Chapter Sixteen

Eren's spear seemed to be everywhere, constantly having Law on the back foot in their fight.

Seeing he couldn't win no matter what, Law came to a decision- Retreat! He had no intention of fighting a loosing battle, especially when it was very clear that he wouldn't be winning no matter what he tried. He fell back, his body dissolving into a plume of smoke just as Eren's spear plunged through the space his body was occupying a few moments prior.

"Damn. He got away!" Eren gritted his teeth with frustration as he realized he could no longer sense his foe's presence. He swung his spear, slashing several trees in half, frustrated at just how slippery Law was during their fight. Whenever he thought he could deliver a killing blow, Law would somehow find a way to slip out of the grasp of death.

A pang of pain shot through the back of Eren's skull. The [Deified Persona] was starting to wear on him, reaching the limit of its use. He quietly turned around, keeping his senses sharp, and started heading back to what was left of the camp.


Injured soldiers were supported as they waited their turn for a healer to make rounds and get to them. The battle between the Lord class combatants was quite devastating. Most of their supplies had been lost and their carriages lay as broken heaps of wood and metal.

Rudolf limped through the camp, his head turning left and right as he took in the state of his men. Eren walked by his side, carrying himself in a dignified manner.

"All our soldiers are still alive. We lost no one in the battle. Most of them are worse for wear, though." Eren gave Rudolf a rundown, grimacing as the pained groan of a Sky class martial artist chipped into his sentence.

Rudolf nodded, not really paying full attention as he thought of who the attackers might be. He cradled his arm close to his chest. Things had gone awry when he was chasing down the Titan. The Lord class that was engaged with the Lesser Mages on his side had disengaged, following after him to support her comrade. With her disruptive powers, she made it difficult for him to concentrate, eventually forcing him to retreat after suffering various injuries.

On returning back to what was left of the overnight camp, he had inquired about the source of the strange arrows that had helped turn the tie of the battle. A Grandmaster class Mage then informed him of one of the townspeople being the one to shoot the arrows. After a brief description of the individual, he was given another shock- It was that same Earth class boy!

"Get me a Fate Mage. I need to contact High General Adolf at once!" Wasting no more time, Rudolf went to find a Mage that could heal him. Eren parted ways with him to help with salvaging what valuable was left among the wreckage while sending a nearby Martial Artist to carry out Rudolf's wishes.

While all this was going on, Kai himself was busy leaning against a tree, still a little out of breath. His stamina was completely depleted, leaving him exhausted and running on fumes. The Imperial Soldiers walking about didn't even bother his rest, seeing as he ha helped a bit in turning things around for them. They decided to let him have a good, well deserved rest.

Rustling had Kai raising his head, wondering who had come by. Commander Eren stood in front of him, scrutinizing him with an inquiring stare. What Kai didn't know was that Eren was actually inspecting the fluctuations of magical energy that was radiating off Kai.

As an inexperienced Mage, Kai had no idea that his body constantly have off faint waves of magical energy, acting as a sort of beacon in the dark. At higher levels of power, he would better learn how to control it, keeping a tight grasp on the leakage of his magical energy.

Pulses of weak magical energy bloomed like flowers off Kai's being. The weak pulses and how unstable they were gave away what class Kai was at. A Mortal class being wouldn't give off magical energy waves that were so visible and a Sky class being's magical wave pulse would be much stronger than what Kai was giving off, placing him at the Earth class.

Eren nodded absently to himself, satisfied with his deduction. Normally, one wouldn't be able to accurately tell the classes of others until the Late Lord class stage.

"Come with me, Kid. You've got a few questions that need answering." He gestured with his head to where Rudolf sat, looking around with a grumpy look. Kai stood up, dusting his body. The moment he came to the decision of firing those arrows, he had accepted the fact that there would be consequences to his actions, thus, he had prepared in advance.

As Kai walked away with Eren, the remaining townspeople could only watch them leave with complicated feelings running through their minds.