Probably More Than Just A Bond [2]


"I just can't lose more people, Nymeriah," Manor said defeatedly as he sat down, next to Nymeriah. 

He knew he was probably letting the woman in on too much, but he needed to let out some steam. He needed to face the reality that was glaring at him and the fact that none of this was going to be easy. 

Of course, he was slowly learning it but damn, were they the harshest of lessons.

"It's alright to be scared sometimes, Alanor. I know because I was once scared of the horrors of the world that Edison had created. He took everything I loved and as if that wasn't more he hit me in ways no woman would ever want to talk about. 

"He took everything I valued and still managed to take my heart in the process. Just hold on a little bit longer kid, you'll be fine. Reinforcements are coming, and no, they won't be as crazy as me," Nymeriah said, adding the last bit with a little laugh.