Chapter Forty Two

"For the duration of your training, and after, you shall refer to me as you Master." Marvin adopted a serious expression as he faced Kai. The two of them stood opposite each other.

"Yes, Master."

"Good. Now, keep in mind, the flow of time in this place will be several times faster than in reality and we can use that to make more progress in your training here than if we were to train you in reality." The older man took on a tone that differed completely from the friendly man who bought an expensive meal for Kai just an hour ago. "First of all, we're going to train you Mana circuits. The stronger and more refined they are, the greater your spell casting speed. With a faster casting speed, you will be able to do much much more on the battlefield."

"Come," Marvin sat cross legged on the 'ocean', and made a gesture for Kai to do the same. Kai understood his intention and immediately sat cross legged in front on Marvin.

"We will now proceed with the first phase of your training." Marvin said, his voice smoothing over Kai's ears. "During this time, I will only use Telepathy to communicate with you to prevent breaking your concentration... Now, focus. Focus to feel the flow of energy in you body. The moment you can feel it, you would have begun the first step."

Kai closed his eyes and focused his attention on his body. With the still silence that reigned throughout the Time Vault, it wasn't hard for him to focus his mind to a remarkable degree. It didn't take long before he could hear the beating of his own heart. The thumping sound resounded through his ears.

"Do not lose yourself and let you mind wander. Focus and comprehend the flow of energy that is running through you. Losing yourself will have adverse effects on your mind, soul, and body." Marvin's voice spoke in his mind, drawing him out of the hazy mist that had begun to cover his mind. "Understand your own body, your body is the vessel that houses your energy. Only when you understand it will you be truly able to feel the energy that runs through you."

Kai followed Marvin's instructions to the best of his abilities, but he wasn't able to feel anything.

Marvin looked at the young man before him with a knowing gaze. He had also undergone this training and fully understood what he was going through. No matter how simple it sounded, it was actually quite difficult to center your mind to such a degree.

Time ticked by, and a week slowly passed, in the Sacred Time Vault, yet time had barely passed in the real world.

Kai still sat in the same position as before, having not moved an inch in the past seven days. A frown was etched deeply onto his face as he tried to feel for the tiniest bit of energy in his body, but failed each time.

"Stop. This isn't working." Marvin broke the silence that had settled over them for the past seven days. Kai winced, disappointed in his lack of progress.

"...What do you suggest?" He tentatively asked.

"There is a way for me to stimulate your senses, but keep in mind that this method is extremely exhausting and potentially dangerous."

"I'm willing to try it out as long as it can make me have a breakthrough." Kai carried a resolute gaze as he spoke. Marvin smiled and nodded.

He stretched out his hand, extending a single finger, which tapped on Kai's temple. A ripple spread out with Kai as it center.

"Ah-!" Kai grunted as he felt an eruption of energy within him. The energy followed certain patterns in his body, running through him and marking those pathways.

When the energy had run its course, Kai's body was left a sensitive mess, his breathing ragged, and his senses heightened.

"You can focus on those pathways that I've marked out. Feel for your own energy, and master it." Marvin returned to his former position, allowing the silence to return.

Kai concentrated and continued trying to feel for the energy in his body. This continued for several minutes until he felt a faint tingle at the tip of his fingers. Just as he was about to grasp the feeling, it vanished, leaving him stumped.

Although Kai was disappointed, Marvin sported a small smile on his face. Kai had taken the first step. He let Kai continue for an hour more before stopping him.

"Let's take a break first." Marvin said as he waved his hand. A tray of food appeared before Kai, containing various simple foods. A loaf of bread and some sort of strange drink in a cup. "Eat this, it will help you regain your lost energy and rejuvenate your body." Kai quickly ate the meal, feeling his energy returning and his tiredness fading away.

"Master, how long did it take you to control your energy like this?" Kai inquired.

"Two days." Marvin answered plainly.

"W-what? Two days..." A sense of depression settled in Kai's chest. He had been going at this for a week already, but his Master had done this in just two days. He finally realized why Kasuyi had allowed Marvin to teach him.

"Don't feel down," When Marvin saw Kai's expression, he decided to try and cheer him up. "The only reason why I was able to make such progress that fast was because of the fact that I was born as a genius. I managed to climb up to my height in just a century. Even Kasuyi had to respect me because of that." Marvin had a pleased look on his face. "If you truly put you back into it, then I believe you can surprise Kasuyi as well."

"I'll try, Master... Please, let's try that method again... I think I felt something." Kai set aside the tray and crossed his legs again. Marvin nodded, warping the tray away and stretching out his hand again.

A moment later, Kai's labored breathing was echoing through the empty space once again.