"You sure she isn't a bother?" Harry's mum asked once again over the cellphone.
"No mum," Harry said, "Louis and I love Elsa having around."
"Alright then I'll see you within a hour." Harry agreed and hung up.
"Louis," he yelled to his husband, "come here for a sec." Within seconds Louis stood by his side. "What's wrong Haz."
"Oww you know Elsa is coming around. The babysitter called in sick and mum had no luck in finding a replacer for her so Elsa will be staying her for the next two weeks while my parents are on holiday."
Louis let out a sigh of relief and hit Harry playfully on his head for making him scare that there house was burning down or so.
"When is she coming?" Louis wanted to know. "Mum says within a hour, which I doubt because of the amount of snow that's on the road so let's just prep her room and wait," Harry responded when he pecked his lips onto the ones from Louis.
"Let's just make her bed Yeah," Louis softly whispered into Harry's ear.
Harry slowly nodded and followed his husband up the stairs and entered the guest bedroom. Louis and Harry has a home with six different rooms on the second floor for which three were occupied by the boys self and the other three functioned as guest bedrooms.
"Harry where is that duvet with those flowers?" Louis yelled while his head was in the cabinet where they stored all the duvets.
"Look What I got here," Harry giggled while he walked back to the guest room. Harry hold up the duvet were Louis was looking for. Together they made the bed but got interrupted when the doorbell rang.
"I'll go," Harry insistes while he made his way downstairs. On their pavement stood Harry's mum and his 9 year old sister dressed with a winter coat, pink scarf and gloves which where Harry's when he was younger. Harry had to admit, she looked adorable in that wintery outfit.
"Hazza," Elsa screamed when her brother opened the door. She clinched onto his leg and wasn't prepared to let go anytime soon. Harry picked her up and she hid her face into his side.
"I love hazza," she said while giving kisses into his jumper.
"You two hundred percent sure you can handle it?" Harry's mom asked to get consensus from her eldest son. Harry nodded while he tangled his fingers in Elsa's hair.
"Bye mum you can leave now," Elsa said while hanging up her jacket. Elsa really learned the sassing from Louis.
"Alright baby girl," Anne said while she crunches down at eye level with Elsa, "be nice to Harry and don't forget your skating practice tonight and your match tomorrow."
Elsa nodded and threw her arms around Anne's neck and kissed her goodbye before Harry closed the door.
"Hazza," Elsa said while she pulled in a bag with ice skates, "you and Louis bring me to the ice hall right. I have practice at seven."
Louis had snucked up from behind and lifted Elsa up.
"Hey my most gorgeous princess Elsa," Louis said while he tickled her which made Elsa giggle, "how about we watch some frozen."
Elsa excitedly nodded and jumped out of Louis's arms and ran to their television.
"Alright then," Harry said when he started up Netflix, "I'll get the chips and nachos right Elsa."
Elsa nodded was already into the movie when she saw the ice cutters.
Elsa knew every song by heart and so did Louis and Harry because every time when Elsa came around they would be snuggled up in the duvets and watching Frozen.
"Elsa," Louis said while he paused the movie, "are you in for Mac Donald's tonight after your training."
Elsa excitedly nodded and ran up to Louis to thank him.
"I have to dress up," Elsa said when she pulled the bag with her training and match gear. "Let show us your match outfit for tomorrow," Harry said while leaning over the couch.
Elsa held up a worn out yellow gymnastics piece. Harry and Louis looked at each other and both agreed.
"Elsa how late is your match tomorrow?" Louis wonders. "1 p.m why?" Elsa answered his question.
"Well because maybe we could go shopping for a new match dress."
Elsa her yellow dress dropped and she cried out of excitement.
"You're the best," she screamed.
"You ready?" Harry asked Elsa when he tied the laces of her figure skates. Elsa nodded and hugged Harry who lifted her up and put her back on the ice.
Elsa skated a few rounds and then it was time for her training.
Harry day next to Louis again who was playing candy crush on his phone.
"It's cold here babe," Louis wined the moment Harry sat down.
"You're kidding," Harry laughed, "it's an ice hall here you know did you thought it would be as warm as in a swimming place."
Louis had to laugh but snuggled deeper into his jacket by the minute.
Elsa stood on the ice with a jumper and her trainings trousers and Louis had no idea why she wasn't complaining about the cold.
Elsa looked way too cute with her high ponytail and her pink gloves. Louis couldn't help but snap a picture and showed it to Harry.
"She's just perfect," Harry said. Only that opinion wasn't to be shared by some. When Elsa was doing her rounds for tomorrow a few girls were laughing and whispering to one another.
Harry and Louis didn't seem to notice but Elsa did.
"So ice queen," one of the girls said mocking, "don't you ever think you'll beat me tomorrow Yeah."
The girl drove away with an amazing speed. Elsa just stood there knowing that the girl was right.
This season Elsa has never won a match and Fen did several times.
Elsa just wanted to win so bad that she decided to practice some more tomorrow after the match in order to beat Fen the next match.
She knew that Louis and Harry lived close to a lake which should be frozen at this time a year so it would be worth trying to confince them to join her after the match.
"Hey beauty," Louis said to Harry while he shoved his phone under Harry's nose, "would Elsa like t if I would do her hair like this tomorrow?"
Harry looked at the phone Louis was holding under his nose.
Louis had a picture of a high ponytail with a few braids. Harry has to admit it would look cute on Elsa her brown hair.
"Yeah she would love that if you could do that for her."
Louis looked up from his phone and sees how hard Elsa is trying.
Louis sighed and at these moments it sucks that their adoption papers are taking longer than usual so Harry and Louis still don't have any kids.
"Mac Donald's," Elsa screamed when Harry pulled up to the two Golden Arches.
"Alright little one," Louis said while he bounced Elsa on his hip, "What do you want to eat?"
"Happy meal with nuggets." Louis nodded and ordered everything. Elsa walked back to the table where Harry was sitting holding her happy meal in her own hands.
"Look," Elsa said as she sat down, "I got a happy meal with nuggets and Louis even got me Diet Coke." Harry giggles because he knew Elsa wasn't suppose to have any soda but he didn't care at this point.
"You ready for tomorrow?" Harry asked Elsa. She nodded while trying to fit ten fries at the same time into her mouth. Elsa forgot about Fen because she was having free time with her brother and his husband which she loved.
"You won't be able to shut your mouth anymore my little sis," Harry said while Elsa tried to stuff in more and more.
Elsa laughed and drank some of her coke. Louis on the other hand seemed a bit off since he wasn't allowed to see his own sisters anymore after a fall out with his parents about his relationship with Harry. He would love to have the same bond with his sisters.
"What's wrong babe," Harry said when he noticed Louis was a bit out of focus.
"Oww nothing I'm fine," Louis said desperately wanted to smile.
Harry just nodded asking Louis about it when Elsa was asleep.
"Alright," Harry said interrupting the silence, "who wants ice-cream?"
"Elsa were home sweetie," Louis said while he pulled their car in the driveway.
Elsa looked up from her reading book and hopped out of the car and sprinted towards the front door but slipped over some ice.
Harry started running towards Elsa who luckily was laughing. "You alright princess," Harry asks while he put Elsa on his hip. Elsa nodded. "Alright," Harry said stroking her hair away and kissing her forehead, "but if you do feel off than go to Louis Yeah because he's a really nice doctor."
Louis was a children's doctor at their clinic. Niall was a nurse and Liam was head of trauma, Harry was the receptionist during the whole progress.
Elsa was scared to hell for doctors but Liam and Louis were okay for her.
Louis also made his way to Harry and Elsa and watched how Harry hugged Elsa. This made him tear up and fled into the house.
"Louis," Harry said suddenly standing behind him, "babe what's wrong." Harry felt scared when he found out Louis was crying, Louis never cried. "It's Elsa," Louis whimpers, "it's just the way how you are with Elsa. I would've loved I would have done the same with my sisters. I just miss them Harry."
Louis was now sobbing his heart out and Harry pulled him into a tight hug.
Elsa was just watching television and waiting for Harry or Louis to call it a night for her.
"Elsa my love," Louis said with still some watery eyes, "how about I'll put you in bed so you'll be fit for your contest tomorrow."
Elsa nodded and yawed while making grabbing hands towards Louis who gratefully lifted her up. Elsa placed a kiss on Louis cheek which made him chuckle and carried Elsa upstairs.
"Night Lou," Elsa said when she placed a kiss on Louis nose.
"Goodnight princess Elsa," Louis said wiping a tear away.
"Wake up!" Louis and Harry both shot up when they felt their bed move. When they opened their eyes they saw Elsa fully awake jumping on their bed.
"Well someone is awake isn't she," Harry said tickling his sister. Elsa nodded and laid herself on the bed again.
"Elsa we got a surprise for you my dear," Louis said as he sat straight and rubbing his sleep out of his eyes.
Louis reaches out next to his bed and grabbed a box wrapped in red paper.
"Because we know how hard you try and we want you to look great today," Louis said while kissing her forehead.
Elsa gratefully teared the red paper from the box and in that box was a brand new pair of ice skates.
"Go on dress up," Harry said as Elsa started to cry, "our lake behind our house is frozen so you can try your skates there." Elsa looked up and excitedly nodded. She stood up and ran towards her room in order to return two minutes later dressed for her skating.
"Let's go," Elsa screamed to Harry and Louis who were falling asleep again.
Harry slowly climbed out of bed and Elsa sprinted downstairs.
She had set the table and poured milk into a glass (well most of it next to the glass) and sat down waiting for Harry and Louis to come downstairs.
"Harry I'll be se-," Louis stopped when he found Elsa sitting at her chair and the table set.
"Oww wow Elsa," Louis said shocked, "you are soo sweet my girl."
Harry came downstairs and found a shocked Louis and Elsa who proudly sat at the table.
"You did all of this?" Harry asked Elsa. She proudly nodded.
Harry and Louis both kissed her forehead. "I luv you," Elsa said to both of them.
"Do you want to eat more Elsa?" Louis asked while he was doing the dishes. "No, I'm fine," she responded.
"Louis," Elsa suddenly asked, "could you tie my skates."
Louis made his way to the living where Elsa sat on the couch.
"Of course. Come here," Louis said while he tapped on his legs. Once he finished the tying of Elsa her skates he carried her outside and placed her on the ice. It had been freezing for the past few weeks so the lake had a sufficient amount of ice on it.
"Be careful girl," Louis said when he placed Elsa on the ice.
"Yeah I will," she responded. She skates off and in the middle of the ice she started her routine.
"Here," Harry said as he passed a cup of hot choco to Louis, "to warm up."
Harry kissed Louis and drunk from his hot choco.
Elsa was skating her heart out and didn't notice that the ice under her was slightly cracking.
It was until she started her pirouette and jump that she noticed that the ice was cracking. When she landed the ice fully broke and Elsa fell into it.
"Help," Elsa screamed just before she went under. Harry and Louis both looked the way they knew Elsa would be. Louis and Harry were beyond scared when they didn't find Elsa anymore but only a hole in the ice.
"OMG Elsa," Harry screamed. He wanted to run up on the ice only to be stopped by Louis. "Harry get a rope and call the ambulance." Harry nodded and returned with a rope not much later. He threw it to Louis who tightened it around his torso and ran up to the ice.
When he was by the place where Elsa had fallen in, he didn't take a second and jumped into the icing water.
He returned later only to get some air and dove back.
Louis frantically swam around and tried to look around. When he wanted to go up again to get some air something hit him. He turned around and saw Elsa's body drifting off. He saw towards her and grabbed her wounds her waste.
Louis followed the rope back up and saw Harry crying his heart out.
"Haz," Louis screamed when he came back up, "take her and lay her on the side of the lake." Harry took Elsa's lifeless and cold body to the side of the lake while Louis tried to climb out of the lake.
After a few tries Louis succeeded and ran towards Harry and Elsa.
He checked for a pulse but he already knew he wasn't able to find one.
"Harry get the ambulance here ASAP," Louis yelled towards his husband while he took his shirt off. Harry ran off while Louis preformed cpr on Elsa.
"You can do this girl," Louis said to Elsa while he was pumping on her chest. After a few chest compressions he gave her a few breaths. Louis was out tired and gave all his energy in the last few chest pumps before Harry returned.
"Lou there coming," Harry said. Louis didn't respond but Harry laid a hand on his shoulder so that Louis knew that Harry would take over.
Once Louis went to go on with breathing into her mouth, Harry took over the chest compressions and they both faintly heard the sounds of sirens coming closer and closer.
"Paramedics," Louis and Harry heard someone scream. "Here," Louis screamed from the top of his lungs. The paramedics who turned up were familiar to Harry and Louis since they both worked in the same hospital.
"Head of trauma came with his own car," Mike, on of the paramedics, explained to Louis and Harry. Harry looked up and heard familiar footsteps running their way. When he turned around he was faced with Liam who was shocked when he ran towards two of his best mates.
He softly shook his head at which Harry sadly nodded. Harry made room for Liam who picked up his pace.
Elsa her lips were blue and Mike was pumping on her chest like a madman.
Liam was faced with Louis who looked his temperature was way lower than it should be.
"Alright Mike," Liam said while he crouched down next to Elsa, "What do we have."
"Nine year old girl. Drowned in a frozen lake. Been lifted out by that bloke," Mike said while he pointed to Louis to which Liam nodded, "Hasn't had a pulse at arrival. Hasn't any pulse for about 30 minutes by now. Pushed in 20 cc of adrenaline for two times and had no change. Has gotten two shocks but no effect either."
"Alright," Liam said, "how about her temp?" "28,4 degrees Celsius," Mike sadly responded.
"Alright lets start full body chest compressions and move her from her quickly. Stella grab the blankets and get the gurney here." The female paramedic nodded and ran away to get the things Liam ordered.
Liam ordered Harry to help Mike with the full body compressions so Liam could focus on Louis for a moment.
"Lou," Liam said while he crouched down, "Lou look at me mate." Louis was shivering and rocked himself back and forth. Liam pulled a socking wet Louis into a hug who bursted our crying into Liam's neck.
"Sshhh," Liam sussed Louis, "come we'll take you to the hospital mate." Liam grabbed another blanket and wrapped it around Louis.
"She just... she just touched me," Louis suddenly spoke to Liam. "Who?" Liam asked not getting the clue. "Elsa. Just as I wanted to go up to get air she flooded towards me." Louis cried into Liam's shoulder.
"I know Lou. I know." Liam kissed Louis forehead when he heard Mike yell that they were ready for transport.
"I can leave my car here right?" Liam asked Louis who he helped up. Louis nodded and walked with Liam and Harry towards the ambulance.
Liam and Harry took place in the back with Mike while Louis went up front with Stella.
During the ambulance drive towards their hospital Mike and Liam were still busy doing full body compressions while Harry kept holding Elsa her hand. He still couldn't believe that his nine year old sister was practically death.
"Were here," Liam screamed while he hit the ambulance door.
"Let's move," Mike screamed while they ran with Elsa into an ER box.
"Holy shit Li," Niall said when he found out that Liam was performing fully body compressions on Elsa.
"Do Lou and Haz know," Niall asked while he checked her temp.
"Lou got her out yeah," Liam said getting tired. Niall sadly nodded at Liam and showed him Elsa her temp which had come down to 27.5 degrees.
"Alright keep going guys," Liam said while he stepped away and Niall took over.
"Liam it's over an hour," Mike said suddenly, "she still hasn't shown any improvement. I'm sorry mate but you have to call it."
"SHE'S NOT DEAD UNTIL SHE IS FUCKING WARM AND DEAD YEAH." Liam screamed at Mike. Mike nodded and kept pushing his weight into Elsa's body.
"Li her temp," Niall said two hours later, "Look it's rising."
Liam sprinted towards the monitor and saw that her temp actually was back at 31 degrees, it still was life threatening but it was showing improvement.
"Should we put her on bypass so we can fully warm her and see if her heart can pump on its own," Liam suggested.
"But first intubation," Niall said as he got the things ready.
Liam installed the tube and Niall bagged her.
"Let's get to an OR then," Liam said as he pulled the brakes from the bed and wheeled her towards OR 1.
"Alright Niall you have her anestesia so we can try and get her temp back up."
Niall nodded and pushed the amount of anestesia Liam requested into Elsa her body.
Niall and Mike were still pushing on Elsa her body while Liam pushed her full with medication in order to get her temperature back.
"Hold on a sec," Liam said half an hour later. Niall and Mike abruptly stopped and saw that Elsa her temp was now 36.5 degrees so if her heart couldn't beat on her own by now Liam had to pronounce her death, how sadly that would be.
"Niall started chest compressions and Mike hook up the defib," Liam instructed both boys while he waited anxiously till both boys did what he asked.
"All clear," Mike ordered which made Niall take his hands of Elsa.
Mike shocked 300 volt through Elsa her body.
Suddenly the three boys heard a familiar sound of a heartbeat.
Niall and Liam both started to cry and Mike let himself slide down completely broken.
"Let's get her to an IC and let's inform Louis and Harry," Liam said while he hooked off the defib from Elsa her chest.
Both Mike and Niall nodded as they wheeled Elsa down the hallway and put her into a separate room.
"Alright we'll get Harry and Louis then," Niall said as they handed Elsa over to the nurses of that departure.
Mike was still shaking since he just graduated from med school and he was a paramedic for just 4 months and this was by far one of his worst interventions he had to go to.
Niall showed sympathy by laying his hand on Mikes shoulder.
"Harry and Louis," Liam said as he saw Louis asleep on Harry's shoulder and Harry on his phone.
Both of them shot up when they heard their names.
"How are you feeling," Liam asked Louis who was wearing Niall's sweater which Niall had brought him when he wheeled down Elsa towards the OR.
"Fine," Louis said as his voice told him something else.
"If you could follow me," Liam said as he waved to both boys to follow him.
Both boys walked after Liam with Harry helping Louis to stand straight.
"Sit down boys," Liam said as he took place on the other side of the table.
Mike and Niall stood against the window behind Louis and Harry.
"Alright," Liam said while opening a file, "Elsa had been death for two hours. But since we don't pronounce someone death until their temperature had risen up till 34 degrees. When Elsa her temp was back to 36.5 degrees we decided to resuscitate again and it took all the effort for her to come back. But she did. Elsa her heart started beating again on her own. She's still in a life threatening condition but I think she will fully recover from it."
Louis and Harry cried and hugged each other until they stood up and thanked Mike and Niall as well as Liam.
"We don't know how she is when she wakes up," Niall said, "but be prepared that she might have changed since we don't know what brain damage was done due to the lack of oxygen towards her brain for a long time."
Harry told them that he didn't care as long as his sister was alive and that he would take care for her regardlessly of her disabilities.