The Awakening of Anarethia

Chapter 1: The Awakening of Anarethia

March 10, 2009

We found Claudia Aguilar, a 23 year old girl, archeologist and writer who is

searching hard on the Internet for some interesting story that she can research and

publish in the magazine "Paranormal Hysteria", for which she works, in the

publishing house "North California" in La Peace BCS At last! She exclaimed.

Anarethia, "she said with a look of relief on her face. Apparently she had found

something very interesting; her gaze was fully in front of her monitor, and she

perused the following strange text: The legend, real, and very popular in the state of

Baja California Sur, Mexico. A legend that possibly becomes a reality in a very short

time. 99 years ago, a vampire was murdered, and was buried in a traditional Christian

way, by the people of the valley of «La Purísima». The body was placed, facing east

awaiting final judgment. But legend has it that at dusk on March 10, 2009, when this

being turns 100 years after he died, he will resurrect; She will rise from the grave and

start a new reign of terror, and nothing else will prevail but the reign of hell and evil

on earth. Anarethia's awakening is near; March 10, 2009 is the date this diabolical

being will come back to life. Following the aforementioned legend, Claudia sees

images of "La Purísima", a town where the tomb of the supposed vampire is located.

This is what I need. –Said Claudia‒. And also the place of the events, is less than 3

hours from here (La Paz B.C.S) - she said inside while a smile is drawn on her face.

March 10, 2009 It is

17:14 pm, we clearly see a white car, an Aston Martin DBS to be more exact, moving

quickly on a road, somewhat neglected and full of imperfections, clear signs of a bad

government disinterested in image, comfort and safety of its people. Inside this car,

we can see two people, a young man who was driving the vehicle and a passenger in

the front seat; a man and a woman respectively. Claudia is the woman who occupied

the passenger seat while her boyfriend Christopher was driving; who did not allow

his girlfriend to travel alone to a place she does not know, so he decided to

accompany her. As the car continues to advance, just three meters away a sign that

says 'Km 100' can be seen, just there the car slowed down to finally leave the road

and enter a narrow and dark road. This path has a quite peculiar appearance, it looks

very neglected, it seems that no one has passed through it in 50 years. There are

rocks, stones, dust and bushes, they are some of the inconveniences that the car goes

through that was not necessarily designed for this type of terrain. Claudia wears a

necklace with a hanging cross, it is an amulet that her grandmother gave her before

she passed away last year. She looks clearly excited and uneasy about the trip.

18:43 pm, the car stops, in front of this we can see a huge arch surrounded by dry

plants, its leaves reflected the state of desolation of that place, completely devoid of

life, and above these we see a sign made on a base of wood in which the following

words can hardly be distinguished:

‒Welcome to "La Purísima". Claudia and Christopher, keep moving

forward, crossing this expressionless arch and practically entering the mysterious

town. -What is this supposed to be? Christopher asked, very puzzled. An old Town –

Claudia answered him, with a serious expression. What Claudia and Christopher were

observing was not just any town, it was a Ghost Town, probably abandoned decades

ago, in which memories of past tragedies lived asleep. And the abysses to which they

must descend floated in silence. There are no people in its streets, the facade of the

houses makes them look dingy and very old. The floor is covered with dead leaves

that give a melancholic and cold touch to the sinister landscape. They stop the car,

both get out of it, and start a walk around the place, they start at the square, which

still conserves as a characteristic symbol, a huge fountain from which the delicious

pure liquid of an "Eye of Water" gushed out. for a great variety of flints, and colored

stones that we can only find in places like these. In the town next to the reservoir

there was an old flour mill. The peaceful silence that surrounded them was abruptly

disturbed by the thunderous sound of a Bell. Its sound was of such magnitude that

Claudia did not last long, and decided to cover her ears with her hands. When the

silence returned, Claudia and Christopher went to a small church that was seen in the

distance, and from which came the loud sound of that bell. They slowly entered the

small church and what they saw with the naked eye, at the foot of the pulpit, a priest

asking to pray for the soul of all, before the terrible event that could possibly occur in

a few hours. On the wooden benches in the first rows they observed an elderly

woman, praying on her knees and with a rosary in her hands, we can barely see her

face since it is covered by a black veil. Behind her, we see what appears to be a

family, the father, the mother, and two little girls. A little further back, an elderly man

and a young woman, all were very attentive to the words of the priest. At the end of

the row of benches, there is a man, elderly, at first glance he can be somewhat

unpleasant, since his appearance is disheveled and dirty. Approximately twenty minutes passed.

Everyone present went to the town cemetery, except Claudia, Christopher and the

priest who stayed in the place talking about this legend. The Priest told us horrible

stories about that nocturnal creature. Unimaginable stories that chilled your blood and

could invade your dreams. He revealed to us that that vampire was nailed to her

coffin with talisman stakes that by means of a magical ritual prevented the dead body

from leaving the tomb, when night came. Hours passed. They were all already in the

cemetery. The sun set, and black clouds quickly covered the sky, fierce gusts of wind

whipped the place, the branches of the trees were shaking violently, hysteria had

taken hold of everyone, screams and cries were heard, but among all those noises ,

the priest's voice rose higher than the others and implored God and cursed that

atrocity. The wind stopped, the calm returned to flood the place with its silence.

Thank my God! They all said, but. From among the majestic trees that surrounded the

cemetery, a flock of black crows was seen that pounced on everyone present, without mercy.

Claudia began to scream, petrified at such atrocity, she was immobilized by terror,

two meters from Anarethia's grave, while the ravens kill everyone else, surrounded by

black fog, being consumed by an insatiable hunger. Blood began to flow towards the

closed tomb.

From the earth, a bony hand with huge claws began to come out, soon we can see the

entire arm, the pile of earth was moved to one side, while the skull of that being was

slightly perceived, to finally see the rotten thing come out completely body of the

vampire. He still has those huge eyes, red as blood, from his jaw two huge ivorycolored

fangs protrude, he gave off a fetid smell of sulfur, which filled the air.

Claudia watches the monster, unable to do anything but tremble. Anarethia stares at

her, slowly approaches her, takes her arms and gently pierces her neck with her

enormous fangs, while feeding on her, her body regenerates from head to toe, the

bare bones are covered again with tissue , the cheeks returned to their original pale

color. Claudia, lost consciousness while feeling the loss of blood. From among the

corpses, Christopher stood up taking a rock in his hand and without success attacked

Anarethia, she immediately took him by the neck with her left hand, while she

inserted her right hand inside her abdomen, to then remove it abruptly and spread the

entrails on the floor. Claudia was lying, lying on the cold ground, her skin looked

totally pale, with an expression of horror on her face, dead. The cross that adorns her

neck, melted like hot butter. Christopher, lay in a huge pool of his own blood, next to

the entrails torn from his body, which served as a feast for the infernal ravens.

Anarethia, walked free in the darkness of the night, between the trees that seemed to

make way for her, as she advanced, accompanied by her, the one she chose as a

companion for all eternity, with the one who will share her glory and blood, Claudia.


This story places us in one of the most emblematic places but at the same time with

more legends in Guadalajara. It is right here where this sinister legend unfolds. It all

started in the colonial era just at the end of the 19th century, more specifically in

1880, when a stranger from old Europe arrived, a man named Jorge, who seemed like

a nice guy, however shortly after and in the midst of the panic of a whole city would

reveal a dark secret. Don Jorge arrived in the small town of Belén, possessing a great

fortune with it he made a great farm, despite always being courteous and engaging in

pleasant talks with all his neighbors, people did not know his origin and when

someone asked him where he came from Shrewdly he changed the subject, so the

mystery of Don Jorge began to disturb the most curious. It gave other people the

chills just to hear his name pronounced, because he always dressed in black and took

long walks late at night. But everything was going relatively normally, with no major

problem than the gossip of the people. However strange things began to happen soon

after. One morning, at dawn, after some people saw Don Jorge go out for one of his

usual night walks, as usual, they found dead animals in various parts of the town. The

strange thing is that they had been bitten on the neck and did not have a drop of blood

inside. However, the official theory concluded that it was a rare disease that afflicted

poor wild beings, but this hypothesis did not convince those who knew Don Jorge

more closely. Only a few weeks passed when it was not only animals that were found

dead. Several people, including minors, began to appear on the streets of Guadalajara

completely drained, lifeless. Not more than three days passed when several neighbors

agreed to monitor and spy on the strange neighbor, because they were convinced that

Don Jorge was a vampire. One night these people organized to chase him, they

waited in hiding until the moment when Don Jorge left his house at night and at that

moment they followed him stealthily, however they did not know that he could hear

everything they were saying from afar. They followed him into a dark alley, but when

they entered there was no one, they had lost sight of him, as if he had disappeared

into the shadows. Suddenly coming out of the darkness one of the guards was

distracted and Don Jorge took advantage of the moment to cling to his neck, piercing

the jugular veins with his fangs, taking his life. Thus it had been confirmed that Jorge

was a creepy vampire. In those moments they tried to hold him back but terror

invaded them and he managed to escape. A few weeks of that passed and Don Jorge

did not appear anywhere, on his farm there were only his workers and maids, but no

sign of him. Only the breath of those he had killed knew where he was. They sought

the help of a priest to capture him, who at the request of several people went to Don

Jorge's mansion to wait for him, but the townspeople were sure that the only way to

get rid of the vampire was with a sharp wooden stake, the same that the priest

sprinkled with holy water.

They searched for him for a long time, for many nights, but without success, while

terror continued to seize the soul of the city. One night a watchman managed to cry

out for help, as the vampire stalked him. Shouts were quickly heard throughout the

valley and several people came out with torches and saw Don Jorge with bloodshot

eyes trying to escape. They chased him to the Bethlehem pantheon where he wanted

to hide, but when cornered he was knocked down, then he was held between more

than ten men and the priest drove the stake as deep as he could. As it was buried in

her chest the vampire screamed and swore to the dark winds that she would return to

take revenge on everyone. In that same place, Don Jorge the vampire was buried

drowned in his misery, but a short time later a tree began to grow, breaking

everything that surrounded the tomb. The branches and the imposing of what is now

known as the vampire tree has left the belief that the moment the tree is cut down or

the roots finish breaking the tombstone the vampire will return.