Of Broken Friendships [1]


"Mother, look what I got you."

"Clean the rakers too, kid."

"One day you'll grow up and be a good lycan boy and possibly a warrior."

"Mother, can I be a princess?"

"You can be anything you want, my sweet child."

Those were the voices of the lycans of Udrad as they went about their daily lives, not having to worry about what was coming for them. At least they had something that the young prince could never have. A functional family.

As Unar walked away from the palace, he couldn't help but feel jealous of the families that were whole. He wondered if ever his would ever be whole, even though he had a father and a mother. They loved him in their own way, but it seemed like they were poor communicators.

They were damaged in ways that they couldn't even spell out loud for fear of everyone ridiculing them.