points in the darkness while a shroud of shadows covered her form. It was a… surprisingly scary sight.

Yet I didn't feel threatened, maybe it was my new sensitivity to killing intent or she was just that good. But at no point, I felt she wouldn't hurt me.

"Ōe-sama..." She began slowly as if waiting for the light to go back over her form again. "Ōe-sama has a very creative imagination and very vivid dreams. This one is impressed."

Translation, you hit bull's eye at everything, but I can't tell you that.

"I see, I supposed I would be meeting you in the morning then." I let out a breath and continued on to the vital question. "Uehar…Rin, why are you here now?"

She didn't answer, but it wasn't the calm silence from before. This time it felt slightly different… like she had clamped down. The soft twitch in her expression was proof enough.

That's the thing; Uehara was a taimanin, and she clearly wasn't allowed to tell me about it. Yet we are here now, talking. She's a badass ninja whose level I can't even see; I have little doubt she was capable of stalking around my apartment unnoticed, or failing that, putting me to sleep or knocking me unconscious before I had a proper look at who it was.

This conversation we're having doesn't make sense unless she wanted me to see her… or there is something else.

And my spiritual senses were pointing in that direction because now I'm sensitive enough to see the difference: it wasn't Rin that had triggered my senses; it was something clinging to her.

"You were hit by a spell." I guessed, and her shoulders hitched. Lucky guess? "I can feel it a bit, now."

"Ōe-sama's progress is outstanding." She commented, falling back to her calm facade.

I sweep the blanket away from my waist after I judged things to be sufficiently under control there, and shift my body to face the Taimanin directly.

"Don't…" She mumbles in an almost inaudible tone.

"Hum?" I look up at her, now facing her completely. Then, I frowned.

"Tell me what's happening…Rin." I said, now firmly.

Her throat moved as she made to swallow, even though her face remained the same. Only now, I noticed that her skin was gleaming more than usual; she was slightly sweaty.

"Thr… Three…" She began, but her voice faltered for the first time. She restarted. "This one has been hit by three different stimulation spells and has been injected with a substance that her body was not able to fully purge yet."

O-Ok… and considering she is a taimanin, and she regularly deals with...

I leaned forward for a bit, "Are you ok?"


I flinched back, startled by the sudden outburst.

She still held the same position, but now she was notably breaking down while on it. Her fingers were curling into a fist over her thighs, her shoulders were trembling, and her hair was now shadowing her eyes. There was a noticeable smell of ozone in the air.

"Please, please don't move, don't get close. This one…" She raises her face a little, where were tears in her eyes, and her nose was now spotting a pretty large flush. "This one is barely holding herself!"

New Quest: A Taimanin's Good End.

Uehara Rin has just come back from her roaring rampage of revenge and now needs a helping hand with a common Taimanin problem; luckily, you just so happen to have the right tool for the job! So get to it!


+ 100 exp.

Vastly increase closeness with Uehara Rin.

Uehara Rin's personal kunoichi vow.


Decrease closeness with Uehara Rin.

Dumb Shounen Protagonist Title.


I didn't even read the description of the quest, just accepted it as a means to get it out of my face because I had more important shit to worry about!

Now, there are a few ways one could react to what she told me, to what she implied. A typical teenager would probably become a nervous wreck and either jump at the opportunity or become too afraid to take the next step. Luckily, I wasn't a simple teenager, so I managed to keep my head together, even if my smaller one had bulged out considerably by the implications alone.

My thoughts raced, she'd said she's being affected by several factors that were increasing her lust, yet she was here right now, despite having many other means to take care of it, and her word let little doubt as to why.

I… relaxed, a layer of tension I didn't even realize I had melting away from my shoulders. My lips curled as I decided to trust the game messages about our closeness and set off to the next course of action.

"Barely holding herself… from what?" I said in a low tone.

Rin didn't notice any change. She just continued trembling. Her head shook softly, throwing her lighting bangs from side to side.

"This one can't help herself… This one can't steer her thoughts away from…" Her teeth rasped against her lips. Her breathing got heavier. I, myself, felt a jolt of excitement; just seeming this perfect Yamato Nadeshiko slowly come apart was oddly alluring.

Her following statement came after two brief stutters. It was more like she was yanking out from herself or like she couldn't keep holding in anymore.

"This one is holding herself from taking advantage of you."

'Take advantage' how prude. Even in this state, she can't help but be polite and adorable.

"Ah!" The Taimanin's shoulders jerked slightly, the sound that came from her mouth was more of a squeak than a gasp, and it contrasted wonderfully to the serene image she'd tried to convey. She blinked down to see what caused the reaction and saw my finger tapping the middle of her latex-clad tight. It was nothing suggestive, just a simple touch to bring attention to how close we now are. Her eyes got wide; it seems she didn't even notice my approach.

"That's impossible, Rin," I said to her flushed expression. "You can't take advantage of me I'm the one initiating…"

And so I casually crossed the last distance between us and laid my lips upon hers.

It was a chaste thing, just pressing our lips together. But there is something about the softness, the warm, the musky smell… that made it very intimate. Rin certainly felt it too by the way she shivered under my touch.

"Ōe-sama?" She mumbled when I gave her an inch of separation, I gladly took advantage of that to press on again, this time deeper, teasing those plump, glossy lips with the tip of my tongue. "Ōe-sama." She mumbled against my lips. "Ōe-sama, Ōe-sama, Ōe-sama!"

And that was the moment the dam broke.

Uehara Rin lunges into my embrace, the sudden shift of weight throwing me onto my ass. Her hot, voluptuous body pressed over mine. Our kiss went from slow and calm to deep and hungry. I tried to match her intensity as she plunges her tongue into my mouth.

Her arms circled around my back, her fingers clawed the fabric of my tank top, and her body shook and jerked by the rhythm of our messy kiss. Her enormous breasts squeezed tightly against my now much harder muscles as she kept dragging herself up and down to maximize contact.

My back hit the floor when our cores pushed together, her thighs closing around my very visible bulge while a burning mold pressed itself over it. She practically purred at my throat as the sensation traversed her entire body.

Might have underestimated how pent up she was.

"Ōe-sama." She whined as she finally pulls away, a trail of drool connecting our lips. "Sorry, Ōe-sama." She kept her hazy eyes locked on mine while her hand slid between our bodies, going down the definitions of my torso. "This one can't wait any longer!"

Her hand slid beneath the elastic band of my pajama pants and fished my dick out; its head immediately sprang to the air higher than she expected, hitting her molten core above. The contact made us both moan and stiffened her body so much that her upper torso fell over me, squashing my chest under the softness of her breasts.

"Ah!... I-Impressive." She fumbled with my member, trying to direct it to her entrance, but only managed to pump my shaft while clumsily massaging the head of my dick against her still latex-covered mound. It felt amazing to me, but to her extra-sensitive self was on another level. Her wide hips visibly bucked with each touch, forcing more and more desperate contact but no penetration. Each jolt of pleasure made her clumsier, so it was becoming difficult for her to get it done.

"Needs help?" I half breathed half chuckled into her ears. Making her let out a needy groan into my neck.


I passed my hands over her sides, making sure to yank as many frustrated groans as possible on my way down. Soon, I joined hers over stabilize my dick, while sliding the other on over her soft, oh so very soft folds between her legs, causing a shriek to break out from her throat and her hips to raise high. At that moment, there was nothing I wanted more than to finger and play around with that wet plumpness. But I understand what my woman needed, and so I just pushed the drenched latex to the side, exposing her drooling quim to the night air.

"Oh! This is it!" Her upper body jerked up suddenly as my swollen head finally met her naked entrance; it was so moistened that it immediately slid a few centimeters in. "This is it! This is it! Yes! Yes!" She pushed herself up while her slender back arched to place her hips into position, and then she pressed herself down.


I barely registered her throaty moan, too busy dealing with my own sensations. Her tight, little tunnel stretched and spread around my length, squeezing me so hard it was like she was trying to make me part of her. Our hips met in a wet slap a second later. The act had produced jolts of numbing pleasure that practically forced my hips to buck.

Like, literal, real, jolts!

"Ōe-sama!" Rin threw her head backward until I couldn't see her face, her hands dropping over my legs as she leaned back, her mountainous breasts arching over the horizon.

The constant movements of her quivering walls alone were mindboggling enough, but then she began to sway her hips from side to side while trying to keep as much as myself within her as possible. Making my length shift and grind her insides over and over.

I was twitching; I only realized after I tried to reach those bouncing tits with a hand but found myself unable to move my arm properly. Before I could think, however, Rin shifted again, throwing her weight forward this time while her hands fell over my pectoral to steady herself.

"Ōe-sama! Ōe-sama! You're impaling this one so deeply!" Her eyes were lost in a mist of lust; there was a trail of drool dripping from the corner of her mouth while she smiled a happy, drunken smile. It was like seeing a mixture of the two Ueraha Rin I've met coming together as one.

I felt her raise her hips, exposing some of my drenched length to the coldness of the night. Then she slapped her hips down again.

Her joyful squeal happened in the background of my mind. Most were lost in the buzzing pleasure that seems to shook across my whole form.

"W-What the-" I mumbled, before groaning at the massage this tight little pussy gave me while it rose. Then it came down again and made the whole world go white.

New Skill Created: Elemental Resistance: Electricity lvl 01.

Increases your natural resistance against electricity, decrease the harmful effects of electrical currents, take less damage from electrical attacks.

I pull up a breath, feeling the world come back to its senses. My lower side was numb, save to the waves of pleasure that those crashing hips were causing. The rest was aching, twitching, and tingling with a combination of pain and pleasure. The smell of female arousal and ozone was thick in the air.

Rin was chanting my name as she brought her hips up and down, again and again, her head and long hair bobbing with the movement with eyes full and unseeing. Her whole body was sweating madly now, dropped flew out as those gigantic breasts bounced up and down, now free from their early confinement. And they were also… sparkling.

Shit, the drug! It made her lose control.

Elemental Resistance: Electricity leveled up!

Some distinctive sensations shoot back from my groin, and I groaned as I felt the constantly quivering tightness going up and down my dick while leaving behind jolts of energy that exploded in sensations that couldn't be described. I don't even know how I didn't cum yet.

Or I did and didn't remember.

I grunted, closing my hands to test out the control I had over my limbs, finding it good enough. I wrapped my fingers around one of Rin's arm and pulled her down. She went with a happy mewl.

After a few testing bucks of my hips which nearly blank out my mind again, I finally manage to roll us over, placing the out of control Taimanin beneath me.

I pushed my face against the vast softness of her breast, catching one of the large pink nipples into my mouth while sinking my fingers on the leftover breast and firmly gripping the malleable flesh. Rin cried and jolted under me, seetting my nerves on fire.

Elemental Resistance: Electricity leveled up!

With more feeling back and the ability to now withstand the currents that were locking my muscles before. I drew my length back and forcefully pushed back in, starting to piston in and out of the ninja girl in an attempt to quell her fire… well… lighting.

Rin howled as our hips slammed together, producing arcs of electricity that bounced across the room. I felt my eyes tear up from the explosion of sensation, but pushed past it and continued to hammer down her increasing sparkling core.

Elemental Resistance: Electricity leveled up!

"Oh! Oh! OH! Oh! Oh!" The capability to form coherent words had long since escaped her, leaving her vocabulary limited by loving repletion of my name and basic sounds of ecstasy.

But I could feel the muscles of her abdomen tightening, her inner tunnel trembling around my constant invasion, and the volume of her voice increasing. She was getting closer.

Electricity was arcing freely now, illuminating the room with flashes of indigo light. Her spread legs shook under my movements, having long since opened to give me complete access to her sex. Loud, meaty slaps echoed as our hips met each other with ever-growing ferocity, the sizable ass beneath all acting almost as a cushion to prop her pussy up against my ramming hips. It was easy to fuck Ueraha Rin; the act felt natural and right, the more I did, the more I wanted to keep going. Like this woman has made to be fucked.

"OH! OhHHh! Ōe-sama! ŌE-sama! This ONE isss GUUU!!!!!"

Her walls clamped down over my pulsing length, locking myself in her deepest parts. The current that was becoming easy to ignore came back in full force. It would have made me arch my back if two slender arms hadn't circled around my head and kept it on the valley of her breast like it belonged there.

I felt her bucking and writhing underneath me; her legs strong were enough to push both of us off the ground as they curled. After a single, infinite moment of tension, a pulse was projected outward and she unraveled around me, loudly squirting her liquid arousal around my crouch until it dripped from my balls and ran down my legs. All while her pussy greedily drank from my own essence that was being spurted deep inside in long, thick cords of white.

"GRAHHH!" Was the final note from her previously noiseless scream. Her body fell limp to the floor. Mine held on for a second before following behind though I ended up with a much better pillow.

For a while, we just stayed there, catching our breath. Hearing the last shards of glass falling from the lamp that had exploded and hearing the distant melody of car alarms before they fizzled out.

Quest Completed!

+100 exp

Your closeness with Uehara Rin has vastly increased.

Bonus objective fulfilled: Graduating from your V-card… Again… Kinda…

+10 exp

Bonus objective fulfilled: Banging a babe way above your level.

+20 exp

Bonus objective fulfilled: Surviving superpowered sex.

+30 exp

Bonus objective fulfilled: Highly Destructive climax.

+40 exp

Bonus objective fulfilled: As close as a man can get to fucking a car battery.

+50 exp

New Skill Created: Sex Mastery lvl 01

Gives intuitive grasps on the art of having sex, increases pleasure given and received.

Level up!

"Ah, ahh, ahh." Each one of Rin's post orgasm breaths was like amorous sighs. She didn't resist as I turned our bodies so we were lying on our side, her mouth kept moving in an unheard mantra, and her hazy but serene eyes fluttering as she followed my every move.

It was only when my softening penis popping out from her abused pussy that she closed her eyes and relaxed into sleep.

I sighed, trying to ignore the smoke that trailed up from my mouth. My body was aching, my hair was spiked upwards like a bad anime character, and my dick was feeling way-too-numb for my liking, but then again my Hp bar was nearly in the red, so I'd figured most of these problems would take care of themselves with a few minutes of rest.

A tired gaze to the side let me judge that the blanket was too close from the broken glass for me to risk it, and I could see some faint sunlight peeking from the bottom of the curtains. The Japanese part of my brain told me to get some rest before school, but most of it told that part to fuck itself because there would be no school for me today.

Yeah, let the world fuck itself for a while, I'll deal with the rest later.

With these encouraging thoughts in mind, I sunk back onto my sweaty Taimanin bodypillow and fell asleep soon after.