Release Him, Please


"Something a low-class warrior like you can never even think of doing," Gideon said.

Criselda knew he was about to cause trouble, especially with the wild look on his face. Delbert on the other hand had slumped shoulder, considering that was clearly not the response he had expected to get from Gideon.

Then again, what response was he expecting from a wild witch? it wasn't like anyone in this room was a saint anyway, so what Gideon was about to do, was justified, but was it? Was it really enough to make up for all the anger in the room or the chaos he knew so well would follow?

However, Gideon didn't care, because he used his magic to roughly and mercilessly choke king Eddy, shocking everyone in the room. The king coughed, but all that faded when his face began turning pale and his hands blue.

He was losing his sight and breath, something that Gideon seemed to be enjoying so much. All this while, Gideon was staring at Delbert, as if to tell the werewolf warrior that this was who he was. This bad and cruel protege.

It was almost like Gideon was telling Delbert to back off and stop paying attention to him, but would the werewolf warrior listen?

'Release him, please' Delbert mouthed to Gideon who just continued choking the lycan king.

He didn't care what Delbert thought of him and there was nothing that the werewolf warrior could do to make him stop, so just like everyone else, they watched hopelessly.

Criselda tried to break the barrier between Gideon and Eddison, but she couldn't. In his anger, Gideon had created a wall between them and the rest.

Criselda could do nothing.

King Cassius was confused.

Zelina looked like a proud sister.

Grant was in shock.

Ulrike was smirking openly, almost like this is what he had wanted to do and couldn't do. He didn't care about what could happen next, but until Gideon would stop choking the old bastard, Ulrike would be happy with this.

This was the victory he wanted and hadn't known how to trigger, and this was his heaven.

They all seemed like they were in a trance, one that was broken when the warriors rushed in. the lycan warriors were raging, this was their king who was being disgraced, and they would not let this happen.

Not on their watch.

However, Gideon didn't give a shit about that.

He was openly challenging them, while he tightened his hold o the lycan king. He wanted them to try and cross the barrier. He was calling them to come and see what it would take to bring him down.

It was an open challenge, to see hat they would do to him. He was baiting them to start a war. He wanted to fight he needed to let pout the anger in him and what better way to do that than to fight people who were strong like him?

Realizing that the king was about to faint again, Gideon released his hold on the king, but not the barrier. He was watching all their priceless reactions, like this was the boost he needed, but then why would he target the strangest king of all?

Why would he go after the cruel man?

"You dare lay a finger on ME?!!!!!!!" King Eddison boomed and instinctively, the warriors bowed, for the amount of power that the lycan king was letting on, but Gideon just stood there, bored and staring at the King with disgust, almost as if to asked the king, "Is that all you got?"

The king looked at Gideon and once gain, he was met with stone cold eyee, that didn't give two shits about him and what had just happened. He thought Gideon would cower in fear lie everyone was, but Gideon wasn't worried about himself.

The king just realsied that there was nothing he would do to Gideon to make him let go. Whatever he had doe to this man to piss him off this bad, it had to be worse, because no one in Udrad had ever dared to even plot against the king.

Eddison was scared and for a split second, he let it show, but just like that, it disappeared.

Bored, Gideon let down the barrier and stood there, waiting for people to descend on him with their insults and spears, but no one said anything. Even Delbert was no longer giving him judgemental eyes, which was crazy.

It had been a staring contest barely minutes ago and now there was nothing anymore? Damn, they needed to be this crazy more often.

Gideon could tel that Delbert liked him, but then he just didn't have time to deal with the opposition between factions. He didn have time to deal with the witches hating on the werewolf or the werewolves living in fear of Gideon.

He just didn't have the time, and if it ever happened that he was mated to Delbert, then he would as well tell the man to forget about him. But would Delbert do that? WOuld he give up on his mate, if Gideon was his mate?

"Your protege lay a hand on me, Criselda, you know what this means," King Eddy begun but Gideon interrupted him angrily, and worse, with all the disrespect he could manage today.

"If you want a war with the witches of Greroth, just say it like a man. Don't be standing there thinking this is fucking Udrad. I was hurt by the stupid beast, because of you. Look at me, hurt as if this is what I came here for.

"We fucking came to make peace and this shit could have been avoided if you just got up and told us the truth about the beast you forgot to put a fucking leash on. You wasted our chances of getting him, of capturing the stupid beast.

"And before you threaten Greroth, before you even think of spelling out my home for your lips, think of the repercussions of what happened here tonight," Gideon said before turning to the lycan warriors who were just standing there, his lips curling up into a smirk.

Anyone could see the witch wasn't done with the King. Criselda had given up all hope on Gideon. SHe knew there was more to this, of course she was aware of the reasons Gideon would never be able to respect the king of Udrad.

Criselda was painfully aware of the pain that Gideon was holding in, and maybe that was also the reason why she had released her magic balls, the moment Gideon had let go of Eddison. This was a war they would win, togetehr.

If anyone tried anything with her son, she would turn them to ashes without so much as a second thought. SHe would tell them what it meant to be on the wrong side of the witches, but was it even right?