Chapter Eleven

"So Kai, where did you learn that move from?" Reinhard propped his head up with an arm as he and Kai sat on the front porch of Kai's house. The both of them had their fill and were taking some fresh air with over stuffed bellies.

"Mmm... My dad taught it to me some time ago. Said it was for protecting myself if he wasn't there... If you ask me, it came in handy." The corners of Kai's lips twitched mockingly as a smirk drew itself over his face. Reinhard elbowed him, nearly tilting him on his side.

"Yeah, that reminds me, I came over to ask you something." Reinhard stood up, dusting his trousers as he did so. "What rank are you aiming for?" He looked down at Kai. With the surrounding darkness, Kai could barely see the outline of Reinhard's face, not to mention reading his expression to find out the reason for the sudden question.

"Hmm," Kai leaned back on his arms and stared over at the horizon. "I don't know. I guess I'll go with the flow. You know me, I don't really like to force things." He threw over an oversized grin at Reinhard. Reinhard just chuckled and shook his head, turning back to watch the sunset.


Morning came quick, painting the sky in a bright orange glow. The sound of chirping birds roused Kai from his light slumber. He stretched, looking out his window at the rising sun.

'It's morning already?' He groaned and covered his face up with his blanket. Although he was excited to finally leave his small hometown and explore a bit, which sane teen would want to wake up so early in the morning?

"Kai! Young man, get your lazy butt out of that room and get ready! The caravan isn't going to wait for you, you know!" His mom banged on the door harshly, interrupting his snooze. Groaning, Kai crawled out from under the covers, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

He had to prepare for the journey to the nearest Imperial Army training camp. Only then could he really begin his training to rise up in the ranks of Mages.

With a stretch and a low groan, Kai trudged his way into the bathroom to get ready.


In the town square, a large number of people were gathered. Some of them were those lucky enough to pass the Selection process and have the chance to be recruited into the Imperial Army. The vast majority of people were those who had come to wish their family and friends goodbye. The rest of the crowd were just rubberneckers looking for some good gossip material...

At the edge of the crowd, the favored vessel of Kasuyi, Kai stood with his parents, sharing a warm moment before his departure. This time, his father had taken the day off from his daily hunting trip with the various hunters on their small town.

"Be a good boy, Kai. Make sure you stick close to Reinhard and don't get in any trouble!" His mother wiped the corners of her eyes with a piece of cloth.

"Don't mind your mother, Kai. She's just worried. Have some fun... And don't forget to bring back a wife when you're done serving." His had cracked a smile, revealing a dimple on his right cheek, a feature that he shared with Kai. The three of them laughed, reveling in the moment.

Not long after, it was soon time for the caravan to depart. All those who had passed the Selection climbed into the wagons, waving goodbye to their families and friends. Kai sat by Reinhard, opting to spend the journey close to someone he was familiar with.

"We're finally on our way!" Reinhard let out a deep breath the moment they left the town. He stuck his head out of the carriage, letting the slight breeze run through his hair, tugging at the strands softly.

"Yeah. Kind of feels surreal, huh?" Kai let out a nervous chuckle. Although he had always been eager to leave the village, actually leaving it gave him an entire different feel. His palms were sweaty, his mind was buzzing, and he couldn't help but have bundles of nerves twisting and turning around his his belly, feeling like a torrent of butterflies were doing acrobatic displays in there.

"Don't be so nervous, Kai. We all feel that way. It's a new feeling, so yeah, it's going to feel strange at first." Reinhard faced Kai with a grin and slapped his back, making Kai stumble for a second.

Reinhard's brows furrowed as a thought crossed his mind. "Have you been working out lately?" He looked at Kai strangely.

"Um, yes. Why?" Kai felt the entire question was fishy and weird.

"Ah, no wonder then." Reinhard nodded sharply, reaching a satisfying conclusion to his internal debate.

"What's wrong? Why were you asking?"

"Ah, It's nothing, nothing at all."

"You have five seconds..." Kai's voice trailed off in a menacing tone.

"Alright! It's just... normally, that slap should have knocked you off your feet." Reinhard cracked an awkward smile and rubbed the back of his head. Kai's face just remained emotionless as he regarded his friend with a cold, hard stare.