A Haunting Realization... Or Hallucination?


"Alanor accepted his rejection, fuck," Zuhair said as she punched the nearest wall, conveniently leaving a dent in it.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"How did you know Alanor accepted his rejection?"

"Why should we trust you?"

"You shouldn't," Zuhair said honestly as she looked at Zhurielle and the warriors. 

The mad queen wanted to explain to Zhurielle how she had found her way here, but frankly, Zuhair herself didn't understand why she was here in the first place. She had been busy burning the bodies and mourning her fallen friends, when suddenly her feet began moving in the direction of the palace.

She had also noticed that even though she had walked in plain sight in Udrad, no one seemed to see her and as a result, they were not alarmed by her presence. The moment she walked into the king's chamber was the first time that the lycans of Udrad saw her.

And she couldn't even explain that.