Show Me Your Crazy [2]


"Ow ow oww. I didn't do anything to the king I swear. I just burnt Nymeriah to ashes is all, oww," Alanor winced as Zelina pulled his ears like a mother scolding her son.

Ulrike, the warlocks and Heide were watching the madness from a distance, knowing so well that this time, the young Wynter was on his own. It was quite interesting, how everything had changed since they had gotten here.

It was hard to tell whether they were happy that Alanor had burnt Nymeriah, or they were sad about what their kid had become. Whatever it was, one thing was certain, the lycan warriors knew when to fall back.

"Why the fuck did you send Ulrike alone, huh? And you stayed behind? I would understand if you stayed for Unar but everyone in their sane mind knows better.

"So what were you doing?" Zelina insisted