Chapter Twenty One

*One Week Later*

The army was as brutal as the stories told; as soon as they settled down, they were dragged out of bed at first light the next day. Their stay at the training camp was full of rigorous training, where no man or woman was left to dawdle. Through various tests, those individuals that had an affinity for magic were filtered out for a separate training curriculum. Anyone without a Mana core would be automatically labeled as a Martial Artists.

This Mana core was in no way a complicated thing. It was simply the internal storage reserve a of magical energy that a mage had within their body. It determined how long they could last in a battle. The larger the Mana core, the longer the mage could last.

Sadly, Reinhard tested negative and was thus labeled a martial artist, separating him from Kai who passed and was labeled as a mage.

Most of the exercises at this point in time were mainly to push the Mortal class recruits up into the Earth class. While for some it might seem like a difficult process, for the Imperial Army which possessed a frightening amount of resources and manpower, coupled with the experiences of various other soldiers, the new recruits were able to break through in batched within the week. The least talented of the bunch took more resources and time than others, but it wasn't a big matter to the Army.

Although Kai was already firmly seated in the early Earth class tier, he didn't seat around to watch as his companions worked and improved upon themselves. He joined in on the training, opting to solidify his foundations as much as possible.

During this time, Eren kept a very close eye on everything that Kai did. Who he spoke to, how he processed the information passed to them by their trainers, basically everything Kai did was under the watchful eye of Eren. He periodically reported back to Rudolf, keeping him up to date on everything he noticed.

Adolf had already left the city to carry on with the Selection. He had refused to believe that Rudolf had gotten his hands on the Inheritance so easily, instead opting to believe that Kai was a very talented mage. That was especially so when the squad that was sent back to inquire about Kai's background had returned with news proving everything Kai had told them was true.


Fazzad City.

Currently, a group of fresh Imperial recruits were wandering through town. Although their trainers were harsh, they understood that as new recruits, they were still fresh and breaking them too early would lead to having emotionless mimics of soldiers. A soldier without character was bound to be stuck at the bottom of the barrel.

Ryan and Suzy walked through the street with their other companions following behind them. The occasionally stopped to take a look at the various exotic wares and goods that were out for sale, all the while taking casual looks at the various different races that were in the city. Elves, Dwarves, Beastmen, Titans, and many other distinct races were walking all about, carrying out their daily activities.

Kai strolled about at the back of the group. Although he was quite familiar with the others, he wasn't really close to them. Reinhard had opted not to follow them on their excursion, instead staying back to practice. After failing to pass the test and falling into the category of martial artists, he had begun to train night and day, slowly transforming into a workaholic that took his training as seriously as breathing. After that, he and Kai had begun meeting up less and less in the past week, barring the few times they crossed paths in the food hall.

"Hey Kai, come up here for a second!" Suzy's chirpy voice drew his attention to the front. Kai slipped between people, wiggling his way to the front. A few members of their group continued forward, eager to keep on exploring. He stood beside Suzy, peering forward to see what could have piqued Suzy's attention. A small, compact book sat before them on a slightly elevated podium compared to the rest of the wares within the viewing glass.

"Oh hello! How can I help you today?" An elderly lady with a small stature came out of the little shop. The vines and leaves between the strands of her hair made her stand out, although she didn't stand out like some of the more eye catching races they had already seen during their tour.

Suzy took the lead as she smiled brightly and stepped forward to engage the woman in a conversation. Although they looked friendly enough, the shop keeper's eyes were firmly fixed on her property as she spoke with Suzy. She had her eyes out for petty thieves that worked in teams to swindle her.

"Hi! Please, if I might ask, what level is this grimoire? It has a luster that appeals to me." Suzy smiled sweetly.

"Ah, this is my husband's latest work. Unlike most grimoires that are fixed, this one here doesn't have a fixed level. It was made from the essence of a Wyvern's scale, a rare material in itself." Her smile turned bitter. "He fell gravely ill after he finished making it so I don't know the specifics."

While they spoke, Kai's eyes were firmly fixed on the grimoire. A series of information floated before his vision as he scanned it.


Black Wyvern's Heartfall

Class limit: None



