The Last Queen's Bells


At the lycan queen's final breath, there was a silence in the mind links. No one knew what to do and how to react. No one was sure of how things would turn out for this point.

There was nothing more to live for, especially now that the only person who could stand against Edison, and successfully defend them, was dead.

The last of Ilya's heartbeats had sent a ripple of confusion throughout Udrad, and for a moment, life just didn't have meaning anymore.

The two elders in her chamber sighed defeatedly, as they watched their friend lay still on her bed. They knew one of many things that would happen and that was the lycans prince's reaction.

"Oh, goddess rest her soul," Ileus said, and that was when the mindlinks began chattering again. The worst of creatures, the most lethal creations of the goddess, were once again thrown into mourning, less than six months after the death of Borden.