Conformed Reality or Paranoia At Its Best?


"It's alright, at least I got to know what had happened. But I do have one question, Zafik… where can I find Darius?" Alanor asked as he looked around them. Whoever this Darius was, Alanor needed to have a word with him.

Maybe he wanted to ask the man why the fuck he had turned their family or even betrayed Zorro Merdel, but there were so many uncertainties Alanor was pissed however he was trying to hide it with a kind smile as he looked at Zafik.

It was almost like he wanted to tell Zafik that he was going to go to the man in peace but would he? His whole family had gone through so much all because of Nymeriah and the man and given that Alanor had killed Nymeriah, he needed to see the face of the man who had all that audacity.

Alanor didn't care if he was old or young, he wanted to talk and that man better be ready because this was what an ill fate looked like. Oh, the silent cries of the youngest Merdel brother.