Yes... The Answer is Yes


"In my submission, I accept my role as your erasthai, love, to do as you wish, and rule with you. To be the one that never leaves and the one that never stays behind," Unar said as he held onto his mate's hands, the realization of what was happening making Alanor choke back his tears. 

He had never thought this would happen, but goodness, it was really happening. Maybe he did deserve it after all he had gone through, right?

"If you would accept me, to be your erasthai, now and beyond the timelines, I would like to ask for your hand in a royal binding. So my beautiful beast, will you do me the greatest honor and bind souls with me in a royal matrimony?" Unar asked confidently like he had never been so confident about anything before this. 

This was what he wanted, and he hoped that he hadn't freaked out his mate.