Chapter Five

In an army barrack on one of the major worlds of the Imperial Army, several high-ranking officials came together for an important meeting.

"I just got word from the higher ups a few days ago. They say the Lantern's been acting up. It's been showing signs of a new Demigod rising." One official spoke up first. He was clad in shiny white armor with gold patterns adorning it. A pair of golden wings were emblazoned on the back of his armor. The wings were a very power enchantment that was only given to very important people in the army. He stood at the head of the table, pointing at an area of the map that was spread across the table.

"The signals first pointed at the Garu Cluster. Our Fate Mages could not get a proper reading and only narrowed it down to this cluster. Within the week, a special team will arrive there to carry out more in-depth investigations on the magic fluctuations to narrow it down further." He further explained the situation to his subordinates.

"How can we be sure it's the Sorcerer Supreme? He's been dead for over a century! He can't just pop up out of nowhere after all this time!" A short, stocky official brought up his opinion. He was quite a lazy fellow and didn't like how their superiors had disrupted his plans.

The first official who spoke sent the short one a glare.

"It doesn't matter. Orders are orders. There's nothing we can do about it. Ready your regiments. We depart as soon as word comes out on the whereabouts of Kasuyi's inheritor."


After transforming back to his normal self, Kai left the forest and headed back home. Upon getting home, he ran into his mother at the entrance of the house.

"How was training, dear?" She asked as she watched him take off his shoes.

"It was okay. I broke through the Mortal tier and into the Earth Class." He bared his teeth in a wide smile. The smile on his mom's face froze for a moment as the full meaning of his words sunk into her brain.

"What?" She felt as though she might have to cleanse her ears to make sure she heard him right. She had just found out that he could use magic over a month ago and now he was telling her he had broken through to the Earth tier. It completely astounded her. One didn't just skip through classes like they were playing a game.

Without waiting for her to give a proper reply, Kai left her and walked into the house, eager to get some proper rest after the fight with the beast from earlier. When he got to his room, he looked out the window, staring into the town.

The Selection Period would soon begin... He had to prepare...


In a remote, unexplored world, seven mysterious figures appeared in an underground cave. Dark hoods shrouded their appearances. These hoods had been enchanted to reveal only a dark abyss. Even if you pointed a torch directly under the hood, you wouldn't be able to see anything but a dark void.

These figures looked at each other, nodding as greeting before turning their backs to each other and walking several steps away. They then turned back to face each other, raising their arms slowly. Their arms were completely covered in tattoos. These tattoos were actually magical enchantments that supplemented their powers, bringing forth various bonuses and boosts to them.

They then walked in a circle, completely in sync. The space between each of them did not increase or reduce, remaining firmly in the space they had given each other from the beginning. With each step, certain tattoos on their arms shone. From a dim glow to a blinding swirl of lights. Green, blue, red, yellow, and many more colors erupted from their beings. Wind wiped throughout the underground cavern, blowing around dust and sand.

No words were needed between these individuals as they halted, throwing their arms up and slamming them down on the ground. The earth shook and the ceiling of the cavern shifted and trembled. A circular platform rose from the center of the seven beings, slowly extending until it surpassed their heights, reaching the ceiling of the cavern.

A giant magically powered lantern sat on the base of the platform, towering over everyone and everything there. This lantern had various mystical patterns carved into its surface. A pale light shone from within, pulsing as it was exposed to the naked eye.

One of the robed individuals stepped forward, pulling down his hood as he did so. His exposed face was covered in tattoos and he was bald. From his facial features, his deep set wrinkles and barely opened eyes gave him the look of an old man that was centuries old.

"Our great teacher has finally risen! All hail the Sorcerer Supreme, Great Lord Kasuyi!" He cried out, lifting his arms up high. "We must fetch his Inheritor at once! Before the Imperial Army gets their tainted hands on him." He turned around and waved. The surrounding shadows fluctuated as hidden magical familiars set out to do their job- Locate Kasuyi's Inheritor.