Seizure freak - 1d medical

"Hunter give it back to your sister," Harry yelled to his 9 year old son. "Why," Hunter whined. "Because your dad said so," Niall - Harry's husband - said while he got the remote control from one of his four sons. "Please papa, I don't want to watch Les Miserable AGAIN," Hunter cried. Niall walked towards his 13 year old daughter Alexis who was setting up Netflix and was desperately looking for the remote control.

"You looking for this girl," Niall asked while holding up the remote. Alexis nodded and gratefully grabbed it from Niall.

"Thanks papa." Niall kisses Alexis forehead and went on a search for his other children. Harry and Niall adopted 5 children. Four boys and Alexis.

Jason was the oldest by 15 and by far the most irresponsible person this earth knows. He manages to always get home drunk, fails his classes, dropped out of school and recently got addictive to weed. Niall and Harry have a hard time handling Jason and keeping him in line, the only one he listens to is either Alexis or his younger brother Owen.

Owen was 14 and had died blonde hair. Passed every class with A+ and wants to be a doctor after he graduates. He's warm hearted and has a listening ear for everyone that's why he is able to talk in on Jason. He shares a room with Alexis since they got adopted from the same orphanage and shared a room back there as well. Owen plays drums as well in the school band.

Than you have Noah who's 12 years old. Noah is in the last year of preschool and has a hard time dealing with the amount of work he gets. Noah isn't the brightest out there but Niall and Harry know how hard he's trying to pass his classes. Alexis and Owen always help him and when Jason isn't drunk or high he helps Noah with his maths. Noah skates a lot and loves baking with his dad.

The youngest boy in the Styles family- they decided to get Harry's name since Niall's parents weren't the most supportive onces during the whole process- was Hunter. He was 9 years old and loved pranking people. Noah and Hunter were close since they were both in for a good laugh. Hunter plays piano and loves drawing and pretending to be a superstar.

The only girl in the family is Alexis. Alexis is 13 years old and shares a room with Owen. She passes her classes without any problem and is in the same school band as lead singer. She's obsessed with musicals and loves her family. She's one of the only ones with Owen that's able to talk with Jason about his alcohol and drug abuse. Oww yeah, and she pretty much has epilepsy as well.....

"Hey girl," Owen said once he jumped next to Alexis, "we're watching Les miserable again aren't we?" He looked towards Alexis who just stared into the distance. Owen knew this was one of her small seizures she has around 30 times a day.

Suddenly she was back to earth again and looked next to her. "Didn't hear you coming," Alexis said laughing to her brother who just nodded while typing into his phone. Owen got a kind of diary made into his notes of his iPhone to which he keeps track of the amount and the types and length of seizures of Alexis.

"Yeah you had a small seizure but hey noting to worry about," Owen said reassuring. Alexis nodded and continued watching her movie. Owen on the other hand was growing more and more concerned. To him it seemed like Alexis her epilepsy was just getting worse and worse. She had about 30 small zooming out seizures a day and 6 big ones on average per week.

Owen doubted if he should tell his parents but he didn't want to pressure them more because they were already stressed out with the situation of Jason.

Owen decided he could pull this off alone and didn't need to tell his parents because he could manage it couldn't he?

"Have any one of you seen Jason?" Harry asked once he walked into the living room. Owen and Alexis were still watching les miserable when they both shook their head. "His arse is mine if he gets home drunk or high," Harry yelled frustrated. "We'll talk to him dad," Alexis said looking towards Owen who nodded. "Fine," Harry huffed while he walked away.

Suddenly Alexis and Owen heard a key trying to get into their front door. Owen looked to Alexis and nodded. Both Styles shot up and ran towards the front door. They reached it just in time before Jason could open it.

"Upstairs now," Alexis hissed towards her oldest brother once she saw his state. Owen supported his brother and helped him upstairs. Owen and Alexis got tears welling up in their eyes because it hurts them to see their brother like this.

Alexis made her way upstairs as well behind Owen and Jason.

"Alexis," someone yelled once she entered the first floor.

Noah stepped out of his bedroom to which Alexis sprinted because she didn't want to have Noah see the state Jason was in.

"Yeah mate what is it," she wanted to know with a soft voice.

"I'm stuck with biology. Can you help me?" Noah set up his puppy eyes to which he knew Alexis couldn't refuse. "Yeah I'm first helping Owen with the schoolband and than I'll come to you." Noah nodded and headed back into his room to much relief of Alexis.

She made her way towards Jason's room. She saw Jason sitting on his bed and a pissed looking Owen standing next to the window. To be fair, Alexis was down right pissed with her brother as well but she genuinely thought there was something wrong with Jason.

"You're going to tell me right now why you are like this because we aren't keeping up with your crap anymore am I understood?" Owen spat towards Jason. Alexis noticed his face changing and looked towards Owen with a worried look. He gave her a 'what's up' head move and than she pointed towards Jason. Jason was staring into the distance and got a feared expression on his face. "Th-they forced me," he managed to choke out. Once these words has left his mouth, Owen and Alexis rushed towards his side to comfort him. Once Jason felt the arms of his brother and sister he broke down.

"Tell us mate. Who forces you?" Owen asked feeling bad about his outburst. "My parents," Jason said before reaching down into his pocket and got handed Owen a letter.

His eyes scanned through the letter while Alexis comforted her brother. Once Owen was done reading he shook his hand and threw the letter away.

"Your safe with us yeah. We won't let anything happen to you," Owen reassured while getting up, "I'm getting dad and papa yeah. They need to know." Jason nodded while Alexis just stared into the distance. Owen sighed and crunches down by his sister and waited for her seizure to pass.

"Hey girl," Owen said once she was back again, "I'm getting papa and dad so take care of yourself and Jason for a bit."

Owen left the room and practically threw himself downstairs.

"No running down the stairs," Niall yelled once he heard one of his children running down. "Oww Owen What on earth?" Niall asked once he ran into his son. "Get dad and follow me please," Owen pleaded and close to crying. Niall found it suspicious and was beyond worried. "Harry get here," Niall yelled to his husband while he pulled Owen into a hug.

"Who died," Harry said running into his husband who held their son who normally never cried.

"It's Jason," Owen said while running up the stairs. Niall and Harry quickly followed and found a sobbing mess known as their son Jason on his bed together with Alexis.

"I think we'll handle it from here thanks Alexis and Owen," Harry softly said while Niall sat down next to Jason.

Owen and Alexis just nodded and left the room silent.


"Alright but it's more like photosynthesis that happens here," Alexis tried to explain to Noah. Owen sat in their own room making the new set list of the school band, Jason talked to Niall still while Harry began cooking and Hunter was down drawing probably.

"I don't get it," Noah sighed as he looked into his biology book. Alexis smiled and explained it once again. She was very patient with Noah which he liked because some people already would've lost it already with him.

"Children dinner's ready," Harry yelled from downstairs.

"We'll continue after dinner yeah," Alexis said while she helped Noah closing his books and different notebooks. Noah gratefully nodded and went downstairs.

Alexis started to feel weird and knew what was coming next. "You coming Alexis?" Noah asked as he stood on the top of the stairs waiting for his sister to follow him. "Yeah I'll be down soon," Alexis said having more and more trouble speaking behind her she heard a bedroom door close, "I have to ge". Alexis began to lose focus more and more.

Owen just closed his bedroom door when he saw a weird looking Noah and Alexis who just didn't get out of her words.

"Hey Noah," Owen said while pulling Alexis aside to their room, "tell dad that were coming but we're later because we have a few thing to finish up for our school band."

Noah nodded and made his way downstairs while Owen made a steadier grip on Alexis.

"I'm going to lay you down. Don't worry I'm here. I'm always here, I'm not letting you go."

Owen slowly laid an already stiff Alexis on the floor. As soon as her body got in touch with the floor, her muscles began to convulse. She let out the worst choking sounds that Owen had ever heard. He knew she wasn't breathing and timed the seizure. "Shh I'm here girl I'm here," Owen softly said while pulling her on the side.

It seemed like Alexis had been ejected into hell and Owen has a hard time watching. He witnessed most of her seizures but always had a hard time seeing his sister like this.

"I'm sorry you both bu- OMG Alexis you alright." Owen looked up and saw Jason standing in shook at the door. "No she's not right now but she will be," Owen softly said as a strong smell of urine hit his nose. "Jason get me a bucket with soap and water and after that get one of your footbal shorts," Owen instructed his older brother as the seizure subsided. Owen stopped the timer which indicates 3.49 minutes. Owen sighed knowing her seizures where getting longer and longer.

"Hey Alexis wake up for me," Owen softly said while turning her into the correct recovery position.

"Hey I brought your things," Jason said returning with the things Owen requested.

"Yeah thanks I think she's waking up," Owen said while slowly stroking Alexis hair. Jason just stood there not knowing what to do. "Go down otherwise your food gets cold," Owen said while he closely watched Alexis coming around.

"What happened," a soft voice was to be heard.

"Hey girl," Owen said while he turned Alexis around, "you had a seizure but you're alright now." Alexis nodded and Owen helped her up. "Oww yeah Jason," Alexis said once she got steady on her feet.

"Hit the shower girl," Jason said as he gave Alexis his football shorts, "Owen and I will clean up and than we'll eat downstairs." Alexis nodded and went to the shower. "Give me 5 minutes boys," Alexis said as she stepped under the shower.

Owen and Alexis nodded and started cleaning the floor.

"How many times does it happen," Jason wanted to know. Because he was so caught up in the threats of his 'parents' that he wasn't really home were his family waited for him. The amount of times Alexis and Owen went to his bedroom to talk into him.

"Too many times," Owen sighed and tearing up, "how many times I wake up and find her seizing. Because you got home drunk and high dad and papa were too busy keeping you in line that I usually end up dealing with Alexis her seizures. Only papa knows about the amount of seizures because every week I give him the diary."

Jason got tears in his eyes as well when suddenly their door flew open.

"What on earth. Why on earth are the two of you cleaning the floor and why do I smell urine?" Niall wandered as he walked into the room.

Before Jason or Owen could answer Alexis walked in drying her hair off.

"Oww I see," Niall said sadly, "how long?" Owen just shoved his phone towards Niall. He looked at it and nodded.

"All if you go down and eat while I'm cleaning it here yeah," Niall offered. All three nodded and left for downstairs.

Jason helped Alexis walking and kept her steady.

He sat her down at the table while Harry looked weird but by one shaking arm move of Owen it became clear for Harry that she had a seizure.

"Here," Harry said as he shoved his oldest three their plates with American pancakes.

"Thanks dad," Alexis said while slowly eating her pancakes. Jason and Owen focused more on Alexis than they focused on eating.

Harry also looked worried towards his children because he knew that it normally wouldn't stay by just one seizure.


"Goodnight dad. Goodnight papa," Owen said as he and Alexis walked upstairs.

"Owen wait," Niall said before he left the room. Owen turned around and walked towards his papa.

"Yes papa?" Niall sighed and laid his hands around Owen's shoulders. "If she has another seizure just call me or your dad yeah. It shouldn't be all on you remember," Niall said as he kissed his sons forehead.

Owen nodded and thanked his papa not to return much later in his own bedroom.

"Hey just try to sleep yeah," Alexis said as she slowly made her way towards her bed. Owen nodded and got tears into his eyes. He loved his sister by his heart but seeing her seizing so many times was getting hard for him.

"I'll try," Owen said managing to keep a sob back as he changed into some comfy shorts and laid shirtless into his bed.

"Night bro," Alexis said as she laid her phone on the ground to charge.

"Night sis," Owen said as he did the same and snuggled deeper into his pillow.

Owen woke up to a too familiar sound. "Not again," he grunted. He got his phone and lighted his flashlight towards the other side of the room. He saw what he thought he would see, Alexis had yet again another seizure.

Owen jumped out of bed but tripped over something on his way. Well better said over someone. Jason had snuck secretly into Owen's and Alexis bedroom. "Jason What on earth," Owen whispered once he got up again. "Yeah wait why are you up," Jason said now clearly awake. Owen sighed and lifted a shaking Alexis from her bed. Owen made a gesture towards Jason that he should pick up his duvet. Jason snacked his duvet from the ground and Owen laid Alexis down.

He shoved his phone towards Jason while he rolled Alexis to her side.

"Keep track of the time yeah," Owen said as he got up to grab a towel. Jason nodded and laid his hand on Alexis side . Owen returned with a towel and Alexis medication and laid next Alexis. "Hey girl you'll be fine yeah no worries," Owen said as he wiped some foam away from her mouth in order to inject her medication.

"How long Jason," Owen wanted to know. "5.53."

Owen sighed and rolled her on her back. Owen opened her mouth but struggled since her jaw was locked due to her seizure.

"Jason keep her mouth open would you," Owen said as he struggled to inject her medication.

Jason rushes over and kept Alexis her mouth open with all the power he had. Owen carefully undid the lit of the syringe. He placed it into the left side of her mouth and emptied half of it. The other half of her medication Owen injected into her right side of her mouth.

"She'll stop soon," Owen reassured Jason who was not having it, "go to sleep mate. You'll need it."

Jason looked worried to Owen when he picked Alexis, still out, up and laid her with him in bed.

"Go in hers mate. I'll let her sleep with me tonight," Owen said as he laid Alexis down and walked towards Jason who was still in shock and sat down on Alexis bed.

"May I?" Owen asked referring towards the spot next to Jason. He nodded and Owen plopped down.

"What's wrong?" Jason got emotional. Could he tell his brother?

"We'll Ehh did you know why I dropped out of school?" Owen shook his head.

"Well," Jason said looking his brother into his eyes, "because I couldn't keep up with it anymore. They told me that I was a faggot just like dad and papa and that I had a nerd as brother and a seizure freak as sister." Jason broke down and Owen couldn't hold his tears either. "Go to sleep Yeah," Owen said as he got back up, "we'll talk tomorrow."

Jason nodded and crawled back under Alexis covers.

Owen made his way over to his bed and hopped in, carefully not to hit Alexis and fell asleep.


Owen woke up to Alexis moving around. Alexis turned to her side and snuggled in on Owens chest.

"Morning," Owen said as he played with Alexis curls. "Morning," her raspy voice said, "happened again did it?" Owen nodded. After night seizures she usually ends up in Owens bed since he wanted to keep a close eye on her.

"Why's Jason in my bed," Alexis said still half asleep. "Oww yeah he just snuck into our room yesterday."

Alexis nodded and laid back again next to Owen.

Alexis fell back asleep while Owen was scrolling through his insta dm. He didn't tell his parents but most dm's were hate related and were most likely about Alexis her seizures, just eat Jason said. The three of them had attempted the same school but all three of them were being picked on.

Owen just sighed, kissed Alexis head and headed for the shower.

"Where you going," Alexis asked while she was waking up again.

"Just taking a shower. Do something on your phone or so yeah because I think papa needs to check you over since I had to use your medication last night."

Alexis nodded and looked scared since she knew it had to be severe.

Alexis had been scrolling on twitter for ten minutes already when she really needed the toilet. Owen was still showering so she had to use the toilet downstairs. Due to her severe seizure the night before Alexis was still unsteady.

She walked towards the stairs when Owen returned out of the shower.

"Alexis what are you doing," Owen asked scared.

Alexis felt the same way right now as she always felt just before a seizure but it was too late to step away from the stairs since she was frozen at her spot somehow.

Alexis didn't react so Owen knew what was coming next and took a run towards her but it was too late. Alexis got stiff and fell down the stairs.

"FUCK!" Owen yelled as Alexis tumbled down the stairs. Two bedroom doors shot open which revealed a fully awake Jason and a half asleep Niall.

"Owen what happened," Niall said as he sprinted towards his son who stood in shock at the top of the stairs. Once Niall reaches Owen he found his only daughter disfigured at the bottom of the stairs.

"Alright Jason get your dad and Owen go into Noah's room because none of you have to witness this yeah," Niall ordered the boys while he took a flight downstairs where Alexis was still seizing.

"Harry get here," Niall yelled while Alexis seizure subsided and Niall steadied her neck.

Harry was in no time at the top of the stairs and let out a cry once he found his husband holding his daughters neck.

"Call Louis and Liam mate," Niall said to Harry.

Liam was head of trauma and Louis was Alexis general specialist. Harry nodded and grabbed his phone.

"You mate," Harry softly said as Liam picked up, "get here as soon as possible with Louis. It's Alexis she seized down the stairs."

Harry couldn't hold his tears back and heard Liam running down the hall in the hospital.

"Yeah we'll take the ambulance and will be at yours within three minutes. Did she stop seizing?" Harry responded with a yes and Liam hung up.

"He'll be here within three minutes," Harry reassured Niall who was still trying to wake up Alexis.

Suddenly they heard a murmur and Alexis slowly came around. Once she regained consciousness and suddenly cried her heart out.

"Where are you hurt Lex," Harry said as he crouches down to get on eye level with Alexis.

"My shoulder, neck and my leg," Alexis cried out. When Harry wanted to ask further, the doorbell rang. Harry opened the door and Liam and Louis stood in the door opening.

"She's here," Harry said as Liam and Louis walked in the hall.

Liam saw that Alexis was fully conscious and crying. "Hey girl I heard you had quite a fall didn't you?" Alexis wanted to nod but Niall made sure to have a steady grip on her neck.

"Alright what we're going to do is as follows. Louis is going to insirt an IV and I'm getting you a neck brace since we don't know how or what with your neck yet. Than we're relocating your shoulder because it seems dislocated to me pretty bad and than we'll vacuum your leg," Liam explained everything step by step while Louis already got an IV in her hand.

Liam got a neck brace and Niall let go. Alexis got worked up and Liam sussed her. "You'll be fine," Liam whispered into her ear. "Alright this is going to hurt for a bit but Louis and I have to do it Yeah," Liam said while he took her arm. He nodded to Louis and forcefully pulled her shoulder back into the socket.

"I hate you," Alexis yelled once Liam pulled it.

"Thanks," she responded much later once Liam was done. "Thought so," Liam playfully said.

"We're getting you on a spinal as well since we don't know what happened to your back alright," Louis said. Niall still stood there not daring to move at all while holding Alexis her hand.

Liam grabbed the spinal board and together with Louis he rolled her on her side. Louis held her legs while Liam supported her neck. Louis quickly shove the board under her back and not much later the boys rolled her back on the now supporting spinal board.

"We're going to load you in the ambulance while your papa is going to drive with us alright," Liam said looking over to Niall who nodded.

"On three," Louis said while getting on the front side of the gurney, "1..2..3." By three the boys pulled the gurney into his driving state and wheeled Alexis to the ambulance.

Niall held her hand all the time while Liam hopped with them in the back.

"Alright Alexis," Liam said once he hocked up every machine, "now tell me are your seizures getting more and more?"

Alexis cried out with a yes. This made Liam worry because Alexis her medication was still based on her old seizures.

"Alright we'll fi-" Liam couldn't finish his sentence because Alexis suddenly went into a full blown seizure.

"Fuck," Liam cursed under his breath while he pushed 20cc of lorazepam into Alexis system. But however her seizure didn't subside.

"Louis pull aside and get her arse here," Liam yelled to the front of the ambulance. This made Niall scare since Liam, the highest qualifite doctor in town, didn't know it anymore with Niall's daughter.

Louis abruptly stopped and jumped into the back.

"Oww yeah I see," Louis said, "20 cc of Lorazepam won't do it right now because that dose is way to light. Push in another 30 and she should be fine."

Liam nodded and pushed another 30 cc in. Alexis her movements seemed to slow down to much like of Louis, who already started the ambulance again, and Liam.

"Hey girl," Liam said as he curled through her long hair, "we're almost there Yeah than we'll check you out and than you'll be home before you know it."

Niall nodded when Louis pulled the ambulance into the ambulance station of the hospital.

Liam got up and pulled the brakes from the gurney.

Louis opened the ambulance and pulled Alexis together with Liam her out of the ambulance and wheeled her into an empty ER room.

"Alright Alexis," Liam said while he and Louis lifted her onto a hospital bed, "we're wheeling you to the X-ray in a moment and we'll most definitely make a new appointment for your seizures by Louis." Niall nodded since Alexis wasn't able to due to her neck brace.

"Alright lets go than," Louis exclaimed once he washed his hands and pulled the brakes of the bed. Liam instructed Niall to wait there for Alexis while he and Louis took her to the X-ray room.

"Alright girl," Louis said while he got the camera installed, "Liam and I will be taking photos from your neck, left shoulder and right leg. Liam and I will be standing behind that window and than afterwards we'll be discussing it together and than we'll go from there."

Alexis agreed to it and Louis made his way towards the small window.

"Now you need to lay still," Liam said while he took some photos.

"What do you think," Louis whispered while one by one the photos pulled up.

"A pulled muscle in her neck, dislocated shoulder which is replaced but not fully and a double break on her right shin," Liam sadly answered.

"Alright Alexis," Liam spoke, "we're taking off your brace and pull your bed up so it's somewhat more comfortable and than we'll go to your papa and explain the rest."

"Yeah fine," Alexis spoke still clearly in pain. Liam strike her head while he pulled the brakes of the bed.

"Hey you're back," Niall said noticing that Alexis her neck brace was pulled off.

"Yeah. Alright so Alexis you've a broken shin so we'll have to put it in plaster and your shoulder have to be put in a bit more but that should be fine. You also pulled a muscle in your neck so that will be a bit stiff for the coming weeks but all be all you should be fine," Louis explained to Niall and Alexis.

Liam returned with some supplies for making the cast of Alexis her leg.

"Which color?" Alexis pointed towards the orange color. Liam nodded and casted her underleg into an orange cast.

"And we're done," Liam said as he gave Niall the crutches and set Alexis back into a wheelchair.

"You already made an appointment with Louis didn't you Niall?" Liam wondered. Niall nodded while he slowly got up from the chair.

"Than I'll see you back in two weeks for the appointment with Louis and within six weeks to cut off your cast," Liam said while he high fives Alexis. Niall smiles and thanked his mates. He wheeled Alexis down the hallway.

"I guess someone wants ice before we go home," Niall excitedly said. Alexis smiled and nodded slowly her head.