Go, Fly Freely, My Little Buttefly


"What?" Nour asked as he looked at his mate and then at the royal council. This man wasn't serious, right? But then again one look at Grant, and he knew the bastard was serious.

Nour was caught in a slight dilemma as he watched his mate with eyes that told Grant that the young prince was a few seconds away from snapping the enforcers' neck. He would do it for real this time and nothing would be done to Nour either way.

'Patience, Cass, patience,' the young prince said to himself, before reverting to the meek wolf he was known as. He couldn't show his claws out here right now because then it would mean something else.

The world was slowly changing, and with Alanor holding the lycan king prisoner, it was just a matter of time before the war came to the wolves. Oh, but it would be messy and greasy, but maybe, just maybe things would be alright.