Chapter Seventy Two

"No way..." Boyd couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at the brightly glowing Philosopher's Stone. The octagonal gem spun above Kasuyi's palm for a few more moments before he retracted it into his spatial ring.


"I told you, it's complicated, I don't even understand half of it, but with time, I'm sure I can decipher all the secrets around this stuff." Kasuyi finally stood up with his arms around Nedra. The small female had finally regained her composure, only slightly sniffling. "The only thing I'm sure of right now, is that I know how to get us out of here."

"You do?" Titus perked up. Kasuyi nodded before turning back to the room where the tubes resided.

"The exit is through there." He said, making everyone visibly tense.

"But... what about that thing?" Nedra asked, her hand already tightening its grip on Kasuyi's shirt.

"It's fine. It's dead now."