Chapter Forty Four

Main planet of the Imperial Army - Pangona.

Torb City.

Torb City, the industrial center, and home of the Imperial Army. Every major action that the Army took was first decided by the highest level of individuals within the Army from this city. This city was also the place where Kasuyi's top three former apprentices were currently located.

"What did you say?!" A deep voice bellowed out, followed by an intense burst of extremely volatile magical energy.

"Calm down, Malaki. We already had our suspicions. Our former teacher has returned, and there is little we can do about that. What we can do is to find a way to kill him. For good this time." Another deep male voice spoke up. Two intense gazes bore into each other as the two extremely powerful mages stared at each other.

"Malaki, Zanuck." A far more leveled calmly speaks up. Just the mention of their names shuts the other two Mages up, their faces contorting in irritation, but still shutting them up.

"Yes, our former teacher is alive, but even then, he shouldn't be up to full strength. Resurrection is something completely absurd. One of the Divine Spells that is still out of our reach. It is surely not without its own drawbacks. We can at least assume that our teacher is severely weakened." The strongest of the three, Beyoni, spoke slowly.

"Beyoni is right, we should take this opportunity to strike while he is still weak." Zanuck said.

"Mmm, yes, you're right." The most temperamental of them all, Malaki, reluctantly agreed. Out of the three of them, he was the weakest, but also the most liable to lose his temper and do something stupid.

Just as Beyoni opened his mouth to speak, an urgent flurry of knocks echoed against the door to the enclosed meeting space. A frown crept over the three's faces as they withheld their words.


Immediately, the door burst open, a knight with beautifully crafted armor stepping into the room. The armor was a blinding sheen of white, with golden trims lining the contours in a decorative manner.

"Your Lordships." The knight bowed deeply from the waist. "I apologize for the interruptions, but urgent news has just come in... Fort Wildermont has been attacked."


In a flash of brilliant light, Kasuyi appeared, looking as majestic and powerful as ever. He had a powerful and mysterious aura around him, and anyone who tried to peer at him would only be blinded by the conflicting auras around him. This was the power of Chaos.

He was currently situated at the top of a mountain that was located at the back of a massive black fortress. The fortress was placed behind massive, thick, stone walls that faced the expansive dark forest before it. This fortress was specifically built to hold back the waves of monsters that occasionally fled from the forest to attack the nearby villages.

"This should be the best place to cause a bit of havoc for the Imperial Army. I'm sure my three disciples would surely appreciate the gift." Kasuyi smiled savagely as he let his energy run wild. He lifted up his staff, letting the stray magical energy present in the surrounding air gather at its tip.

Next, he added e bit of elemental flavoring to the plain magical energy.


And after that, he spiced it up with a bit of Chaos energy. The reddish-orange ball of fire that had manifested above his staff slowly gained a purple tint to it as it expanded in size. In just a few moments, it had already expanded to the size of a small cabin.

"This should be enough for an opening." Kasuyi grinned before launching the incredibly potent ball of flaming destruction at the fortress.

By this time, the sentries on duty had noticed the giant ball of flames that was heading their way. Loud rings of warning bells erupted from the fortress a moment before the fireball struck it. The spell met with a transparent magical barrier that prevented it from slamming into the fortress, dispersing after inflicting some damage to the shield. Behind the shield, mages were already setting up more defenses. Walls of earth, water, and many other kinds took form behind the barrier.

Kasuyi noted all this with a small frown on his face.

"This won't do." He shook his head calmly before charging up another Chaos infused fireball. This time, it contained much more volatile energy than before.

The new fireball slammed right into the spot where the previous one landed. With an ear piercing sound, the barrier exploded into shards of light, giving way under the immense power of the spell.

With another deafening boom, the makeshift barriers that were hastily set up by the mages of the fortress were obliterated into nothing! Kasuyi laughed madly, coming across as a mentally disturbed person.


Rajaa snapped at the old mage, nipping his neck, and bringing him out of his spiral into madness.

"Ah, thank you, Rajaa. I guess I was starting to lose it, eh?" He rubbed the pup's head. "After all, I've looked forward to having my revenge for quite a long time now."


"Yeah, you're probably right. If I act like a maniac, I would probably be painted as the villain, but even if I don't the Imperial Army will still find a way to make me look evil. They have done it once, they can probably do it again." Kasuyi's smile disappeared as he spoke, making way for a disgusted scowl.

"Today will be the beginning of my revenge. The Army shall taste my anger, and my three disciples, oh, how I wish you wait for me to recover to my peak. I promise you, it will regret the day you stabbed me in the back!"

With his declaration, Kasuyi finally put his mind to the possible battle that he would be facing. After all, he might know an impossible amount of spells, but his body was not yet fully recovered at this moment. Perhaps if he was to face multiple Lord Class mages at a time, they may be able to pressure him, but anything less would just be child's play for him.