Chapter Forty

"The name is Marvin." The dark haired man offered an outstretched hand to Kai, who tentatively took it. The black puppy that had stuck onto Kai yipped at the interaction between the two.

"I'm Kai." Kai replied, giving Marvin a wide smile.

"I think everyone in the Abbey knows that already, haha!" The man laughed light heartedly. Kai could only blush and rub the back of his neck shyly. He had no idea that being Lord Kasuyi's inheritor meant that everyone would know him, though, he shouldn't have been surprised by it.

The three of them walked through the stone halls of the castle, descending floor by floor.

"You are quite lucky to have been chosen as the inheritor, Kai. Not everyone knows how special it makes you. Sure, they might think that you are favored by the gods, but that isn't all. If you hadn't become the Inheritor, then I can tell you with absolute certainty that you wouldn't have been here today. In fact, II doubt you would have been able to awaken you mana circuits, and execute magic like the way you do today." Marvin spoke as the two of them walked through the gates of the castle.

The trio made their way through the bustling streets of the underground city. Even though he had been here for a few days, Kai still had no idea what the name of this city was.

"The city's quite amazing, Marvin. What's it called?" Kai asked, looking at a pair of pointed eared teens that hung around a stall selling grilled meat. Elves. A few pale skinned people with gleaming red eyes walked through the street, while some men and women, at least two and a half meters tall stood over a giant pot, stirring the contents of the pot with large, wooden spoons.

"Here? This place is the Hidden Oasis. Untouched by the Imperials, and a safe haven for those who do not want their oppression. Here, mages are able to bloom and grow their powers however they want. This is just one of many more havens that accept mages." Marvin opened his arms wide as he spoke.

"Oh, I see." Kai nodded. "Say, Marvin, what class are you? I haven't been able to feel anything from you all this while."

"Me? Oh, well, I'm quite high up, you see. But I can't disclose any information concerning that to you. Maybe later in the future, but not now." Marvin smiled down at Kai as he spoke, the younger dark haired Mage nodding in understanding. He too, knew that he wasn't ready to know everything yet.

The trio continued to meander about the city. The black pup's tail wagged excitedly whenever they passed the stands selling steaks, and other meaty varieties, but before it could express its desire, the human dup ahead had already walked past. Marvin noticed it, smiling briefly at the pup.

"Hungry, little fella? Come." He stirred them towards a stall that sold a wide variety of meat. Plain Mortal Creature meat, all the way up to Sky class creature meat was available for sale to everyone. The meat from the stronger creatures were much more expensive, even though they were all in small quantities.

"How much for a kilo of the Honeytooth Bear?" Marvin asked the owner of the stall they had stopped at.

"You sure you want it? It's a Master class beast, and its meat is quite expensive, you know." The stall owner waved his hand around as he spoke, a disdainful look in his eyes as he looked upon them. He probably thought they couldn't afford it.

"I'm aware of that. Please how much will a kilo cost?" Marvin ignored the implied meaning behind the stall owners words.

"Fifteen gold coins for a kilo. Pay up front." The man stretched out an open palm.

"Oh? That's quite pricy." Marvin rubbed the brown stubble over his chin.

"I told you. Please order something else, or leave if you don't need anything else." The man snorted and rolled his eyes.

"That won't be necessary." Marvin fished inside a pouch hanging from his waist, "Please give us four kilos." He presented sixty gold coins to the stall owner after counting them. "And please, do hurry up. You're stalling the line." He nudged his head, making the stall owner's eyes go wide when he saw the line that had built up behind them.

"R-right away, sir!" He hurriedly turned around, bagging four kilos of grilled Honeytooth Bear meat and handing it to Marvin. "Thank you for your patronage, sir." He bowed his head slightly and Marvin nodded. The Mage pushed five extra gold coins to the stall owner before bidding him goodbye, but not without a small parting advice.

"For your attitude." He said, making Kai break out a smile.

Leading Kai away from all the hustle and bustle, Marvin took him back to the castle. Instead of heading in, he instead lead him around it, taking him to an expansive garden. Vibrant colors and lush greenery greeted Kai's sight. A cool breeze drifted through the garden, rustling the leaves on branches, and making said branches bend and squeak.

There were benches spread around the garden, meant for people to sit on and admire the view. Marvin and Kai sat on one such bench, a small, round, wooden table set before them. Marvin pulled out a tray from the storage ring around his finger, setting the grilled meat on it.

"Let's enjoy ourselves, eh?" He smiled at Kai, who nodded back happily, completely captivated by the aroma that rose from the meat. He had only eaten the meat of normal Mortal class animals before, this was his first time eating something so exotic, so he was eager.

Knives, forks, plates, and cups appeared o the table one after the other. A jug containing some exotic drink popped out of nowhere, and poured its contents into the cups that were set out before the duo.

Eyes sparkling, Kai happily dug into the meal.