All For A Best Friend


"Okay, okay, fine! I'll go to the fucking ball since you want to see me more miserable than your relationship with my mom. However, if you so much as lay a finger on Fahima, it will be the last you see of me," Unar threatened and the king just scoffed.

"I have spent my whole life killing lycans, both loyal and the disloyal ones. You would do well to listen to me, boy,'' Edison said coldly to his son, his tone making it known to the young prince that he was playing with fire, and he was bound to be burnt if he wasn't careful.

Turning to the guards, Edison said, "you're dismissed. But make sure you keep an eye on that Fahima girl. I wouldn't want her to be the reason this kid doesn't show up at the ball."

He hated that he had to use threats on a child he had loved so much. His son was the reason he was still holding on and trying to stay alive longer so he would deal with the beast, but if Unar wanted to make it hard, then he would make life hard for the boy too.