What Manner of Love Is This? [1]


Udrad was on fire and the chaos hadn't even officially started. Families were in pain and now, Unar Stitt was experiencing the same pain. He was in the worst possible state and to think that he didn't even have his father to keep him sane or even hold his hand in the pain. 

Unar felt like he was completely and utterly alone and the worst part of all this, was that everyone in Udrad was depending on him to save them. He was the only person strong enough to get to the bottom of this and propose a truce.

Even then, it was an impossible bargain, because the man he could have given up, had managed to disappear at the first sign of distress. 

The Udrad lycans were hiding in their houses, looking through their windows, scared to get out because of the war that their warriors and stronger men were a part of. The battle was between nine people and the whole of Udrad warriors and even then, the lycans were already defeated.