Won't You Stay For Me?


"Hey… We are not abandoning you. We are just taking a break to absorb everything, kiddo. We won't ever abandon you, remember that. If I was going to abandon you, I wouldn't give you the choice to swear on my life now, would I? 

"If we were going to leave, we wouldn't have accepted your suggestion to be the vigilantes back to this side of the realm now would we? We aren't leaving you alone. We are just going to take a rest, kid. We won't leave you, ever. 

"We need you to grow too, Alanor. We are mortals, and we might not be around for long, kiddo. We just want you to live a life without us always hovering around you. That is the only way you can learn to grow and develop well. 

"At the first sight of danger, trust me, we will always be the first at your door, alright?" Zelina said and Alanor just looked at her feeling betrayed.