Unar's Hugest Responsibilities


When Alanor and Ulrike had told Unar that they wanted everything on the menu, the young prince didn't mean that they wanted just that. 

He had assumed that maybe the disastrous duo was just telling him that they wanted everything on the menu because they didn't want him to think of what he wanted to buy for them. 

However, ten hours later, and on the road back to the Wynter house, Usman, Hakim, and Aida were carrying an immobile Ulrike, while Zhurielle, Ferhat, and Unar were carrying the young Wynter back home. 

It was a sight that got the lycans amused, and the young prince just sighed. Ileus, Leroy, and Fahima figured this was going to be a nice dramatic moment, because even they figured they could follow the hopeless group back home.

"There's a lot of food in this kingdom! We shouldn't have agreed to go to the eating competition," Ulrike whined and Ileus just facepalmed.