The Merdel Genesis [6]


And so it was that Zuhair Merdel, had a meeting with the king, to release her husband. It was surprising even for Edison, because he had expected the woman to come and go all ballistic at him. 

He had expected that the woman would be out for blood, and Zuhair was out for blood, but first, she needed her husband. She needed to have him by her side, because that was the only way she was ever going to go forward. 

Zuhair knew she wouldn't be able to survive the lycans, even if the king let them be. 

She knew she wouldn't be able to do this, and coupled with the death of her sons, she was determined to give Udrad a taste of her pain, but first she had to protect the forest person they could use against her. 

Her only weakness. 

"That is my request, your highness. Please allow my husband to come home… We lost both kids. Please don't let me mourn my children alone, even if the fates willed that I never have children.