Forgive Me, My Unar


"No. No. No. Not today of all the days, fuck, no," Alanor said as he paced back ad forth around the king's study.

He looked like he was about to lose his sanity and frankly, that was how he was feeling. He wanted it to not be true. It just couldn't be true. Heide couldn't be dying and yet all this time in Udrad, and he hadn't even felt a connection back home.

Alanor felt like he had betrayed his family. He felt like he had left them alone. Fahima had told him about something happening in the Midlands.

What if Greroth had been attacked?

What if Alanor was just enjoying his life while his friends were dying desperately out there?

Alanor was scared, but more than that, Alanor was tense. He was pissed, he was experiencing all sorts of emotions that he hadn't even realized when he put his hair in his signature man bun. He wasn't paying attention to anything, as he thought and looked around.