The Wynter Reunion [2]


"Edison… he killed her mother. He killed my guardian in cold blood. He killed the high priestess," Alanor cried as his mother comforted him while his papa just patted his back gently.

They know how hard this was for Alanor. To have someone he loved us dealers taken away for him again. It was a heartbreaking cycle and they wished they were able to do nothing for their child. 

Gideon, who had been angry with Edison and wanted him dead, suddenly went soft. And it wasn't because he had changed his mind about killing Edison, but because this wasn't about him and his anger. 

Today wasn't about him; it was about his son, his little warrior who he'd wanted to watch grow up for years on end. Today was about his Alanor and he was going to make sure it stayed that way. His feud with Edison could take a back seat right now.