No Time For Regrets


"Am I dead yet?" Unar asked no one in particular when he regained his consciousness. He could feel his eyes struggling to open and frankly, he wasn't sure he wanted to know what was waiting for him beyond the darkness he had plunged himself into earlier. 

He was afraid of the reality waiting for him, and at the same time, he hoped it was all just dark so he couldn't see the damage his mate and father had made. 

The voices in his head were constantly encouraging him in a weirdly comforting way, and while he wanted to shut them out, the young prince knew without a doubt that it was those voices that were holding him between insanity and sanity. 

They were the lycan voices that seemed proud of him, while he felt like his whole life was just a stupid game of chess, one whose rules hadn't been clearly read to him. He had failed and nothing would make him snap out of it anytime soon.