Chapter Sixty One

"I'm going out." Kasuyi announced to his company as he downed a bottle of rum. He slammed the bottle down on the wooden bar and let out a loud burp.

"Out to where?" A blonde man with green eyes asked him. From the sides of his head, two pointed ears peeked out of the cover of his long, blond hair. He went by the name, Boyd.

"Out to see the world, of course! We've been stuck here in this world for so long. I'm tired of hunting mountain panthers, and forest bears! We need to step out there and challenge whatever Fate throws at us!" He waved his hand in the air, drawing the attention of the rest of his party.

"I agree with Kasuyi. We could do much more, earn much more, and make a name for ourselves out there. We just need to take that step." A hulking brute of a man spoke from the other side of the bar while shrugging his shoulders. By his side, a large tower shield leaned against the side of the counter.