The Hits of A Guilty Conscience


"No, Al. I just need your help with the kingship. There will be so many responsibilities and I need to be there to train the warriors while you sit through the conflict resolutions. It will give you a chance to better interact with the people of Udrad and give them a perspective and know you too.

This will be a win-win for you and me. Won't you do that for me please?" Unar said,  intentionally adding the last bit quietly, because he knew Alanor would always lose to him when he used the term please.

It was almost like Alanor hated that term and more than anything he never wanted a situation when his mate would be forced to use it.

"You trust me too much my little mate," Alanor said and Uan just dodged proudly. Of course he trusted Alanor with his life so it was easy for Hilton to trust his mate with the lives of their people, right?