Silverwood Flats, Always Trouble - 1d Medical

Prompt For Anonymous

"Olivia will you do the groceries while I'll be bringing Owen to his football game?" Louis yelled from the hallway. Louis was a full time teacher and had a full parenting around his younger twin siblings since they got abused by their own parents. They lived in a flat on the second floor so the living could get pretty small with 2 ten year olds and a 21 year old who was working on his career.

"Yeah I'll do," Olivia yelled from the living room, "you'll be back within two hours right?" Louis responded with a yes and left with his younger sibling.

Olivia was just laying across the couch and wasn't planning on leaving the spot anytime soon. She was watching some kind of Flemish drama which Louis wasn't supporting first but found it fine after.

Olivia was right into her second episode when Louis all of the sudden called.

"Hey girl," Louis said as Olivia picked up the phone, "could you get some pizza as well for tonight and take some for Sam with you as well since he will be getting around tonight."

"Yeah alright," Olivia said as she straightened herself of the couch, "maybe I should leave then."

Louis laughed and hung up.

Olivia grabbed the money from the counter and shut the door in order to forget the front key.

The grocery store was just around the corner so Olivia was there within no time.

She quickly did the groceries and checked out, damn she really wanted her comfy couch and her serie to watch. She thanked the store owner and left off with two full bags of groceries.

When Olivia entered her front door she desperately searched for her key only to find out she left it on the counter in the hallway.

"Fuck," she said in herself. Louis wouldn't be back for like an hour and she really wanted to go inside.

Olivia rang the doorbell of the neighborhood but nobody answered their door.

Olivia looked up and saw that if she climed to her balcony she would have a good shot of getting in her apartment again.

With the two bags in one hand she started the climb. Once she almost reached her own balcony her fingers slipped of the rail and she fall down two stairs down.

She landed with a loud thud on her back and immediately screamed in pain.

Olivia landed on the pavement behind the bushes which meant that people weren't able to see her when they walked passed, they could only see her when they would walk up to the front door and would look to the left.

Olivia just couldn't move neither could she feel her legs. She screamed 'help' for one last time before she had let the dark take over her.


"Boys ready to go home?" Louis asked Owen and Sam. Their team had won with 4-2 and the boys were really happy with the game.

"always," Sam laughed as he followed Louis to his car.

It was a 6 minute drive back home but Louis still wanted to call Olivia that they were on their way.

Only problem was that Olivia hadn't picked up their land-line and neither had she picked up her phone.

Louis concern began to grow since she was just ten and they weren't living in quite a good neighborhood.

As Louis drove into his street, he immediately parked his car at his usual spot. The boys knew about Louis concern and followed him quickly with their football bags.

"Louis I'm scared," Owen soflty whispered. Flashbacks came back to him about their parents. When Owen couldn't reach Olivia by the Nokia Louis had gotten them just in case, he knew that Olivia was being beaten up by their parents.

"I promise she'll be fine. She's probably sleeping on the couch and that's why she couldn't pick up the phone," Louis explained.

As the boys got into the elevator, the tensing rose.

As the lift came to a halt, they sprinted out towards their front door where Louis tried to stick the key in.

" Hurry Lou," Owen soflty spoke. The door flew open and the three of them immediately started running and yelling Olivia's name. It wasn't until Louis noticed the front door key was still laying in the position where he placed it and her jacket wasn't hanging where it was supposed to be. Now Louis was down right panicked. He walked towards the balcony to light up his sigaret, because he knew that he wouldn't think properly when he was stressed. From his balcony, Louis could see the whole route that Olivia was supposed to walk from the store. He trailed the whole route with his eyes up and till the front door. When Louis looked down he saw some familiar face looking right at him. It was Olivia. She was laying on the ground with her leg bend in a funny way and there was a puddle of blood.

She was unconscious as Louis was still processing everything.

Once the realisation kicked in, he sprinted towards the balcony door since he didn't want the boys to see any of it.

"Sam. Owen," Louis yelled, "I'm going down and see if I can find here. You just stay in the house alright."

Both joys a read but Louis still locked the front door.

After he'd done that he immediately started running. He took a flight down the stairs and ran towards the front door. He quickly dialers 999 as he threw the front door open.

As he was being kept on hold he threw himself towards Olivia.

"OMG Olivia no. Please." Louis cried out. The sight was unbearable. Her leg was standing in a 45 degree angle in a way a normal human being couldn't bend it. Louis kneeled down in the puddle of blood but he didn't care. He wanted to make sure that his baby sister was okay. He soflty stroke through her hair, he heard the words he wanted to hear.

999, do you need the police, firefighters or the ambulance

Ambulance please

Alright sir what's your emergency?

My sister. I think she's fallen down the balcony. She looked herself out while doing groceries and she

probably wanted to go back inside.

Alright I just need your adress so I'll be sending an ambulance love. As I sent them we'll stay on the line and wait till the people from the ambulance are taking over.

Im living in Doncaster. In the Silverwood flats.

Alright the ambulance is on its way but I need a few more things. Is she breathing?

(Louis listening if Olivia eventually was breathing because he was so panicked that he hadn't even checked) yes. Yes she's breathing but not very good.

Alright that's lovely. Is she conscious?

Ehh no. I have no idea how long she's laying here for but she's been unconscious already when I arrived.

How long will the ambulance take?

They will be at your place within six minutes love. Just try to stay calm for me alright.


"There's no way you'll be able to fit it in your mouth," Harry laughed as Niall challenged him with his eating abilities. Niall laughed and began to sing, I help myself sometimes is that to scary for ya WATC-.

Niall was interrupted by their Porto. You see Niall and Harry were trained paramedics. Harry usually drove and Niall provided the first aid.

"Central to 786G," they heard at the other side of the line. Harry sighed and picked up the porto. "786G listening."

"We just had a call. It's a girl who has fallen two stories down of a flat," the dispatcher told. Niall immediately shot up because he usually got called when there were children involved since he was a pediatrician.

"Did you sent one of the FRU (Fast Responsive Unit) there yet?" Niall yelled through his porto.

"No they all were caught up with other minor accidents."

Niall sighed audible. "Yeah alright we're taken the A1 call to the girl. We'll let doctor Payne be stand by as we're most likely going to be needing him for this one."

Harry threw on his jacket and ran towards the ambulance where the Adres was already put in by the dispatcher.

Niall came running after and immediately jumped into the passenger seat. "Where are we going?" Niall asked Harry who was driving out of the ambulance station. "Silverwood flats," Harry responded, "if the girl has fallen from the second floor than prepare for the worst Ni."

Niall and Harry had been a working duo since they entered school. They both attended the same classes as it came to first aid but Niall specialised himself in children while Harry loved the driving. They've seen a lot together. From minor cuts and broken ligaments to serious resuscitations and family dramas.

Niall was just staring out of the window, his usual ritual to mentally prepare himself, when his porto went off.

"Dispatch to 786G."

"786G listening," Niall responded with his head laid against the window to clear his mind. He always liked the feeling of the cold glass being in touch of his head.

"We have more information about the girl. She's unconscious, has a large bleeder on her head, fractures of her left leg, open wound fracture on her right arm, possible shattered back. Please note that you're the first responders and calling for backup might be necessary," the dispatcher told.

Niall was chewing on his antene of the porto.

"Alright how about her age and history?" Niall wanted to know.

"She's 10 years old. Her name is Olivia Tomlinson. Has a history of abusement by her parents. Lives by her 21 year old brother together with her twin brother. Your arrival time is 1 minut."

Niall thanked the dispatcher and made a list in his head about the things he and Harry would have to carry.

Harry drove into the street and Niall saw literally nobody.

"If someone is pulling a prank on us I will kill that person," Niall said getting frustrated. He jumped out of the car and some guy shot up from behind the bushes.

"She's here," the guy yelled. Niall immediately ran towards the boy and while Harry followed him with the essentials they thought they needed.

Niall turned around the bushes and witnessed probably the worst injuries he ever saw in his live. He gulped but had to stay professional.

"Alright love let's open those beautiful eyes for me," Niall said as he crunched down to the girl and rubbed her sternum.

Louis stood up and his trousers were soaked with blood. "You alright?" Harry asked Louis aiming for his trousers.

"No the blood is all hers," Louis soflty responded knowing his baby sister was dying in front of him.

"Harry get here," Niall waved Harry over who still crunched down by Olivia.

"Yeah what is it?" Harry asked once he reached his colleague.

"I'm calling Liam because her leg is broken and I need to get it off but therefor I'm needing Liam. She's way to unstable to move or do anything. Her GCS is 4 so it's almost a lost cause."

Harry nodded knowing what his colleague meant.

"Yeah go call Li and I'll get a ecg of her heart," Harry suggested.

Niall nodded and grabbed his phone to call Liam.

Hey mate you need me for the girl?

Ehh yeah. Actually Li it's a disaster. She's most likely to have shattered her spine but she isn't conscious yet. GCS is 4 and we're needing to do an ALS. It looks like a blue call today so I'll be needing you with me in the back of the ambulance.

Jeez. Okay I'll coming down. Does she breath on her own?

Ehh yeah but it's minor. Looks like she's broken some ribs too and has a collapsed lung. She has a big head trauma and internal bleeding aren't ruled out either.

Okay. I'll be there in 3 minutes. Steady her C-spine by board and collar since I think you and Harry are able to do that yourself.

Yeha al-

No. Actually wait for my arrival because I think we need a scoop today.

Alright. But I'll promise you one thing. It's going to be bloody nasty.

Yeah I'm aware. I'm just pulling in the street so you'll see me.

"Alright Louis," Niall said as he came back, "I called a colleague who's more specialized in these things."

Louis nodded and wasn't processing everything since he was on the edge of a panic attack.

Harry looked up and saw Louis going pale.

"You take care of Olivia Ni while I'll take him with me," Harry suggested. Haary knew how to handle these situations and always seemed to calm people down.

"I'm in the back of the ambulance if you need me or anything else."

Niall nodded and sat behind Olivia steadying her neck. Suddenly her eyes began to flikker and she let out moans of pain.

"Hey love," Niall said as he still hung above her, "you had quite a fall love. I'm Niall and can you tell me your name?"

"Olivia," she softly spoke out.

"Alright Olivia. Do you feel pain anywhere. Just answer with yes or no since my hands are holding your neck and my arms aren't as flexible when you're going to nod or shake."

Olivia got a grin on her face. She liked this Niall dude.

"I have pain in my back, neck and arm," Olivia softly said, "and I want Louis."

"I know love but Louis wasn't as brave as you were so Louis is together with my best mate Harry in the ambulance to make sure he's alright."

"Louis can't deal with blood. He usually faints," Olivia softly spoke.

"Alright Olivia we're going to see what we can do for you alright?"

Olivia wanted to nod but Niall's hands weren't letting go of her neck.

"And we most definitely aren't testing the flexibility of my arms."

Olivia got a small grin on her face. Niall heard sirens of Liam's car getting closer and closer. The sirens came to a halt and he heard a door being slammed shut.

"Niall you there," Liam yelled. Niall responded with a yes before he turned back towards Olivia.

"Alright love," Liam spoke as he came closer to Olivia, "let's see what we've got here."

Liam gulped at the sight of the injuries. "Alright first question Niall. Where on earth have you left Harry?"

Niall pointed to the ambulance as Olivia explained that Louis was in the other ambulance.

"Oww I see," Liam said, "you're brother wasn't such a hero now was he?"

Olivia grinned. "Alright Liv. So I'm going to explain it step by step what Niall and I are going to do. First we're going to get you on a board so your back keeps steady. Than Niall and I will get you to sleep because you've broken your foot and I want you not to feel any of it. The sleeping medicine will work for quite a bit so you'll be waking up in a hospital or in a driving ambulance. But before we're doing all this we'll do some tests first."

Liam got his hands under Olivia her shirt but as he began to feel around Olivia stopped him.

" I feel like I need to throw up," she softly spoke.

" Okay just hold on yeah. Niall steady her neck. On my count 3.2.1. "

Liam and Niall rolled Olivia to her side. Liam kept her back and legs steady while Niall kept a grib on her neck.

Olivia forcefully began to throw up blood.

" Ehh Li," Niall soflty spoke while pointing to the amount of blood on the pavement. Liam took a mental note that Olivia had suffered some internal bleeding.

"You done?" Niall wanted to know as Olivia was dry heaving. She let out a soft moan as the boys rolled her back on the board which they had shoven under her. Right when she laid back Niall noticed how stiff she suddenly got.

"Hey Liv you oke love?" Niall frantically asked. Before he knew it Olivia was seizing between his hands.

"Fuck," Liam let out as he saw Olivia behaving like a fish out of the water.

"You just steady her neck while I'm strapping her," Liam suggested. Niall gave in and stroke her hair.

"Alright Liv please open your eyes for me," Niall softly spoke.

As soon as the seizure started, just as soon it quit. Olivia slowly opened her eyes and looked scared.

Niall waved Liam over so Liam could calm her down as Niall was going to check the feeling in her feet.

" Hey Liv I know it's scary but I promise you that you'll be fine," Liam said as he took her head in his hands, "now I need you to do something for me Liv. I need you to concentrate for me very very hard because I want you to tell me when you can feel Niall touching you. Can you do that for me?"

Olivia responded with a soft yes and Liam gave a nod to Niall.

Niall tickled her under her feet with a pen. Olivia didn't move a bit. Liam concluded that she wasn't feeling the movements that Niall made on her.

"Okay Liv what we're going to do now is bring you to sleep, than cut of the trouser at your left leg and cut through your sweater on the right. Than we'll vacuum it and when you wake up Niall and I are either in the hospital working on you or you'll wake up in a driving ambulance."

As Liam explained, Niall already putting the medicine into her system.

Liam stroke her hair as he waited for Olivia to sleep.

"Liv can you here me love?" Liam asked. Olivia just stared towards the sky.

"Yeah we can start," Liam soflty spoke, "let's start with her arm first."

Liam got her arm steady as Niall began to cut the sweater.

"omg Li just look at her arm," Niall crueled at the sight of it. Her arm was bend 3 different ways and her elbow was standing completely loose of her upper arm.

"This is not even something to begin on for us," Liam sighed, "it looks like she's be either loosing that arm or we need to call the orthopedic back."

"You mean Malik?" Niall asked. Liam nodded.

"I'll do," Niall sighed as he pressed the numbers of Zayns telephone number. Liam was busy keeping her arm steady and putting it in a vacuum bag.

Z- Niall why on earth are you calling me? Has something happened to you or the boys? You normally never call when I'm working.

N- Ehh zayn. It kinda looks like me and Liam will be needing your assistance for today.

Z- This better be a good one since I've just started my shift. You want me to go to your hospital or to the scene.

N- Wait let me discuss with Liam about it

Niall took his phone of his ear and walked back to Liam.

"Zayn wants to know if he needs to come here or to the hospital," Niall explained.

Liam seemed to think about it. "Just do the hospital. There's nothing more he can do here what we haven't tried."

N- Yeah Zayn, just go to the hospital. We'll meet you there but it looks like a blue call so don't expect us any time soon to be fair.

Z- Ehh yeah alright but really a blue call? What happened to this person

N- It's a ten year old girl who's fallen down from the second floor of a flat

Her spine is probably completely shattered and we're just cutting her pants. She has a broken upper arm, her elbow is completely separated from her upper arm. She's got a few big unclean brakes and surgery is necessary. Her leg, I don't have a clear vision yet on it but it looks like she'll be needing surgery on it as well. Probably a relocation of her kneecap and a few unclean brakes.

Z- Alright I'll be making sure I have a cubicle ready so I can operate and get a diagnose.

Niall hung up and went to assist Liam further. "Alright Ni," Liam started, "her leg is even worse than her arm. It may look like we'll be ampatuding today unless Zayn can provide miracles which I'm not doubting."

"Li we gotta move her on blue right?" Liam sadly nodded as the boys lifted her on the gurney and ran to the ambulance.

Harry immediately jumped to the driver's seat as Louis hot hold of Olivia's hand and softly petted it.

"You'll be fine okay," he softly spoke out.


"Alright let's move," Liam yelled as he threw open the ambulance doors.

Niall and Liam ran like maniacs to the cubicle that Zayn had ordered.

"Alright Zayn," Niall said as he drove her in and Liam began to write the things down on the whiteboard, "10 year old Olivia Tomlinson. Has fallen two storeys down. Stats are normal, pulse slow. Has possible internal bleeding, shattered spine and two orthepic problems. Given 20 cc of prednisone and some general anesthesia."

Zayn nodded and got his gloves on. When he wanted to investigate the wounds and fractures, Olivia came around.

" Hey love you're in the hospital now," Niall softly spoke," We'll be driving you to the Xray and then we'll operate you just as I told you."

Olivia looked scared but Zayn promised her that he would be there all the time.

"Ni get here please," Liam said waving over his best mate, "you're going to inform Louis now about the situation. I'll come after you when I'm having the results of her back."

Niall nodded and walked into the family room.

"Olivia Tomlinson," Niall softly spoke. Louis shot up and walked towards Niall.

"How is she? Please tell me that she's okay."

Louis was on the edge of crying and having yet another panic attack. Niall decided it would be for the best to recall Harry for this cause.

"Just follow me please," Niall softly answered.

Harry already was in the room where he met Louis and Niall.

"Sit down please," Niall offered as he sat across Louis, "look Olivia had quite taken a fall but is even lucky to be alive since most would've never even survived such a fall. However she's going to get surgery on her leg and arm."

Niall looked up and saw Liam standing the doorway with a sad look on his face. He slowly shook his head which was enough information for Niall.

" Alright Louis there's one thing I want you to know. Olivia will be paralyzed from her waist down. Her spine is shattered and there's nothing more we can do. I'm sorry," Niall soflty said as he slowly got up and gave Louis the time to progress everything. Niall slowly slid against the wall and let a few tears flow.

True it was in professional but this was a humanity action.